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ed. commun. undertaking
environ. prescription
law statute of limitations; instruction; regulation
law engl. prescriptive right
law environ. engl. prescription
UN AIDS. drug regimen
UN sl., drug. prescribing
fin. tax. requirements
| uniformes
med. monotonous
| relatives a
 relatif à
law connected with
| l
tech. Length
| homologation des vehicules
 homologation des véhicules
transp. approval of vehicles
destines | au
geogr. Au
| transport
comp., MS Canada freight
| de
earth.sc. Dec
- only individual words found

to phrases
prescription f
gen. prescription (médicale)
chem. direction; instructions
construct. prescription (en science du droit)
ed., commun. undertaking
environ. prescription Acquisition of a personal right to use a way, water, light and air by reason of continuous usage. Prescription is a peremptory and perpetual bar to every species of action, real or personal, when creditor has been silent for a certain time without urging his claim
law statute of limitations; instruction; regulation; adverse possession
law, engl. prescriptive right
law, environ., engl. prescription
med. recipe (médicale)
met. specification
patents. order; provision; disposal; disposition; limitation; rule
pest.contr. requirement
sport. orders
UN, AIDS. drug regimen (médicale)
UN, sl., drug. prescribing
prescriptions f
fin., tax. requirements
patents. prescribed requirements
transp. requirements in UN-ECE Regulations
Prescriptions uniformes relatives a l'homologation des vehicules destines au transport de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject