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it [ɪt] Sub.Betonungen
Milit. Jargon бой (MichaelBurov); война (MichaelBurov)
IT [ɪt] Sub.
Ausbild. информатика (учебный предмет)
its [ɪts] Pron.
Allg. его (принадлежащий существительному среднего рода – "оно", "it"); принадлежащий ему (существительному среднего рода – "оно")
falsch оно (носители английского путают its и it's в связи с одинаковым произношением слов Shabe)
kont. её (о предметах и животных, иногда о детях); свой; ей; принадлежащий ей (о предметах и животных, иногда о детях); входящий в его структуру (Tanya Gesse)
ITS [ɪts] Abk.
Abkürz. Международная служба розыска International Tracing Service (Дюнан)
Bank. Межрыночная торговая система (компьютерная система, связывающая биржи США; Intermarket Trading System)
Bauw. ИТС
Biol. внутренний транскрибируемый участок (разделяющий гены двух рРНК; internal transcribed spacer Allin)
Börse. ИТС (Information Trading System; Информационно-торговая система xenga)
Chem. Интегрированная стратегия тестирования (Integrated Testing Strategy ffynnon.garw)
Kernenerg. существенный для безопасности (Important To Safety Iryna_mudra)
Progr. ИТС (интеллектуальная транспортная система ssn)
Sachal. инструкция поставщику (Instruction to Supplier)
sap-t. ITS-сервер
Verk. интеллектуальная транспортная система (WiseSnake)
its [ɪts]
Allg. её (говоря о предметах неодушевлённых, животных, когда их пол неизвестен, и иногда о детях); их (говоря о предметах неодушевлённых, животных, когда их пол неизвестен, и иногда о детях)
 Englisch Thesaurus
ITS [ɪts] Abk.
Abkürz., E.öl. infrared transmission spectroscopy; Interferometer Thermal Sounder; integrated tape system; interoperability test system
Abkürz., geow. index of thermal stress
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. Import Tabulation System
Abkürz., Luftf. independent television service; inertial timing switch; instrumentation & telemetry system; integrated test specification
Abkürz., topon. industrial township (igisheva)
Abkürz., weltraum information transmission system; integrated trajectory system; integrated truss structure
Abkürz., wüst. International Turfgrass Society
ITS [ɪts] Abk.
Abkürz. Information Technology Services; Integrated Technology Strategy; Intermarket Trading System; International Turnkey Systems; I'm Tired Syndrome; Idaho Test Station; Imagery Transmission System; important to safety; Income Tax Service; Incompatible Timesharing System; Institute for Telecommunication Science; Institute for Telecommunications Sciences; insulation test specification; Integrated Tertiary Software; Integrated Test Schedule; International Telecommunications Society (organization); International Temperature Scale; International Trade Secretariat; information technology system (Alexander Demidov); intelligent tutor system; information technology sector
Abkürz., Ausbild., Wissensch. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Abkürz., Autoind. idle tracking switch; Inflatable Tubular System; inflatable tubular structure; intake air temperature sensor; integrated tire system; Intelligent Transport Society
Abkürz., Autom. integrated tooling system
Abkürz., Bank. computer services (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., Bergb. integrated transformer substation (soa.iya)
Abkürz., Biotech. internal transcribed spacer
Abkürz., Chem. in-tank-solidification
Abkürz., comp. Information Technical Security (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Abkürz., dateierw. Internet Document Set; Invitation To Send
Abkürz., E.öl. instrument & telecommunication centre
Abkürz., el. incompatible time-sharing system; implantation through silicate process; industrial television system; inelastic tunneling spectroscopy; information translation system; instructional television system; integrated teleprocessing system; integrated tracking system; integrated transmission and switching; intelligent teaching system; intelligent traffic system; interconnection test system; international test signal; Internet technology service; Internet telephony server; Internet telephony service; interval test signal
Abkürz., gen. intergenic transcribed spacers
Abkürz., Hand. Information Technology System
Abkürz., hochfr. intelligent transportation systems
Abkürz., IT Information Technology Standard; Institute for Telecommunication Sciences; Intelligent Transportation System
Abkürz., Kernenerg. Important To Safety (Iryna_mudra)
Abkürz., landwirt. infectious turkey sinusitis
Abkürz., Luftabw. Internet terminal system; information technology security; information technology service
Abkürz., Luftf. IIDS Tower Server; Integrated Test Simulator; instrumentation test set; integrated test station; integrated transportation system; international telecommunication service
Abkürz., Massenmed. Insertion Test Signal
Abkürz., Med. initial treatment survey
Abkürz., Metrol. The International Temperature Scale (Bohdan Velhan)
Abkürz., Mil. Independent Target System; Intelligent Tutoring System
Abkürz., Polit. Instructional Technology Specialist
Abkürz., Progr. intelligent transport system (ssn)
Abkürz., Radio. insertion test signal
Abkürz., Recht. Internal Transcribed Spacer
Abkürz., Sachal.R Instruction to Supplier
Abkürz., Schott. Initial Training Squadron (UK Royal Air Force); Interactive Training System; International Thermal Sight
Abkürz., Tech. Inspection and Test Standard (Srakandaev)
Abkürz., Wirtsch. International Training Service
comp. integrated test system
Energiewirts. in-tank solidification
Mil. improved third stage; infantry transportable Swingfire; infinite time span; information transfer satellite; information transfer system; infrared tracking system; initial training school; instrument time, simulated; integrated target system; integrated test specifications; intersectional transportation service
Tech. improved technical specification; instrumentation and telemetry system; intelligent terminal system; interactive terminal support; international telecommunications service; inventory tracking system
Öl&Gas instrument & telecommunication shelter
Its [ɪts] Abk.
Abkürz., geow. islets
Its effect: 23 Phrasen in 8 Thematiken
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