
Terms for subject Environment containing grassland | all forms | exact matches only
dune grasslandDünenvegetation
floodplain grasslandAuweiden
grassland communityLebensgemeinschaft im Grünland
grassland ecosystem The interacting system of the biological communities located in biomes characterized by the dominance of indigenous grasses, grasslike plants and forbs, and their non-living environmental surroundingsGraslandökosystem
grassland ecosystemGraslandökosystem
natural grasslandnatürliches Grassland
open grasslandoffene Grasfläche
rupiculous calcareous or basophilic grasslandslückiger basophiler oder Kalk-Pionierrasen
semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland faciesnaturnahes trockenes Grassland und Fazies mit Strauchbestan
Sub-continental steppic grasslandSubkontinentales Steppengrasland
xeric and calcareous grasslandsKalkrasen auf xerischen Sandböden