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припастись V.Betonungen
Gruzovik, veralt. stock up with; provide oneself with
umg. lay in; lay in store; lay up; prepare; store
veralt., umg. provide oneself (with); stock up (with)
припасть V.
Allg. get closer to; drop (on); press oneself (to); press oneself close to
Gruzovik press oneself to; go down; drop on; fall down before
Gruzovik, umg. appear suddenly; befall to; fall to
Gruzovik, veralt. be unwell; be sick
umg. be slightly lame; fall (to); have a slight limp; limp slightly (with на + acc., on)
veralt., umg. be sick; be unwell
припасти V.
Allg. prepare
Gruzovik lay in; lay up; store; lay in store
Игорь Миг have up one's sleeve
umg. lay in store; lay up; store (up); lay in a supply of
 Russisch Thesaurus
припасши V.
Allg. деепр. от припасти
припастись: 20 Phrasen in 5 Thematiken
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