
Russian-Vietnamese dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accounting 27
Agriculture 39
Anatomy 269
Archaeology 13
Architecture 60
Art 67
Astronomy 94
Automobiles 3
Aviation 132
Bacteriology 5
Biochemistry 5
Biology 160
Bookish / literary 117
Botany 337
Card games 50
Chemistry 451
Chess 30
Childish 2
Cinematography 34
Clerical 71
Collective 390
Commerce 17
Construction 27
Contemptuous 23
Cooking 52
Derogatory 106
Diplomacy 38
Disapproving 17
Economy 171
Electronics 166
Ethnography 23
Figurative 10.023
Finances 64
Fish farming pisciculture 10
Folklore 27
Gardening 10
General 193.848
Geography 1.606
Geology 130
Grammar 245
Historical 222
Humorous / Jocular 87
Hunting 17
Hydrography 3
Hydrology 2
Idiomatic 15
Informal 12.756
Ironical 142
Law 265
Linguistics 191
Literature 161
Logic 18
Mathematics 431
Medical 479
Meteorology 11
Microsoft 5.125
Military 905
Mineralogy 71
Mining 85
Music 283
Mythology 26
Nautical 244
Nonstandard 263
Obsolete / dated 857
Officialese 1
Optics branch of physics 3
Painting 12
Paleontology 6
Pharmacology 36
Philosophy 154
Photography 82
Physics 348
Physiology 65
Poetic 35
Polite 21
Politics 78
Polygraphy 133
Pompous 14
Proper and figurative 117
Proverb 101
Psychology 7
Radio 44
Rail transport 76
Religion 87
Rude 20
Saying 165
Sports 387
Surveying 23
Technology 1.192
Textile industry 22
Theatre 68
Zoology 219
Total: 235.134