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Kamo jinja
relig. It refers to two ancient shrines regarded as one of the elite seven shrines in the nijuni-sha and worshipped as guardian shrines of the imperial palace and the capital; the Kamo-mi-oya-jinja (also known as the kamigamo or upper jinja) and the Kamo-wake-ikazuchi-jinja (the shimogamo or lower jinja). They are located in the northern part of Kyoto. The main enshrined kami is tamayori-hime-no-mikoto and the shrines are the venue of the great aoi matsuri of May 15th which includes a ritual involving a saio (virgin priestess). The shrines are built in flowing nagare-zukuri style in which the shinmei-style roof is extended on one side and flows down to cover the steps and front area of the building A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)