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cone of dispersion [koun əv dɪs'pə:ʃn]stresses
math. конус рассеивания (cone of dispersion (A) 1. Cone–shaped pattern formed by the paths of a group of shots fired from a gun with the same sight setting; cone of fire; sheaf of fire. The shots follow different paths as a result of gun vibration, variations in ammunition, and other factors such as changes in wind. (ASCC) 2. The cone outlined by the flight paths of projectiles fired from a fixed installation. fas.org)
tech. сноп траекторий
weap. конус разлёта картечи (ABelonogov); конус разлёта дроби (ABelonogov); конус разлёта шрапнельных пуль (ABelonogov)