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it makes sensestresses
gen. это разумно; целесообразно (Ewgenij71); все понятно; я понял; ясно
cliche. ясное дело ("I was talking to a mortgage broker and the first thing he asked us is if we’re getting money from our parents to buy. I only know two couples that didn’t get any money from parents to buy their properties. So my answer is parents." "It makes sense. A lot of parents will have owned a home here and are probably at the age of downsizing. Rather than hold their profits, many parents will give a loan or an 'advance' on the kids inheritance to help them get a start in this ridiculous market." (Reddit) ART Vancouver); конечно ("I was talking to a mortgage broker and the first thing he asked us is if we’re getting money from our parents to buy. I only know two couples that didn’t get any money from parents to buy their properties. So my answer is parents." "It makes sense. A lot of parents will have owned a home here and are probably at the age of downsizing. Rather than hold their profits, many parents will give a loan or an 'advance' on the kids inheritance to help them get a start in this ridiculous market." (Reddit) ART Vancouver); теперь я понял-а (timescolonist.com ART Vancouver)
inf. прямой расчёт (to); прямой смысл (to)
math. имеет смысл
it makes sense for sb. to do sth.
cliche. разумнее сделать что-л. (Danica Nelson, 33, recently sold her condo in Toronto’s Liberty Village and lived with her mother in nearby Brampton for several months in preparation for a move to Malaga, Spain, in early December. ... She was also staring down a mortgage renewal at rates that had skyrocketed since she last locked in. “I would be paying something crazy. It made sense for me to sell it.” -- Для меня было разумнее продать квартиру. boredbat.com ART Vancouver)
it makes sense
: 58 phrases in 9 subjects
Cliche / convention7
Contextual meaning1
Quotes and aphorisms1