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RH Adv.
Forst 相对湿度
Metall. 工艺; RH-PB 工艺; 真空循环脱气
tierh. 释放激素; 释放因子
Rh Adv.
landwirt. 抗原
 Englisch Thesaurus
Rh Abk.
Abkürz., E.öl. hard-rolled
Abkürz., geow. rhodochrosite
Abkürz., Metall. hQt-rolled
Rh. Abk.
Abkürz., geow. rhombohedral
RH Abk.
Abkürz. reheated
Abkürz., E.öl. heat-resistant rubber-covered wire; relative height; relative hydrophobicity; residual hardness; resistance to heat; right-hand thread; round head
Abkürz., Fußb. right half
Abkürz., geow. red hills; rhyolite
Abkürz., weltraum right-hand (rh,rH)
RH. Abk.
Abkürz., Eisnbnw. railhead
rh Abk.
Abkürz. reheat
RH Abk.
Abkürz. Richard Hoffmann; Robert Hatton; Robert Holmes; Robin Hood; Rose Hill; Run Hour; Russell Hays; Regular And Honors; relative humidity (shpak_07); Request Header; Request/Response Header; Rich Herrick; Richmond Field Office; request / response header
Abkürz., Ausbild., Wissensch. Residence Hall
Abkürz., Autoind. reefer high cube container; right handlamp
Abkürz., Biotech. radiation hybrid cell panel
Abkürz., brit. engl. Royal Highlanders; Royal Hussars
Abkürz., Börse. Rottlund, Inc.
Abkürz., Chem., Wissensch. Rhodium
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw., IT Resource Header
Abkürz., dateierw. Resource header (Borland C++, Visual C++)
Abkürz., E.öl. rat hole (andrushin)
Abkürz., el. radiation-hardened; radiation hardness; read head; recording head; resistance heating; response header; rhombohedral; right-handed; round-headed
Abkürz., gen. rate of heterosis
Abkürz., Geophys. reflecting horizon (igisheva); reflection horizon (igisheva)
Abkürz., IT Red Hat
Abkürz., Kartogr. root of hedge; round house
Abkürz., Luftf. radar holiday; radar horizon; radio horizon; ramp height; relative height y; research helicopter; rivet holder; runway heading; rated power
Abkürz., Maschinenb. right handed
Abkürz., Meteorol. Retinal Hemorrhage; Right Heart; Radiation Hybrid; Releasing Hormone; radical hysterectomy (inspirado); releasing factor
Abkürz., Mil. Range Hold; Rigid Hull; reentry home
Abkürz., Phys. relative partial pressure
Abkürz., Physiol. Right Hand
Abkürz., Physiol., Med. Rhesus factor; Right hand
Abkürz., Polym. Rockwell hardness
Abkürz., Recht. Recreational Homicide
Abkürz., Sachal. rotating head (snowleopard)
Abkürz., Schiffb. rope hole
Abkürz., Sport. Roller Hockey
Abkürz., Tech. right hand
Abkürz., Textil Regelia Hybrid; Roman Halter
Abkürz., tierh. release hormone
Abkürz., Verk. Ranch Hauler; Roadside Hazard
Abkürz., Wissensch. Relative Humidity
Energiewirts. re heater; relative humidity of fluidizing gas; remote handling; right-hand
Mil. radar homing; radiation homing; radiological health; regional headquarters
Physiol. Rhesus monkey factor
Tech. reduction by hydrogen; reheater; remote-handled; report heading; rheostat
RH. Abk.
Abkürz., Tech. right hand
Rh Abk.
Abkürz. rhesus; hot-rolled
Abkürz., Lab.Ausstatt. Rhesus Factor
Abkürz., Med. rhesus factor; rhodium; rheumatic; Rhesus (Rh blood group)
Eisnbnw. rolled hot
Med. Rhesus blood factor (Vosoni)
rh Abk.
Abkürz. railhead
Abkürz., geow. rhombic
Abkürz., Med. rheumatism
Abkürz., Sport. rhb, right halfback
Biol. anti Rh agglutinin
rH Abk.
Abkürz. oxidation-reduction potential
Abkürz., Med. logarithm of the reciprocal of the pressure of reducing hydrogen
Chem. logarithm of reciprocal of the pressure of reducing hydrogen
rh'' Abk.
Abkürz., Med. rhesus blood factor
Rh+ Abk.
Abkürz., Med. rhesus positive
rh. Abk.
Abkürz., elektr. rheostat
rh' Abk.
Abkürz., Med. rhesus blood factor
Rh- Abk.
Abkürz., Med. rhesus negative
: 92 Phrasen in 13 Thematiken