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appropriate technology [ə'prəuprɪɪttek'nɔləʤɪ]
ambient. technologies appropriées
cuid. technologie adaptée aux P.V.D.; technologie intermédiaire
polít. technologie appropriée (choice of technology, choix de technologie)
appropriate technology techology transfer; 1. A flexible and participatory approach to developing economically viable, regionally applicable and sustainable technology. 2. Technology designed to be used in developing countries. Typical requirements are that it should: be easy to use by the unskilled; have no difficult-to-get parts; be easily repaired on the spot. Typical example: a simple windmill to pump water rather than a diesel-driven pump. The terms `alternative', `intermediate' and `appropriate' are often used interchangeably [ə'prəuprɪɪttek'nɔləʤɪ]
ambient. technologie appropriée
appropriate technology choice of technology [ə'prəuprɪɪttek'nɔləʤɪ]
polít. technologie appropriée (choix de technologie)
appropriate technology
: 9 a las frases, 6 temas
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Investigación y desarrollo1
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