
   Französisch Englisch
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Allg. appraisal
Industr. Bauw. Metall. inspection
Kommunik. casting off
Kunst. valuation; estimated price
Math. estimate; estimation; estimating
Stat. expansion
Umwelt el. assessment
| et
comp. AND
| cartographie
Tech. topographical mapping
| des
geow. Dec
| delocalisations
Wirtsch. offshoring
| d
Kommunik. IT D-star
| emplois
Umwelt employment
dans | une
Kommunik. front page
| economie mondiale
 economie mondiale
Bank. global economy
| au
Geogr. Au
| sein
Med. mamma
| du
Industr. Bauw. front
- einzelne Wörter gefunden

zu Phrasen
estimation f
Allg. appraisal (The monetary evaluation of books, manuscripts, and works of art for insurance, tax, or other purposes)
Bauw. rate
Chem. computation; appraised value
Energiewirts., el. derived estimate
Fin. business estimate
Forst value
Industr., Bauw., Metall. inspection
Kommunik. casting off
Kunst. valuation; estimated price
Math. estimate; estimation; estimating
Nat.Wiss. forecasting; prediction; prognosis; prognostication
Patent. appraisal
plattf. awarding
Recht. appraisement; assessed value
Schach. adjudication
Stat. expansion
Steuer., landwirt. evaluation
Textil esteem
Umwelt, el. assessment
Verk., Polit. rating
Estimation f
Pharma., Engl. Estimation
estimation d’une grandeur de sûreté de fonctionnement f
Sicher. estimated value of a dependability quantity
estimations f
Wirtsch. estimates
Estimation et cartographie des delocalisations d'emplois dans une economie mondiale au sein du
: 2 Phrasen in 1 Thematik