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el [el] s
gen. 英语字母 L; 美语高架铁路
El [el] abbr.
electrón. 绝缘 (external insulation)
tec. 曝光指数 (exposure index)
EL [el] abbr.
intel. EL 专家系统用于分析电阻、二极管和晶体管电路的稳定状态
el [el] abbr.
tec. 侧房; 肘形弯管
 Inglés tesauro
EL [el] abbr.
abrev., ambient. emission limit (igisheva)
abrev., toxic. endotoxin limit (iwona)
El [el] abbr.
abrev., cienc. electrum
abrev., negoc. electronic industry; engine instrument; engineering installation; engineering instruction; equipment incomplete; export and import
El. abbr.
abrev. electronics
El [el] abbr.
abrev. elevation angle; Eastern Interconnection; electronic interface; equip and install
abrev., med. electron ionization
abrev., tec. enable interrupt; external insulation
abrev., textil electric iron
estados. Elevated Railroad
polít. Ireland
El. abbr.
lat. Electio ("election"); Electus ("elect")
EL [el] abbr.
abrev. Earnest Living; Economy Leader; Educational Librarian; ElectroMotive; Entry Level; Greek; each layer; East Longitude; Electro Luminescent (display); ElectroLuminescent (as in display); Elettronucleare Italiana; Environmental Law; eye lens; East Lancashire; electrical; electro-luminescence; even lots; east longitude
abrev., apar. exposure limits
abrev., automóv. electromagnetic lock; extra light fuel oil
abrev., avia. ejector lift; engineering liaison; empty-load; error level; elevator; engine logbook; engineering labs; extra large
abrev., banc. Expected Loss (belief)
abrev., burs. Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.
abrev., cartogr. East Lothian
abrev., cienc. electrical logging; empirical line; energy limited; energy line; energy loss; environmental labeling; Environmental Laboratory; equilibrium level; equilibrium line; evapotranspirative loss; exploration license; extreme lows
abrev., comun. Element Layer
abrev., dep. Epworth League; Eastern League
abrev., educ. English Learner
abrev., educ., cient. Education Level; Exceptional Learner
abrev., el c. export license
abrev., electr. energy loss; electrical latching; electron beam lithography (system); electronic learning; electron-trap label; enhancement layer; enhancement logic; environment label; error loop; ethyl lactate; event logger; exchange line; excimer laser; exposure latitude; exposure limit; external link
abrev., electr., cient. Experience level
abrev., escoc. Civil aircraft marking (Liberia); Electro-Luminescent; Emitter locator
abrev., espac. endurance limit; extraterrestrial life
abrev., extens. Electroluminescent (display); Erase Line
abrev., ferroc. Consolidated Rail Corporation
abrev., fisiol., med. Elevated Liver
abrev., ingen. electrical laboratory; electrical latching relay
abrev., intern. External Links
abrev., IT Entity List; Extreme Linux
abrev., med. Early Latent; Electroluminescence; Erythroleukemia; Exercise Limit; External Lamina
abrev., meteorol. enter looper
abrev., mil. Elevation
abrev., negoc. elect; electric light; electric locomotive; elevated railway; employer's liability
abrev., nombr. Exploration Log, Ltd.
abrev., petról. economic limit (of production); electric log; east line; echo loss; elastic impedance; electrical logging; electrolog; entrance lock; entry lock; error log; exhaus lost; export licence; extensible language; polyoxyethylene castor oil
abrev., polím. elastic limit
abrev., progr., IT Emacs Lisp
abrev., quím., cient. Equal Level
abrev., red d., IT Enhanced Latency; External Linkages
abrev., refr. equivalent length
abrev., salud. effective loading (Dimohod)
abrev., sist., IT Encryption Licensing
abrev., textil elbow line
abrev., valor. even lot
abrev., zool. ejaculation latency (Min$draV)
abrev., ópt. electroluminescent
fisiol., med. Elbow
industr. environmental limitations; even load; exclusive license; exhaust loss
mil. education level; electronics laboratory; engineering laboratory; engineering level; equipment list; erector-launcher; expected life; explosive limit
segur. employers' liability
tec. electrician; electricity; electroluminescent display; electronic laboratory; etched layer; etched lead
el [el] abbr.
abrev. educational level; elected; electric; electronic; electronics; element; elementary; elevation; elastic scattering
abrev., cienc. eluvial
abrev., med. elongation
abrev., petról. elastic
el. abbr.
abrev. elastic; elected; electrical
abrev., carg. elementary
abrev., cienc. element; elevation
polím. electric; electron; elongation
EL. abbr.
abrev. electrician
abrev., tec. elastic limit
: 139 a las frases, 31 temas
Ciencia del desierto53
Ciencias de la tierra4
Construcción de puentes1
Construcción naval1
Industria textil2
Naciones unidas4
Nombre de empresa1
Nombre de la organización5
Oceanografía y oceanología3
Red de computadoras1