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gen. asynchron; phasenverschoben
busin. IT nicht gleichlaufend
commun. Start-/Stopp-DEE
comp. taktunabhängig; nicht synchronisiert
comp., MS asynchron
el. nichtisochron
emerg.care asynchron
microel. ungetaktet
| transfer of control
 transfer of control
meas.inst. Programmsprung
- only individual words found

to phrases
asynchronous [eɪ'sɪŋkrənəs] adj.
gen. asynchron; phasenverschoben
busin., IT nicht gleichlaufend
commun. Start-/Stopp-DEE; ohne Taktbindung; unverkoppelt (clock)
comp. taktunabhängig; nicht synchronisiert
comp., MS asynchron (Pertaining to, being, or characteristic of something that is not dependent on timing. Each application or command runs in the specified order, but the specified item does not wait for any previously started processes to finish before an application or command runs)
el. nichtisochron in diesem Sinne abgelehnt
emerg.care asynchron
microel. ungetaktet
pwr.lines. anisochron
asynchronous transfer
: 15 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology1