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LL [-əll] abbr.
gen. 液性限界 (えきせい・げんかい) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
n LL | n [-əll] abbr.
gen. LL; ランゲージラボラトリー; ランゲージ・ラボラトリー
 English thesaurus
LL [-əll] abbr.
abbr. Large Lot; lowlife (joyand); limited liability; light lock; loft line
abbr., agric. liquid limit
abbr., AI. Local Likelihood
abbr., anim.husb. low-low plane (of nutrition)
abbr., astr. lower limb
abbr., auto. lower beam-left
abbr., avia. light line; latitude/longitude; leverage lease; life limit; logo light; land lines; landing light; landing length; lap length; latitude and longitude; life line; lines layout; loose leaf
abbr., BrE light lorry
abbr., busin. legal liability; lent line; lighterage limit; loadline
abbr., earth.sc. lacustrine lenses; last glacial loess; latitude-longitude; leaky low; log-logistic distribution
abbr., econ. Lebanese pound
abbr., ed. Language And Literacy
abbr., ed., scient. Letayuschaya Laboratoriya
abbr., el. Landau level; language laboratory; laser logic; Lincoln Laboratory; line layout; link layer; loadlock; local line; local linearization; local link; local lockout; local loop; local loopback; long live; long line; Luneberg lens
abbr., electr.eng. light load; lower line; load line
abbr., germ., auto. Leerlauf
abbr., inet. Ladies Love
abbr., IT Log Loop; line link; lamp lock; lower level
abbr., law Legum Of Laws
abbr., math., scient. Log Log
abbr., med. Left Lung; Lower eyelid; difference in millimeters between the diameter of a stented segment post-procedure compared with the follow-up angiogram (MichaelBurov); late loss (MichaelBurov); LLL (MichaelBurov); late lumen loss (MichaelBurov); lumen loss (MichaelBurov); lepromatous leprosy; lower lid
abbr., media. Lowercase Local
abbr., mil. low level; lessons learned; lower limit
abbr., mil., avia. land line
abbr., mil., WMD Lessons Learned
abbr., O&G lateral log; low linolenic fatty acid (kotechek)
abbr., O&G, sakh. long-lead items
abbr., oil laterolog; lithology logging; lacustrine lense; large letter; last level; left-lateral; life time log; liquid lubricant; liquid/liquid; lower left; lower Lias (sic)
abbr., physiol. Left Lateral
abbr., physiol., med. Left lateral; Left Lower
abbr., polym. Linear Low = Linear Low Density Polyethylene (Лонодонская биржа металлов Alexey Lebedev); liquid level
abbr., pow.el. low-low
abbr., refrig. liquid line
abbr., space low-level
abbr., tech. long life (makhno)
abbr., tel. Long Lines
abbr., tradem. Laudon And Laudon
abbr., UN, account. local level
law, abbr. laws
mil. Landline; launch and landing; limit load
mil., abbr. latent lethality; leased line; limiting level; live load; load limit; load list; loudness level
tech., abbr. lead/lag; leaf index; leakage loss; line lattice; linear law; longitude and latitude; low limit
ll [-əll] abbr.
abbr. leafs; lines
el. leadless (Сабу)
ll. abbr.
abbr. Lines (Vosoni)
abbr., tech. leaves
: 32 phrases in 6 subjects
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