
   Spanisch Englisch
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Ausbild. guideline
Math. magnitude
Tech. gage; gauge; pattern; policy; practice
Bank. regulations
dyal. policies
| y
Allg. and
| protocolos
Umwelt protocol
| analiticos
Ökol. analytic
toxicofarmacologicos | y
Allg. and
| clinicos
gesundh. clinic
| en
comp. at
| materia
Umwelt subject
| de
Allg. out of
| especialidades
Allg. specialty
- einzelne Wörter gefunden

Substantiv | Verb | zu Phrasen
norma f
Ausbild. guideline
Bank. rule
Med. normal value
Tech. gage; gauge; pattern; policy; practice
Verpack. standard specification
normas f
Bank. regulations
dyal. policies
Recht. guiding principles; rules (de libertad a prueba)
norma de un vector f
Math. magnitude of a vector
norma V.
Ausbild. regulation
Tech. norm
Umwelt norm An established standard, guide, or regulation. A principle or regulation set up by authority, prescribing or directing action or forbearance; as the rules of a legislative body, of a company, court, public office, of the law, of ethics; standard 1. Something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison. 2. An object regarded as the most common size or form of its kind. 3. A rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment. 4. An average or normal quality, quantity, or level
Wirtsch. standard
normas V.
Ausbild. policy
Recht. guidelines
normas y protocolos analiticos, toxicofarmacologicos y clinicos en materia de especialidades
: 1 Phrase in 1 Thematik
Pharmazeutik und Pharmakologie1