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государственность nstresses
gen. nationhood; nation-building (Государственность – специфический признак государственно-политической организации общества (nation-building refers to the process of constructing or structuring a national identity using the power of the state.). Не путать со "state-building"! In political science 'nation-building' usually has a quite distinct meaning, defined as the process of encouraging a sense of national identity within a given group of people, a definition that relates more to socialisation than state capacity 4uzhoj); institutions (greta007); State system; sovereignty (Homeland defense (HD) is the protection of U.S. territory, sovereignty, domestic population, and critical infrastructure against external threats and aggression. 4uzhoj); federal status (Lavrov)
Gruzovik state system
inf. federal status (осознание и/или политика важной роли государства в обществе; точка зрения, поддерживающая действенное государство. a position and/or policy in support of the important role of the state in society; a position supporting an active government)
law statehood; nationality
mil. nationalism; statism
publ.law. stateness (Фукуяма xavier-fim.net Maria Klavdieva)
государственность: 20 phrases in 10 subjects
International relations1
Mass media2
Name of organization1