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gen. leading; foremost; front; advanced; forward; headmost
| артиллерийское наблюдение
 артиллерийское наблюдение
mil. artillery observation
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передовой adj.stresses
gen. leading; foremost; front; advanced (advanced ideas – передовые идеи); forward; headmost; new; front-rank; outasight; advance; innovative; liberal (о взглядах); ahead of the time; ahead of one's time; ahead of the times; ahead of one's times; with it; cutting-edge (Halipupu); up front; in vanguard (Dmitry); edgy (Innovative, or at the cutting edge, with the concomitant qualities of intensity and excitement – Collins; at the forefront of a trend; cutting-edge – Oxford segu); flagship (a flagship conservative paper ART Vancouver); sophisticated (Lenochkadpr); forward-minded (Notburga); front rank; head; breakthrough (Moscowtran); ground breaking (wedjat); editorial; leading article; progressive; lavish (andreon); industry-led (mphto); groundbreaking (Oksana S.); before one's time (ант. см. behind the time Taras); state of the art (напр. о технологии); state-of-the-art (напр. о технологии)
Игорь Миг promising; leapfrog; ground-breaking; trend-setting; top-of-the-line
adv. avant-garde (Alex_Odeychuk)
amer., slang outasite
auto. fore
el. up to the minute
fin. up-to-date
geol. heading face; heading; foredeep
geophys. leading-edge
Gruzovik, obs. courier
IT front-line
Makarov. far-out; foreset (о слое)
med. frontline (Studentus)
mil. vanward; forward-deployed (Andrey Truhachev)
mil., tech. pilot (о траншее, канале)
mining. advancing; front (о забое); pilot
navig. advanced
rhetor. emerging (Alex_Odeychuk)
tech. cutting-edge (Alex_Odeychuk)
передовая adj.
gen. strong-minded
media. leader (то же, что передовица; статья, помещаемая на первой полосе газеты и отражающая позицию издания; сущ.; лучше masthead Gruzovik)
передовые adj.
Gruzovik, mil. front lines
передовое артиллерийское
: 27 phrases in 4 subjects