
   Danés Inglés
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gen. concomitant Decision
ambient. ruling; ruling
antic. polít. jur. sui generis decision
estad. determination
jur. aduan. decision
jur. mark. amicable composition; arrangement
| om
micr. about; About
| procesfristers
polít. jur. time-limit for taking steps in proceedings
forl ngelse | under
gen. as part of
hensyn til | afstanden
mat. distance
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a las frases
afgørelse s
gen. concomitant Decision
ambient. ruling; ruling A judicial or administrative interpretation of a provision of a statute, order, regulation, or ordinance. May also refer to judicial determination of admissibility of evidence, allowance of motion, etc.
antic., polít., jur. sui generis decision
estad. determination
jur., aduan. decision
jur., mark. amicable composition; arrangement
afgørelser s
ambient. acts
afgorelse om procesfristers
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas