
   Inglés Alemán
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NAV | mode
gen. Art; Betrieb; Betriebsart; Modus; Verfahren; Modalwert
negoc. Art und Weise
tec. Weise
| take
gen. man nehme
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adjetivo | abreviatura | a las frases
 Inglés tesauro
NAV abbr.
abrev. Navajo; Net Asset Value; navigate; Navigational
abrev., automóv. navigation system; not available
abrev., avia. radio navigation aids
abrev., banc. net asset value per share (raf)
abrev., burs. Navistar International Corporation
abrev., cient. North America Vertical
abrev., defens. navigation message
abrev., electr. navigation (al); net added value; Norton anti-virus
abrev., fin. net asset value (Alexander Matytsin)
abrev., intel. Network Allocation Vector
abrev., mil. Naval; Navigation; Navy
abrev., mil., avia. nano air vehicle
abrev., sajal. Safety of Navigation Subcommittee
abrev., sist., IT Norton Anti Virus
invers., abrev. net asset value
nav. abbr.
abrev. navigator; naval; navigational
abrev., cienc. navigation
nav abbr.
abrev. naval
abrev., mil. navigator NAV
abrev., petról. navigational
avia. navigator (MichaelBurov)
Nav abbr.
abrev., subm. navigator (штурман Val_Ships)
NaV abbr.
abrev. nausea and vomiting
Nav. adj.
segur. Navigable
NAV abbr.
abrev., fisiol. Nerve Action Potential (iwona)
abrev., negoc. navigator
abrev., petról. navigable; net annual value
abrev., textil net assets value
NAV mode take
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas