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EC [ik-] Abk.
Chem. 乙基纤维素
Krankenpflege 细胞
ec- Abk.
Allg. ; 出自; 在…以外
 Englisch Thesaurus
ECs Abk.
Abkürz., geow. element-collectors
EC [ik-] Abk.
Abkürz. East Central; electrical conductivity (zhvir); Emergency Co-ordinator (SEIC ABelonogov); Energy Conserving (смазочные материалы A Hun); Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide (см. Режимы химиотерапии в Википедии vdengin); Error Correction (MODEM); Emergency contraception; electric conductivity; engineer corps; Ethyl Corp.; Europe Community; electrolytic corrosion; electronic-coupled; ex-coupon; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund; external tariff
Abkürz., Arznei Enteric Coated
Abkürz., Ausbild. Early Childhood; electronic communication (Углов); exceptional children (iwona)
Abkürz., Ausbild., Wissensch. Education Code
Abkürz., Autoind. engine control; entertainment and comfort; exhaust closes; exhaust valve closed; external combustion
Abkürz., Autom. eddy current
Abkürz., Bank. Eurocard (кредитная карточка, выпускаемая международной организацией Eurocard через банки различных стран. киянка); Eurocheque
Abkürz., Biotech. Endothelial cell (Altuntash); EC
Abkürz., brit. engl. emergency commission
Abkürz., Chem. electrochemical; electrochromatography
Abkürz., Chem., Wissensch. Electron Capture
Abkürz., Comp., Netzw. error checking; error correction
Abkürz., E.öl. earth crust; Economic Census; Economic Community; elasticity coefficient; electrodynamic; electrolytic; electrolytic capacitor; electrolytical corrosion (test); electron device; electron diffraction; electronic computer; electronical components; enamel-covered wire; end cell; end connector; end of curve; energy convertion; environment correction; equipment check; eroded cones; error corrected; error detecting; ethyl carbonate; excavated cavity; exchange clause; exchangeable cation; exclusion chromatography; expansive classification; experimental duties; exploration corp.; extra control
Abkürz., el. electronic combat; echo canceller; electrical conductivity; electrochromic (cell); electrocrystallization; electronic cinema; electronic cinematography; electronic circuit; electronic connection; electronics and countermeasures; electrostatic coupling; embedded computer; emergency communication; emergency condition; emitted current; emulator control; encapsulating; energy conversion; enhanced control; entropy compression; equivalent capacity; Ethernet concentrator; expander cell; extrinsic carrier
Abkürz., el., Wissensch. Electrical Conductivity
Abkürz., el.Tech. electric common (Пахно Е.А.); electrical conductor; electrical conductivity; electrocoating; emergency conditions; emergency control; enameled copper; equipment compatibility
Abkürz., elektr. embedded controller
Abkürz., EU European Community
Abkürz., Fin. European Council
Abkürz., Firm.name. Ethyl Corporation
Abkürz., gen. embryogenic callus
Abkürz., geow. Earth Comet; East Center; Eastern Chat; Ecology Center; Economic Committee; eddy correlation method; electrical conductance; electrical conductor; electrochemical detector; electroconductibility; electroconductivity; electrolyte concentration; electron-capture; elemental carbon; energy conference; energy conservation; environmental control; environmental costs; evaporator condensate
Abkürz., Geschäftsvokab. each; economy; ex coupon; extended coverage
Abkürz., glaz. WMO Executive Council
Abkürz., IT education computer; electronic conference; error correcting; echo cancellation; evolutionary computation
Abkürz., karat. economic commission; expected cost
Abkürz., kardiol. Electric cardiovision (iwona)
Abkürz., Kernenerg. Electron capture (Iryna_mudra)
Abkürz., klin. epicutaneous (igisheva); epicutaneously (igisheva)
Abkürz., Kommunik. external computer; Execution Cycle
Abkürz., landwirt. exchange capacity
Abkürz., Logist. e-commerce
Abkürz., Luftabw. expendable countermeasure; equipment characteristics
Abkürz., Luftf. electronic compartment (Interex); Environment Canada; engine change; equipment center; escadrille de chasse; etch characteristics; economic commission (ICAO assembly); electronic control (Interex); experimental certificate; economy class; education committee; electron components; electronic classroom; employee certification; engine controller; engine cutoff; equalizer circuit; equipment control; equipment controller; evaluation and control; exemption certification; export committee
Abkürz., Mar. East Coast
Abkürz., Math. estimation at completion
Abkürz., Med. enteric-coated; Eternal Care - Intensive Care (for A Patient Who Won't Come Out Again); Eukaryotic Cell (periodical); electric coagulation (MichaelBurov); erythrocyte concentrate (эритроцитарная масса aksolotle); electrocoagulation (MichaelBurov); electro-coagulation (MichaelBurov); electro coagulation (MichaelBurov); electrical coagulation (MichaelBurov); Ethics Committee (WiseSnake); embryonal carcinoma; entrance complaint; Enzyme Commission; epithelial cell; Escherichia coli; ethyle chlorohydrin; excitation-contraction; expiratory center; extracellular (fluid); eyes closed
Abkürz., Med.Tech. extracorporeal circuit (vlad-and-slav)
Abkürz., Meteorol. Department of the Environment of Canada
Abkürz., micr. Early Childhood (для детей младшего возраста; a game rating symbol developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)
Abkürz., Mil. Electrochemical Capacitor; electronic combat; enemy combatant; error control; Eastern Command; Education Center; Engineering Corps
Abkürz., Mil., Luftf. earth coverage
Abkürz., mult. Enhanced Content (красильникова_света)
Abkürz., name d. European Communities
Abkürz., Onkol. Эпирубицин — pirubicin, Циклофосфамид — yclophosphamide (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Режимы_химиотерапии vdengin)
Abkürz., Opt. electrically conducting
Abkürz., Pharma. Enteric Coated Tablet (Natalya Rovina)
Abkürz., Physiol., Med. Emergency Contraception
Abkürz., Polit. Ecuador
Abkürz., Poliz. European Commission
Abkürz., Polym. electronically controlled; ethyl cellulose
Abkürz., Radio. Extended C (Челядник Евгений); electron coupled
Abkürz., radiogr. Electronic Cleansing (полуавтоматическая обработка в ходе виртуальной колоноскопии на рабочей станции врача с автоматическим исключением жидкости и кала из просвета толстой кишки VasDoc)
Abkürz., Sachal. Environment Comity; environmental committee; excentric
Abkürz., Sachal.R Ecocenter
Abkürz., SachalA ECOcentre
Abkürz., Schott. Civil aircraft marking (Spain); Earth Coverage antenna; Ecuador (NATO country code)
Abkürz., Sport. European Championship; Executive Committee; exercise capacity; European Championshi
Abkürz., Stat. electronic commerce
Abkürz., Tech. electrochromic (MichaelBurov); erection contractor (eugeene1979)
Abkürz., Telef. Exchange Carrier
Abkürz., Telekomm. electronic commerce (E-commerce)
Abkürz., Textil ethylene carbonate
Abkürz., vereint. Commission of the European Communities
Abkürz., Vertr. employment contract (igisheva)
Abkürz., Wasservers. Electrical Conductivity/Electroconductivity
Abkürz., weltraum electrolysis cell; ethyl centralite
Abkürz., wertp. ex coupon ex cp or
Abkürz., Wind.En. electronically commutated
Abkürz., Wirtsch. English conditions
Abkürz., Wissensch. Exceptional Children
Abkürz., zeichn. ending point of curve
Eisnbnw., Abkürz. electric combined
Energiewirts., Abkürz. electrical circuit; electricity conservation; emission control; equilibrium cycle; escort car; evaporative condenser; event category
gen. enzyme classification (dimock)
Gruzovik, Abkürz., Mil. European Command (командование ВС США на европейском ТВД)
Gruzovik, Abkürz., Wirtsch. executive committee
Invest., Abkürz. eurocheck
Mil., Abkürz. electromagnetic compatibility; electronic coding; electronic countermeasures; elevation console; elevation correction; emergency capability; emergency coordinator; engagement controller; engineering change; engineering construction; environment control; equipment category; equipment condition; equipment contract; escort convoy; evacuation center; executive committee; exercise commander; experimentation center; experimentation command; extension course; extra costs
Mil., vereint. executive council
Tech., Abkürz. earth current; edge connector; effective conductivity; electric current; electromagnetic combat; electron coupling; electron-coupled; electronic calibration; electronic comparator; electronic conductivity; electronic counter; electronics and control; electronics chassis; electrostatic collector; emergency communicator; emission color; emission current; emulsifiable concentrate; enamel covered; enamel single-cotton insulation; encoder coupler; enforcement coordinator; environmental chamber; evaluation center; experiment computer; extended control; extended control mode; external cavity
Ökol., Abkürz. effective concentration
Öl&Gas, Abkürz. extended controller
EC50 [ik-] Abk.
Abkürz., ABC-Waffen median effective concentration
EC$ Abk.
Abkürz., E.öl. East Caribbean Dollar
Ec [ik-] Abk.
Abkürz. cutoff efficiency (MichaelBurov); electrochemical component of the spontaneous potential
Abkürz., E.öl. electrochemical potential
Abkürz., Med. ecology
Sachal. electrochemical component of SP
Tech. modulus of elasticity in compression
ec [ik-] Abk.
Abkürz. economics
Abkürz., Autoind. exhaust valve closes
Abkürz., gen. echinus
Ec. Abk.
Abkürz., Hand. East Caribbean Dollar
Abkürz., Wirtsch. exempli causa
Geogr. Ecuador (Vosoni)
ec. Abk.
Abkürz. economics
Abkürz., Fin. economic capital
: 35 Phrasen in 15 Thematiken
Elektrische Maschinen1
Name der Organisation4