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eisschn. 速滑装备
funk.amat. 设备
Managem. 房地产及器具; 机械附件
Metall. 工具
micr. 設備
Tech. 设备; 装置
Umwelt 设备
| Task Analysis
 task analysis
Wirtsch. 任务分析
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zu Phrasen
equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] Sub.
Allg. 装备〔置,配〕; 配备; ; ; 工〔机,用〕具; 部〔附〕件; 汽车等运输配备; 伦琴射线机
Architek. ; ; ; 运输配备
Autoind. 设置; ; 工作装置; 车辆附件; 附属装备; 市政车辆/拖拉机机具
eisschn. 速滑装备
elektr. 试验装置
funk.amat. 设备
Geschäftsvokab. 供应品; 固定资产; 设施
golf. 球具总称
ingen. 器械
landwirt. 机具; 机器; 装备品; 设备品; 装置品 (aequipmentum)
Logist. 设备常指集装箱
Luftf. 某一特定空运航线上使用的飞机机型 (或飞机等级)
Managem. 房地产及器具; 机械附件
Mar., Tech. 属具
Metall. 工具; 设备 (The PCI project includes installation of equipment for raw coal handling, grinding and drying, and for pulverized coal transport and injection on all three blast furnaces. 粉煤喷吹项目包括在所有的三座高炉上安装原煤运输、磨粉和干燥设备,以及粉煤运输和喷吹设备。)
micr. 設備 (The tools or assets used to perform a service activity)
PM 企业除房地产外的固定资产
Polo. 马具
Tech. 设备; 装置; 器材; 舾装; 舣装品
tierh. 用具
Wirtsch. 铁道车辆
WKW. 装备; 仪器
Ökol. 污油处理设备
equipments Sub.
Textil 配备
equipment Any collection of materials, supplies or apparatuses stored, furnished or provided for an undertaking or activity [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] Sub.
Umwelt 设备 (为任务和活动提供的补给、仪器和材料集合。)
 Englisch Thesaurus
equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] Abk.
Abkürz. ecn (Technical)
Abkürz., australisch., Slang. bluey
Abkürz., Mil. eqpmt; eqpt
Mil., Abkürz. eq; equip
Mil., Logist. All operations whose purpose is to make the movements easier and to eventually bring assistance to the users. It ensues from the traffic plan and is materialized by personnel and equipment set up along the route: traffic control unit checkpoints and mobile patrols, land and air security elements, signals and engineer equipment, logistic equipment medical, maintenance, fuel, food, road signs. (FRA)
USA In logistics, all nonexpendable items needed to outfit or equip an individual or organization (JP 4-0) s.a. component, supplies
Equipment Task Analysis
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