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gen. синто; синтоизм
| supremacist
gen. сторонник доминирующего положения группы; шовинистический; превосходящий, одерживающий превосходство
| and
gen. и; а
| founder
gen. основатель
| of
gen. относительно
Yuiitsu | Shinto
gen. синто
| unique
gen. уникум
| peerless
gen. несравненный
| or
gen. или
| unitarian
gen. сторонник унитарного государства
| Shinto
gen. синто
| known
gen. общеизвестный
| also
gen. тоже
| as
obs. аки
Yoshida Shinto | Born into
 born into
gen. выходец из
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
| 21
gen. разновидность уличного баскетбола
| st
handicraft. петля
| generation
gen. род
| of
gen. относительно
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
| Yoshida
math. Иосида
| family
gen. посемейный
Kanetomo | inherited
gen. наследственный
| priestly
gen. священнический
| responsibilities for
 responsibility for
product. шефство над
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
Yoshida jinja | at a time when
 at a time when
O&G, sakh. в условиях, когда
| the court
 the Court
hist. королевский двор
| nobility
gen. благородство
| was
goldmin. зашлифованная поверхность кристалла алмаза
| less and less
 less and less
math. всё меньше и меньше
| able to
 able to
gen. способный к
| support
gen. помощь
| this
gen. так
| shrine
gen. рака
| to the
 to the
gen. с точностью до
ujigami | of
gen. относительно
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
Fujiwara | Accordingly
gen. соответственно
Kanetomo | developed
gen. развитый
| a form
 A form
genet. А-форма
| of
gen. относительно
| unification
gen. объединение
| Shinto
gen. синто
| combining
tech. комбинирование
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
| existing
busin. имеющийся в наличии
| Shingon
relig. сингон
| and
gen. и
| Tendai
relig. тэндаи
| Buddhist
gen. буддист
| understanding of
 understanding of
corp.gov. умение интерпретировать
| kami
gen. господин
| with
gen. причём
onmyo | and
gen. и
| Chinese
ling. китайский
| five elements
math. пятиэлементный
| cosmology
gen. космология
| and
gen. и
| adapting
gen. адаптация
| Shingon
relig. сингон
| rituals
gen. ритуал
| to
bank. телеграфное платёжное поручение
| enrich
gen. обогащать
| Shinto
gen. синто
| He
vulg. пенис
| explained
math. объяснённый
| kami
gen. господин
| rei
fire. R — несущая способность
| and
gen. и
kokoro | as a form of
 as a form of
context. в качестве
| absolute
gen. относящийся к абсолюту
| existence
gen. существование
| prior to
 prior to
math. до того, как
| the creation
 the Creation
relig. сотворение мира
| of heaven
 of heaven
gen. небесный
| and
gen. и
| earth
gen. в нору
| and
gen. и
| promoted the idea
 promote the idea
gen. продвигать идею
| that
gen. который
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
yaoyorozu | no
gen. никакой
| kami
gen. господин
| Kami
gen. господин
| myriads
gen. несметное число
| of
gen. относительно
| kami
gen. господин
| formed
gen. сформировавшийся
| a
gen. ар
| unity
gen. единство
| rather than
 rather than
math. скорее , а не
| an
gen. ангола
| unconnected
gen. не соединённый
| pantheon
gen. пантеон
| and that
 and that
gen. и то
| this
gen. так
| unity
gen. единство
| should be
 should be
gen. следует быть
| worshipped
gen. обожаемый
| on
gen. сверху
| Mt
Makarov. митохондриальный
| Yoshida
math. Иосида
| He
vulg. пенис
| attracted
gen. неравнодушен
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
| vigorous
gen. бодрый
| hostility
gen. враждебность
| of
gen. относительно
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
| priests
gen. священник
| of
gen. относительно
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
Ise jingu | by
gen. посредством
| announcing
mil. объявление
| in
gen. во власти
1489 | that
gen. который
| the deity
 the Deity
gen. бог
| of
gen. относительно
| Ise
med.appl. ионоселективный электрод
| had
horticult. имел
| transferred
chem. перемещённый
| its
gen. её
| residence
gen. проживание
| to the
 to the
gen. с точностью до
| Yoshida
math. Иосида
| shrine
gen. рака
| His
gen. его
| intention
gen. намерение
| was to
 be to
gen. я вам не
| bring
econ. прибыль
| all
gen. всё
| official
gen. чиновник
| kami
gen. господин
| worship
relig. отправление веры
| under the control of
 under the control of
gen. подчинён
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
Urabe | Yoshida
math. Иосида
family, and he was | to a large extent
 to a large extent
gen. в значительной мере
| successful in
 successful in
gen. добившийся успеха в
| this
gen. так
| since
oil кремнезём
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
| Yoshida
math. Иосида
| became
gen. стать
| responsible for
 responsible for
gen. в сфере
| granting
gen. увольнение
| shrine
gen. рака
| ranks
relig. Ряды
Kanetomo | s
el. с
| teachings
gen. преподавание
| strongly
horticult. в высокой степени
| influenced
gen. оказывать влияние
| the
slang как знак превосходства качества
| doctrines of
 doctrine of
notar. учение о
| amongst others
 amongst others
gen. среди прочего
Yoshikawa, Koretari | founder
gen. основатель
| of
gen. относительно
Yoshikawa shinto
- only individual words found

to phrases
Shinto [ʃintəʊ] nstresses
gen. синто; синтоизм
jap. шинто (igisheva); шинтоизм (igisheva)
 English thesaurus
Shinto [ʃintəʊ] n
relig. A Sino-Japanese term meaning simply "gods" or "spirits" (shin/kami) or the way, conduct, power or deeds of the kami. In China the term shen-tao written with the same characters as Shinto referred to spirits and spirit-worship, especially non-Buddhist rites; for example it could mean Taoism. In medieval times in Japan Shinto was understood as part of the Buddhist world and seems to have meant 'matters pertaining to kami'; localised spirits, as found in most Buddhist cultures. "Shinto" is not a term used or understood much in ordinary speech in Japan and the meaning of the term has varied in different periods of Japanese history. There is little consensus on the meaning of Shinto in books by Western or Japanese scholars and in fact the term "Shinto" has taken on a rather misleading aura of solidity and concreteness in Western writings that it has not enjoyed in Japan. This dictionary is a good example of the reification of Shinto, forming as it does part of a series on "religions" such as Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam etc.! The typical English translation of Shinto as 'The Way of the Kami' reads too much significance into the "-to" (tao, way) element, which is almost redundant in Japanese. Some scholars suggest we talk about types of Shinto such as popular Shinto, folk Shinto, domestic Shinto, sectarian Shinto, imperial household Shinto, shrine Shinto, state Shinto, new Shinto religions, etc. rather than regard Shinto as a single entity. This approach can be helpful but begs the question of what is meant by "Shinto" in each case, particularly since each category incorporates or has incorporated Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, folk religious and other elements. The same issues arise in understanding "schools" or lineages of Shinto such as fukko shinto, watarai shinto, ryobu shinto, suiga shinto, yui-itsu shinto, yoshikawa shinto etc.. In each case the term "Shinto" has to be understood differently. Since the eighteenth century the word "Shinto" has increasingly been used by its proponents (such as representatives of kokugaku and modern Shinto theologians) to mean an ancient, pure and enduring Japanese national tradition or expression of the national "spirit" which predated the introduction of Buddhism, was temporarily subsumed under Buddhism (for 1300 years...) and was revived in the Meiji period when it was "separated" from Buddhism (shinbutsu bunri). The idea of such a tradition however originated in the activities of the kokugaku scholars of the late Tokugawa period and was first propagated widely as part of the system of emperor-worship which underpinned Japanese nationalism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, hence its wide currency today. It assumes that ancient pre-Buddhist Japanese religion was "Shinto" to which we can somehow "return" (see Fukko-Shinto). Many elements of modern Shinto certainly have archaic or archaic-seeming roots whose resonances can be appreciated and consciously celebrated, but the view that Shinto as we know it now somehow predates Chinese and other continental influences can be maintained only by ignoring the facts of Japanese religious life before shinbutsu bunri in 1868, and indeed the overwhelmingly syncretic or combinatory approach of ordinary Japanese people in religious matters manifested again since the advent of religious freedom in 1945. The term "Shinto" should therefore be approached with caution. (In this it resembles most other abstract terms such as "Buddhism", "democracy", "Christianity" etc.!) See also the Introduction to this dictionary A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)
Shinto: 24 phrases in 4 subjects