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ACP Abk.
einw. Beobachtungsstelle für Migration in Afrika, in der Karibik und im pazifischen Raum
 Englisch Thesaurus
ACP Abk.
Abkürz. Actual Contribution Percentage; Advance Care Planning; African, Caribbean, and Pacific; American Cosplay Paradise; Average Contribution Percentage; Active Configuration Profile (MODEM); Activities Channels And Pools; African, Caribbean and Pacific Associates; acid converter process; Association of Correctors of the Press; Allied Communications Pamphlet; Allied Communications Publications; American College of Physicians; Ancillary Control Process (Vosoni); Ancillary Control Program (Lena Nolte); Animal Care Panel (Объединение специалистов по разведению, уходу и использованию в лабораториях подопытных животных (США) Углов); Annual Compensation Payment; Anti-Concorde Project (проект "Анти-Конкорд" Углов); Anticipated Cash Provider; Area Coordination Paper; Ass Clown Posse; Assault CP; Asset Capitalization Program; assistant commissioner of police (помощник комиссара полиции, сокращение принято в Индии Slawjanka); Associated Church Press (Объединение издателей церковной периодической прессы (США) Углов); Associated Collegiate Press ("Объединённая университетская пресса" (организация преподавателей журналистики в американских высших учебных заведениях) Углов); Associated Computer Professional; Association of Circus Proprietors; Automatic Cartridge Pistol; Automobile Club of Portugal (Португальский автомобильный клуб Углов); Auxillary Control Process; Average Conditional Probability; Average Contribution Percent; Azimuth Change Pulse; Azimuth Charge Pulse; African, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries
Abkürz., ABC-Waffen Army Cost Position; Army Cost Proposal; automatic crash protection
Abkürz., augenh. anterior chamber paracentesis (doc090)
Abkürz., Ausbild., Wissensch. Applied Communication Program
Abkürz., Autoind. air conditioning pressure signal; A/C head pressure; A/C programmer; air conditioning pressure; air conditioning pressure switch; audio control protocol; automatic collision preparation
Abkürz., Bauw. Acceptance of Call-off Proposal (Madi Azimuratov)
Abkürz., Biotech. acyl carrier protein
Abkürz., Börse. American Real Estate Partners
Abkürz., Chem. alternating-current plasma
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw. Access Control Protocol
Abkürz., dateierw. Assistant preview file (Ms Office); Auxiliary Control Process; Compressed file archive (ACB)
Abkürz., E.öl. ancillary control processor; Area Contingency Plan; accomplishment/cost procedure; alternative current polarography; anionic catalytic polymerization; annual cogenerated power; atmospheric contamination potential; automatic cathodic protector
Abkürz., einw. African, Caribbean and Pacific countries party to the Lomé Convention; Africa Caribbean Pacific Observatory on Migration; Afrikan, Karibian ja Tyynenmeren alueen muuttoliikkeiden seurantakeskus; Faireachlann Stáit na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigein Chiuin um Imirce, Faireachlann ACC um Imirce; Osservatorio Africa, Caraibi e Pacifico sulle migrazioni; Observator cu privire la migratie Africa Caraibe Pacific
Abkürz., Eisnbnw. African, Caribbean and Pacific Group
Abkürz., el. anisotropic conductive paste (Se6astian); additive color-processing; advanced communications processor; advanced computing processor; agent creation point; application control program; asymmetric confinement potential; attached communications processor; audio communications processor
Abkürz., geow. acid calcium phosphate; Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries; Ancient China Protoplatform
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. African Caribbean and Pacific States (Vladimir71); accept
Abkürz., gipskart. aluminum composite panel (eugeene1979)
Abkürz., hochfr. adjacent-channel power
Abkürz., Immun. alternative complement pathway
Abkürz., IT Administration Control Panel; Ansi Code Page; Association Of Computer Professionals; african, Caribbean and pacific (countries Bricker); African, Caribbean and pacific countries (Bricker)
Abkürz., kardiol. accessory conduction pathway (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., kasp. associated crude project (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Abkürz., Kommunik. action control point
Abkürz., landwirt. Agricultural Conservation Program
Abkürz., Luftabw. anti-clutter processing
Abkürz., Luftf. acceptance message; aerodrome control point; area call panel (Interex); armament control panel; attendent control panel (Interex); audio control panel (Interex); area control procedural rating (Alex_Odeychuk); audio control-selector panel; aircraft communication procedures; aircraft performance; alarm control panel; automatic camera parameter; aviation cooperation program; Auxiliary Control Panel; azimuth change pulse; Secondary Control Panel
Abkürz., marin. attack center panel (приборная панель в главном командном пункте (корабля); подв приборная панель поста атаки; сокр. Углов)
Abkürz., Med. Acyl Carrier Protein; Alliance Of Cardiovascular Professionals; American College Of Pathologists; American College Of Pharmacists; American College Of Phlebology; American College Of Physicians; American College Of Prosthodontists; American College Of Psychiatrists; Analytical Cellular Pathology (periodical); Association For Child Psychiatrists; Association For Child Psychoanalysis; Association Of Clinical Pathologists; Association Of Correctional Psychologists; Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot Study; anodal closing picture (картина при анодном замыкании; сокр. Углов); Autologous Conditioned Plasma (BB50); acetyl carrier protein; applied cardiopulmonary pathophysiology; aspirin, caffeine, phenacetin; asthma clinical pathway
Abkürz., Metall. alternating coil polarity
Abkürz., Mil. Adjacent Channel Power; Air Cadet Publication; Airspace Control Plan; Allied Communication Publication; Allied Communications Protocol; Allied Communications Publication; Army Capabilities Plan; Auto Colt Pistol; Automated Command Post; access control point; air commander's pointer; airspace control plan; Allied communications publication; assign common pool
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. acceptance message
Abkürz., mult. analogue copy protection
Abkürz., name d. African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
Abkürz., nato. Alternate Command Post
Abkürz., Opt. acquisition control processor
Abkürz., Poliz. Assistant Commissioner of Police
Abkürz., Polym. Advanced Cascade Process (ixtra)
Abkürz., Recht. Automatic Colt Pistol
Abkürz., Schott. African / Caribbean / Pacific (NATO); Airfield Clearance Plough (UK); Allied Communications Procedures / Publication (NATO); Altimeter Check Point; Automated Communications Processor
Abkürz., Tech. additive colour printing; allied communications publication
Abkürz., teng. advanced control program (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Abkürz., Textil average collection period
Abkürz., weltraum aerosol collector/pyrolyser; advanced computer processor
Abkürz., Wirtsch. area coordinating paper; advanced computer program
Abkürz., Wissensch. Alternative Class Program; Atmospheric Chemistry Program
Abkürz., Zahnmed. amorphous calcium phosphate (MichaelBurov)
Abkürz., Öl&Gas annular chemical packer (MichaelBurov)
Energiewirts. activated carbon process; alternative compliance payment
Med. acyl transported protein
Mil. acceptance checkout procedure; acoustic communications program; adaptive control process; advanced command post; advanced computation processor; air control point; air coordination point; airborne command post; aircraft communications procedures; airdrome control point; airlift command post; airspace coordination point; alternate command post; ammunition control point; analytical computer program; area command post; area concepts paper; armored car, personnel; asphaltic concrete pavement; atmospheric contaminational potential; augmented command post; automatic Colt pistol; auxiliary check point; auxiliary command post; auxiliary control point
Physiol., Med. Acid Phosphatase
Tech. advanced computational processor; aerospace computer program; aircraft communications procedure; alignment control panel; analyzer control processor; astronaut control panel; attitude control program; audio center equipment; auxiliary control panel; azimuth change pulses
Tech., Abkürz. attack center panel
ACp Abk.
Abkürz., bodenk. plinthic acrisol
: 147 Phrasen in 24 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik67
Alternative Streitbeilegung1
Einwanderung und Staatsbürgerschaft1
Europäische Union1
Internationaler Währungsfonds3