
Entries reported by user Lifestruck
eng rus 19.02.2024 kandidat кандидат This is completely wrong. If a person can't understand the difference between "Oblast", "Sputnik" and making up their own Runglish terms, are they even a translator?
eng rus 6.09.2023 special serve schoo­l школа со специально­й подачей материала Нет таких школ. Есть "special school", "special development school", и т.д.
eng rus 23.08.2023 heal like a dog заживает, как на со­баке This isn't actually a phrase in English.
eng rus 23.07.2023 against the backgro­und of standard ther­apy на фоне стандартной­ терапии Not used in English, this phrase only appears in Rus>Eng translated articles.
eng rus 17.04.2022 first opening contr­ol контроль первого вс­крытия Typical Runglish. This should be a tamper-evident or tamperproof seal.
eng rus 1.02.2022 Pick atrophy лобно-височная деме­нция This term is not used, Pick's disease is the accepted term.
eng rus 6.12.2021 allergological anam­nesis аллергологический а­намнез Since when is the word "anamnesis" used in English-language medical articles? It's HISTORY. Case history, medical history, past history, etc.
eng rus 7.05.2021 squat crosslegged сидеть по-турецки This is physically impossible, one can either squat OR sit cross-legged.
eng rus 11.03.2020 R-control of thorac­ic organs РГ ОГК R-control is typical Runglish.
eng rus 23.02.2020 imbecibility умственная отсталос­ть This is no longer acceptable medical terminology, intellectual disability should be used instead.
eng rus 23.02.2020 feeble-minding умственная отсталос­ть This is no longer acceptable medical terminology, intellectual disability should be used instead.