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cal ['kæl] s
cienc., tec. kalorie
 Inglés tesauro
cal abbr.
abrev. calorie; calculation; calendar; caliber; calibration; Calibre
abrev., econ. calculated; small calorie; small calories
abrev., mil. caliber CAL
cartogr. calcareous
IT calculate
petr. calcarenite; calcite; caliche; caliper survey; calorie
cal. abbr.
abrev. caliber; calibrate
abrev., carg. calendered
abrev., cienc. calcareous; calorie
petr. gram-calorie
μcal abbr.
abrev., cienc. microcalories
CAL abbr.
abrev. California; Cad Abstraction Layer; Cal Always Loses; Casual Astronomy League; Centrum Arts League; chemical analytical laboratory (eternalduck); Citizens Action League; Computer Aided Logistics; Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory; Cotton Area Lagged
abrev., armas. central accumulator laboratory; Central CW Destruction Analytical Laboratory; chemical assessment laboratory
abrev., automóv. calibrating; collision avoidance light; computer aided lighting; cancel; Computer-Aided Lighting
abrev., avia. cockpit amplifier loudspeaker (Interex); cockpit audio loudspeaker (Interex); calibrated (calibration); comparator autoland; comparator aileron; continental air lines, Inc.
abrev., biot. cells at the limit of in vitro age (клетки, культивируемые до предельного возраста in vitro Wakeful dormouse)
abrev., burs. Continental Airlines, Inc.
abrev., contr. calibrate
abrev., dep. Coalition Of Affiliated Leagues; Cyberathelete Amateur League; Cyberathlete Amateur League
abrev., educ. Computer Aided Learning; Computer Assisted Learning; Creating A Leader
abrev., educ., cient. Center For Applied Linguistics; Chinese Academic Link; Computer Assisted Listening
abrev., electr. CEBus application layer; column address latch; configurable array logic; configuration articles list
abrev., escoc. Canadian Arsenals Limited; Carbine Automatique Legere (Assault rifle (Belgium))
abrev., extens. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support file Bitmap graphics Black & White; Spreadsheet format (SuperCalc Vosoni); Windows 3.x Calendar file; Spreadsheet (SuperCalc)
abrev., fant. Chaos And Light
abrev., fisiol., med. Chronic Airway Limitation
abrev., fís., cient. Controlled Axial Lifetime
abrev., IT Cakewalk Application Language; Cray Assembly Language; Customer Access Line; Spreadsheet; computer-aided learning; computer-augmented learning; conversational algebraic language
abrev., jur. Confusion And Light
abrev., marc. Chase Active Learning
abrev., metal. coil annealing line
abrev., mil. Center for Army Leadership; Common Application Language; critical asset list
abrev., odont. clinical attachment level (MichaelBurov); periodontal attachment level (MichaelBurov)
abrev., perf. 4 arm caliper (MichaelBurov); FCAL (MichaelBurov); four arm caliper (MichaelBurov); four-arm caliper logging tool (MichaelBurov); oriented 4 arm caliper (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. caliper log; computer analyzed log
abrev., red d., IT Can Application Layer; Client Access License
abrev., sajal. caliper
abrev., textil computer aided layout
abrev., áfric. Center for Applied Linguistics
mil. calculated average life; command authorization list; computer-assisted learning; confined area landing
petr. calibration mode
tec. calibrated; confirmatory action letter; continuous annealing line; corrective action letter
Cal. abbr.
abrev. kilogram-calorie; California Reports; calendar; calomel; kilogramme-calorie
abrev., cienc. California; large calorie
ingen. kilogram calorie
lat. Calendae ("calends")
Cal abbr.
abrev. California
abrev., cienc. calderite
abrev., econ. large calories
abrev., med. large calorie; calomel
abrev., petr. caliper log (MichaelBurov)
geol. Calabrian (MichaelBurov)
tec. kilocalorie
CaL abbr.
abrev., cienc. caliper logging
Cal OSHA abbr.
abrev., salud. California Department of Industrial Relations (SAKHstasia)
CAL abbr.
abrev. Canadian Arsenals, Ltd.; Capital Airlines
abrev., cienc. Central Analytic Laboratory (NADP); concentrated acid leaching
abrev., espac. Canadian Astronautics; Canadian astronautics Ltd.
abrev., petról. caliper analysis; casing anomaly locator; circumferential acoustilog; common assembly language; computer analyzed logs; continuous attenuation log; correlation caliper; differential caliper
abrev., quím. α-chloroacrolein
CALER abbr.
abrev., negoc. calibration
: 2 a las frases, 1 temas