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noun | abbreviation
adept [æˈdept] n
gen. comasach
 English thesaurus
adept [æˈdept] n
gen. wrong stress!!! In adjective, the stress is on the second syllable ([ adjective uh-dept; noun ad-ept, uh-dept ] youglish.com Ostasheva Liudmila)
ADEPT ['ædept] abbr.
abbr. Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission (Mil., USA)
abbr., avia. advanced development prototype; airline data engine performance trend
abbr., bot., scient. Allele Discovery of Economic Pine Traits
abbr., comp. automated direct entry packaging technique (автоматизированные средства прямого ввода данных в пакетной форме; сокр. Углов)
abbr., el. a device emulation program & tool; advanced development of prototype; advanced simulation of dry-etching process technology; automatic dynamic evaluation by programming testing
abbr., file.ext. Automated Direct Entry Packaging Technique
abbr., mil., avia. advanced development of prototype
abbr., post Acquisition for Desktop Extended Processing Equipment
abbr., scient. The Alexandria Digital Earth Modeling System
tech. automatic data extractor and plotting table; automatic dynamic evaluation by programmed test
ADEPT ['ædept] abbr.
abbr., health. Advancing the Development of Pediatric Therapeutics (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., oil adaptable electromagnetic propagation tool