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noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation
mum [mʌm] n
excl. tiho!; pst!
inf. mama; majka; mater
pejor. glumac pantomimičar
mum [mʌm] v
gen. glumiti u pantomimi
mum [mʌm] adj.
gen. tih; miran; bez reči
inf. keva
 English thesaurus
MUM [mʌm] abbr.
abbr. Mixed Up Mother; Modularization Unitization And Metrication; Money Under Management; Caledonia - Mumford
abbr., busin. most urgent message
abbr., comp., MS Multitask Unified Model (Taras)
abbr., ed. Mathematical Ulterior Motives
abbr., ed., scient. Crisanthemum; Maharishi University of Management
abbr., el. multiuser monitor
abbr., Makarov. method for unmanned manufacture
abbr., mil., avia. manned or unmanned module
abbr., opt. maximum useful magnification
abbr., post Miszipped Unzipped Mail
airports, avia. Mumias, Kenya
chat., inet. Mother; Quiet
energ.ind. method of unmanned manufacture
tech. multi-unit message
MuM [mʌm] abbr.
commun. Multimedia / Multiservice