
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
营造励创新的环境create an environment to encourage innovation
励企业用人民币开展国际贸易encourage international trade to be conducted in renminbi
励使用人民币encourage the use of the renminbi
励储蓄savings encouragement
励区域金融合作encourage regional financial cooperation
励各国之间的协调行动encourage coordination between nations
励增加即期消费encourage more immediate consumption
励外商投资企业参与技术研发encourage foreign investment enterprises to participate in R&D
励家庭消费encouragement of household consumption
励对私人部门的贷款encourage lending to the private sector
励平衡且可持续增长encourage balanced and sustainable growth
励扩大人民币在国际上的使用encourage more international use of renminbi
励扩大民间投资encourage greater non-government investment
励投机性投资encourage speculative investments
励消费encourage consumption
励消费开支encourage consumer spending
励消费的政策policies to encourage consumption
励私人资本流动encourage private capital flows
励转换stimulating conversion
励金融创新encourage financial innovation