
Terms for subject Oil and gas containing целостность скважин | all forms | in specified order only
каротаж целостности скважиныwell integrity logging (как вариант – GE twinkie)
прибор для контроля целостности скважиныwell integrity tool (GE Energy twinkie)
целостность скважинwell integrity (Well integrity is defined by NORSOK D-010 as "Application of technical, operational and organizational solutions to reduce risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout the life cycle of a well". There are various facets to well integrity, including accountability/responsibility, well operating processes, well service processes, tubing/annulus integrity, tree/wellhead integrity and testing of safety systems.; комплекс организационно-технических мероприятий по обеспечению противовыбросовой безопасности скважин Kenny Gray)
электронная система контроля целостности скважинElectronic Well Integrity Management System (Tatyana Sukhova)