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M [em] s
fisiol. 受体
gest. (mega); 货币供应量财经中分为 MO, Ml, M2, M3
m [em] s
centr. 英里 (mile)
electrón. (metre)
ms [mɪz] s
gest. 毫秒 (millisecond)
M [em] abbr.
automóv. 临时用备胎aT,,type spare tire; 表示此类轮胎最高允许车速为130knVh (侧壁上速度标记,如T205/75 R15, 84M 中字母 M)
econ. 英语的第十三个字母
metal. 形料面。料线低于碰撞点时; 由于炉料先撞击炉墙; 反弹后落在炉内的料面上; 随着料线的降低; 堆尖也逐步远离炉墙; 炉内同样会形成 M 形料面。; 【钢】钢锭模
plást. ; 百万
m [em] abbr.
gen. M 形; 罗马数字的千
arquit. (长度单位)
M.= V. wool Montevideo wool abbr.
textil 蒙特维迪奥美利奴短羊毛
 Inglés tesauro
M [em] abbr.
abrev., fotogr. manual override
M. abbr.
abrev., petról. meridian; module
m. abbr.
abrev., econ. money
abrev., petról. measurement; meridional
ms. abbr.
abrev. manuscriptum
M [em] abbr.
abrev. Making; Man; Management; Mark; Marketing; May; Message; Michael; Million; Minutes; Modern; Monday; Months; Mach; Mach number; Machine; Magic; magnetic; Magnetron; Maiden; Malaysia; Managing; Mandatory; Maneuver; Maniacal; Manic; Manifold; Manservant; March; Marquess; Marquis; Mars; Master; Mathematics; Matthew; Mature; Maturity (кредитование Leonid Dzhepko); Maxim; Maximum; Mechanized; medical; Mediocre; Mega - (metric 10^6); Megawatt; member; meteorological; meteorologist; meter; Meters; meters; metres; metropolitan; Michigan; Milan; mile; Mille; Miniatures; minus; Mira; Misery; mist; moisture; moisture in steam sample; Molecular; moment; Monocytes; Monon Railroad; Monsieur; month; moon; morning; Moronic; Moslem; Motherfucker; Motivation; motorway; Murder; Murderer; Mutual; nucleus mass; mix; Mega- metric 10^6; macadam road; Malta; megohm; metallic; metallurgical; meterological; mine-sweeper; mining; moment (of force); monovalent, metal; Monthly Report; Technical Memorandum; thousand (mille); metaphase
abrev., agric. mean; micrococcus; mycoplasm
abrev., agroq. meridian; meteorology; moraine; mountain
abrev., astr. Messier catalog (Vosoni)
abrev., automóv. manual mode; manual transmission; medium mode; meter/ metre; motor octane (number)
abrev., avia. marker; marker beacon; pitching moment; maneuvering speed; metres; miles; misleading; mockup
abrev., biol. heat; height; membrane; methionine; miscellaneous; mucoid; muscular
abrev., canad. militia
abrev., carr. Mosaic
abrev., cartogr. Manitoba; market; meteorological radio station
abrev., cienc. mountainous; intensity of magnetization; magnaflux; magnet; magnetic dipole moment; magnetism; mammoth; maps; martin; massive; mass number; Matsuyama; melanite; mercury; mesosiderite; metabolite; metallurgy; metasomatites; micro-; microcline; middlings; migmatite; ,m mile; Mindel; minitrack; Moho; mollusks; moment of couple; moment of force; monoclinic; monovalent metal; monzonite; mordenite; Moscow
abrev., cient. Music
abrev., com. mail; Malaysian Dollar; mate; money supply
abrev., comp., IT Memory
abrev., constr. macadam
abrev., contr. maintenance ratio; Markov (ian)
abrev., educ., cient. Engineering
abrev., electr. mainframe; melamine; micron; mirror; modifier function bit; monitor; multiplexing; Massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogramming system; modem
abrev., escoc. mach (speed of sound); mega - (million); Mike (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 172.5 E-180 E (GMT -12)
abrev., extens. Macro module (Brief); Maple Common binary file; Matlab M-file Function and commands; Miranda programming language Script file; Objective-C language source code file (gcc)
abrev., fin. supply of money
abrev., fisiol. Male; Molar; Muscle
abrev., fís. luminous emittance
abrev., fís., cient. Mass; Multiple
abrev., ingen. m; graduated in metric (system)
abrev., logíst. minimum rate
abrev., marc. Microsoft
abrev., mat., cient. Method
abrev., med. Blood Factor In The MNS Blood Group System; Multiple Tumors; master; medicine; molar; thousand; muscle; mega; midnight (Vosoni); monoclonal (Vosoni); male; married; meg; moles (per liter); morgan; myopic; myopia; r molecular weight ratio; maceratio; Medical Service; medullary; mesophragm; mesor; metastases; mitosis; mitral; moisture loss; molar solution; Moraxella; mucoid colony; multiprogrammable; Musca; muscularity; Mycobacteria; map unit
abrev., med., lat. marg о; misce; modus
abrev., med., notac. mutual inductance (henry); amount of substance (mole); newton•meter; radiant existance (watts per square meter); radiation; thioinosine
abrev., medios. Media; Multimedia
abrev., metal. malleable
abrev., mil. Mission; Model; Mega (million); mobility (Киселев)
abrev., negoc. mail; major; manager; manifest; marine; melting; metric; midday; middling; minimum charge; ministry; monthly; mortgage; mould; mold; municipal
abrev., náut. mortar
abrev., oncol. Meter
abrev., pesc. natural mortality coefficient
abrev., petr. mln (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. & FP maximum and final pressure; a M-N crossplot parameter; magnetization; magnitude; marginal allowable; metacenter; mobility ratio; molal; mudstone; slope of interval transit time vs density; Mach speed; magnetic flux; magnetite; marble; martensite; massif; matrix; maximal; median; medieval; megaohm; mesh; metasediment; mica; middle; middle formation; middlings; milliard; minor; Miocene; Mississippian; modified; moist; mollusca; montmorillonite; mudflats; muscovite; mylar
abrev., polím. mechanical; mega; modulus; mol; molality; molarity; molecular weight; monovalent
abrev., progr., IT Mobile
abrev., quím. electropositive radical; molar concentration (molarity); molecular weighty; mustard gas
abrev., radio coefficient of modulation
abrev., sajal. magnitude (earthquake measured on Richter scale); US dollars million
abrev., sumin. M Infiltration Index phi
abrev., tec. minimum acceptable reliability
abrev., telecom. modem
abrev., valor. One Thousand
abrev., ópt. magnification
electr. 106; 220
electroq. mole
ferroc., abrev. mail (postal)
industr., abrev. maxwell; modulus; moisture in steam sample; molarity; molecular weight; month; nucleus mass
ingen., abrev. meter; moisture; moment
meteorol., abrev. memorandum; message; messenger; meteorological; meteorologist; metres; meters; midnight; mile; minus; mist; moderate; moon; morning
mil. munition; magazine; maintainability; maintenance; map; mark; marshal; mask; material; materiel; measure; mechanic; mechanism; memorandum; memory; message; messenger; microfilm; microphone; mil; military; mine; minesweeper; missing; mobile; mobilization; model; module; motor; mounted; movement; mustard
mil., agroq. meteorology
mil., avia. marker
tec. bending moment; intensity of magnetic polarization; magnetic moment; magnetic quantum number; make; maxwell; megabyte; mesa; mesomeric effect; metering; micro; moderate; modulation; modulation factor; modulator; molar concentration; molecular magnetic rotary power; molecular rotary power; mother; mother spacecraft; multiplexer; nautical mile; order of spectrum; slope of equilibrium curve
tec., agroq. moraine; mountain
tec., avia. marker beacon
transp. minimum (rate classification)
M. abbr.
abrev. Mary; moisture content; monthly (Vosoni); magnaflux; male; manual; mask; metacentre; metre (meter); middle; mile; month; Mg. medium machin gun
abrev., carg. main; master; member; mounted; music
abrev., cienc. Manitoba; market; megaohm; metacenter; micro-; ,m mile; mode; model
abrev., com. memorandum; motor
abrev., econ. monsieur
abrev., fís. magnetic dipole moment
abrev., gr., cienc. mega-
abrev., lat. Marcus ("Mark", a common Roman forename); Maria ("Mary"); Martyr; Memoria ("memory"); Monumentum ("monument")
abrev., metal. wt. molecular weight
abrev., minería megohm
abrev., tec. May
abrev., textil middling
jur. magistrate; manslaughter; manuscript
M/ abbr.
abrev., cienc. micro-
abrev., petról. chargeability; middle; mutual inductance
abrev. megaohm
abrev., electr. megohm
M3 [em] abbr.
abrev. Cubic Meter
abrev. macrophage
M.% abbr.
abrev., cienc. molar percent
Mα [em] abbr.
abrev., fís. molecular rotary power
M % [em] abbr.
abrev., med. mole percent
M% abbr.
quím. mole per cent
M2 [em] abbr.
abrev. Square Meter
M- abbr.
abrev. maxwell
ΔM abbr.
abrev., electr. delta modulation
M Ω [em] abbr.
abrev., electr. megaohm
Mω [em] abbr.
abrev., fís. molecular magnetic rotary power
abrev., genét. macrophage
M'. abbr.
abrev., lat. Manius (a common Roman forename)
μM abbr.
abrev., med. micromole
.M abbr.
IT text/plain
m [em] abbr.
abrev. meridional; angular momentum; maritime air mass; quantity of magnetism; main; maintenance check; manpower; manual; manual control; married; masculine; mass flow rate; mega-; Member; member of council; merchant vessel; metal; metal case; metre; millimeter; million; mineral matter; minimal; minimum; minute; minutes charged; missile; mist; mistake; mix; mixed; mode; moisture content; month; moon; morning; mouth; subsea; mean of population; gene flow
abrev., cienc. body-wave magnitude; major element; marine accumulation; mesostasis; Poisson's number
abrev., electr. milli-; mass of an electron
abrev., fís. electromagnetic moment; mass of electron; Poisson's ratio
abrev., genét. minute plaque
abrev., med. male; meter; minim; mole; meta; muscle; milliminim; malignant; mass of an atom or nuclidic mass (unified atomic mass units); melts at; melting at; metopion; metronome; minims; misty; absolute molecular mass; μC millimicrocurie; nanocurie
abrev., med., notac. standard error
abrev., petról. mast; medium; AM milliammeter
abrev., quím. meta-
abrev., telecom. milli
agric. measurement; milk; mill
cartogr. macadam (road); mud
econ. marginal cost; money
espectr. multiplet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "м" (мультиплет) Min$draV)
farm. mixture
fís. megacycle
med. murmur (Vosoni)
petr. apparent cementation factor; cementation exponent; fuel; fuel consumption; mile; milli -; milliard/billion; slope
radio metres (Leonid Dzhepko)
sajal. milli (metric prefix meaning 1 x 1/1,000)
segur. Mile (s)
tec. malfunction
ópt. electron rest mass
m. abbr.
abrev. magnet; magnetic; marked; message; milli-; mine; minim; mistake; moderate; mouth; material and labour; metric graduated; molality
abrev., carg. map; micro; modern
abrev., cienc. mark; maxwell; mean; measure; melting; mud
abrev., econ. market value
minería mesh; minor; mother liquor
polím. machined; mass; medium; melts at; meta; metric; minimal; minute; molar
textil metre
μm abbr.
abrev. micron
abrev., cienc. micrometers
abrev., electr. micrometer
sajal. micrometer (1 x 10-6 m); micron (unit of length equal to 1/1,000,000 m or 1/1,000 mm)
abrev. millimicro-
m- abbr.
abrev., cienc. meta-
abrev., cienc. millimicron
m- abbr.
abrev., med. meta
abrev., med. milligamma; nanogram
abrev., med. millimicrometer
m- abbr.
abrev., quím. meso-
θm abbr.
abrev. melting point
μμm abbr.
abrev. micro-micrometre
: 1411 a las frases, 103 temas
Biología reproductiva7
Cargo de bibliotecario2
Centrales hidroeléctricas10
Ciencia del desierto5
Ciencias de la tierra10
Ciencias de la vida3
Construcción de puentes4
Construcción naval11
Cosmética y cosmetología.2
Defensa aérea15
Deporte de tiro57
El comercio internacional11
Eliminación de explosivos y artefactos explosivos4
Energía eólica1
Estados unidos1
Física nuclear7
Fondo monetario internacional1
Fútbol americano2
Fútbol rugby2
Genética molecular1
Gestión de proyectos7
Gobierno corporativo2
Hockey sobre hielo1
Industria de pulpa y papel2
Industria textil19
Inteligencia artificial6
Juego de cartas1
La cría de animales7
Maquinaria electrica9
Naciones unidas6
Nombre de empresa1
Nombre de la organización1
Oceanografía y oceanología4
Procesamiento de madera3
Recursos hídricos28
Red de computadoras1
Tecnología de la información9
Término militar2