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ham [hæm] Sub.
Allg. szynka; radioamator m
ham [hæm] Sub.
landwirt. udziec m; szynka wędzona
 Englisch Thesaurus
HAM [hæm] Abk.
Abkürz. Handsome And Macho; Hardly Any Money; Hardware Accelerated Modem; Haven't Any Money; Health Action And Mind; Health Action Mind; Heat Air And Moisture; Heavy Automotive Maintenance; High And Mighty; History Of Art And Music; Hold A Month; Hold And Modify; Home Amateur Mechanic; Home Automation Magazine; Hospital And Morgue; Host Accelerated Modem; Host Adapter Module; Humid Air Motor; Hybrid Access Memory
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw. Host Attachment Module
Abkürz., dateierw. Disk Drivers NPA (Novell NetWare Vosoni)
Abkürz., el. high availability module; hybrid associative memory; hypertext abstract machine
Abkürz., Halbleit. Horizontal Alignment Target (Yakov)
Abkürz., IT hardware associative memory; hierarchical access method
Abkürz., Kernphys. human albumin microsphere
Abkürz., KI Human Associative Memory
Abkürz., Luftf. high altitude mission; high speed automatic monitor
Abkürz., Mar. Hamburg, Germany
Abkürz., Med. Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus Associated Myelopathy; Hypoparathyroidism, Addison Disease, And Mucocutaneous Candidiasis (syndrome); histocompatibility associated membrane
Abkürz., Mil. Amateur Radio Operator
Abkürz., Physiol. Health, Action, and Mind
Mil. high-speed automatic monitor; horizontal action mine
Tech. hearing aid microphone; high-activity mode; home radio amateur
hams Abk.
Abkürz., Sport. hamstring
Ham [hæm] Sub.
Nahrungsind., Abkürz. H
HAM [hæm] Abk.
Abkürz. hard as a motherf..cker (sea holly)
Abkürz., geow. heavy atom method; hydropower analysis model
: 5 Phrasen in 3 Thematiken
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