
Terms for subject Automobiles containing | all forms
一般道行驶normal driving
管接pipe tee T
三分独立制动系统three-circuit-split brake system
制动系统三通控制阀three-way control valve
上漆电painted wiring board
车辆下坡直制动downhill straightline braking
不同面段组成的试车道sectional test track
不平面传感器sough road sensor
不平面凸起处chatter bumps
不平整的道rough road
传感器不平整道的检测rough-road detection
不平条石或碎石面的试车道pave test track
坎坷不平的道irregular road
车辆不碰缘石转向圆kerb clearance circle
车轮不碰及缘石最小转向圆路缘石高度为150mm 时curb clearance circle
不良道bad road
不设交通岗的岔unguarded crossing
车辆行驶系统面接触的行驶系元件如轮胎、履带等traction element
轮胎面接触面road contact
与总管道相连的分支交叉形供给cross-feed line
与机架短fault to frame
轮胎与道的附着road grip
计算机"与"门电AND circuit
专用集成电application special integrated circuit
专营线exclusive route
竞赛线路两个弯间的直straight between two curve
两个弯间的直intermediate straight
两轮公赛车road racer bike
两轮公越野摩托车骑式车架,越野型车轮,主要用于公路行驶,兼有越野性能dual-purpose bike
两轮在面与簧下机件间振tramp motion
严禁边停车parking taboo
严禁边停车curb parking taboo
诊断系统中央通信链centra! link
中等规模集成电每个芯片含100〜1000个功能元件middle scale integration
串行数据链serial data line
串行链serial link
串行链输入/输出接口serial link I/O
临时temporary marker
为查找短而检查电线trace down the short
制动系统主制动管primary brake circuit
主干arterial road
主油main circuit
主空气供给管main-air intake
自动变速器主管压力main-line pressure
主要干线main-line highway
主要干线primary highway
主要干线major highway
主要干线main highway
主要principal road
主要公major road
主要公main road
主要线main line
主要道main line
传动线transmission path
传热线heat transfer path
传热线途径heat conduction path
传输transfer path
D 位开关电D range switch circuit
低于面的障碍crater-type obstacle
空调器低压断开关low-pressure cutout
点火系统低压电low-tension circuit
低摩擦系数low-coefficient-of-friction road surface
倒相反演inverter circuit
λ 值氧传感器控制回lambda control loop
赛车偏离线run off the track
充气轮胎压pneumatic tyre roller
充气轮胎式压pneumatic tired roller
先进巡航辅助道系统智能交通系统中实现自动驾驶的重要技术之一advanced cruise-assist highway system
先进的道交通管理系统参阅 ITS"智能化交通系统",系其子系统advanced traffic management system
先进道交通管理系统advanced traffic management system
光钢轮压smooth-steel roller
支,叉branch off
流电shunt path
前后轮独立制动split braking
双管路式制动系统split brake system
式制动系统divided braking system
双管式液压制动系统divided-system hydraulic brake
双管路式行车制动系统split service brake system
连接器branching box
连接器branch boxconnector
分支导出derived circuit
分流线diverting route
客货运输与其他运输方式分流分流线divergent route
分隔行驶有分隔带divided road
切断电interruptor circuit
点火系统初级一次,低压primary circuit
判定电decision making circuit
制动压力电brake pressure circuit
制动器冷却管brake cooling duct
制动回brake circuit
防抱死制动系统制动开关电brake switch circuit
制动指示灯电brake tell-tale lamp circuit
从牵引车到挂车制动控制管service line
全电动制动器制动控制线brake boost wire
制动空气管brake-air line
制动管braking line
制动管brake line pipe
制动管brake conduit
制动管brake lines
制动系统第一回brake system first circuit
削波限幅clip circuit
置于车厢前部的路牌front number plate
前后轮分双回式液压制动系统split-system hydraulic brake
制动系统前、后轮管分离式front and rear split type
制动回路前轴/后轴front-axle rear-axle split
"前面让"标志yield ahead sign
匝间短测试仪interturn-short-circuit tester
十字交叉X roads
十字交叉X junction
十字交叉cross road
十字口阻塞choking of crossings
千斤顶管jack pipe
千斤顶管jack line
半导体数字电numerous transistor circuit
合流汇合converging road
rear number plate
后行装置rear bogie
吸油调节式液悬挂系统hydraulic hitch system with inlet control
dirt track
行驶英里数nonsurfaced mileage
试车道dirt track
道路soil surfaced road
on the way
线上的技术维护line maintenance
在不同变换线使用irregular route service
在公上使用highway service
在凸凹崎岖不平的地区行车rough going
汽车在干燥道上滑移dry skidding
在无的情况下off road
在道上保持行驶方向hold the road
在道之外off road
在错误侧线行驶wrong siding
圭寸闭回低压电路常闭式点火系统closed-circuit ignition
地下道road tunnel
地方乡村country road
地方道parish road
地方道local road
地沥青土soil-asphalt road
地面线ground line
road in a bad state
bad road
坑洼不平的道potholed road
堵塞道clog the road
堵塞道choke the road
电子学备用回back-up circuit
备用支emergency bypass
双幅式公来往行车道用中央分隔带隔开dual highway
外围集成电periphery integrated circuit
multiple path
复式交叉multiple intersection
传输复用技术multiplex technology
复用信号multiplex signal
学习修正系数范围multiple learning correction coefficient range
换向阀multiple directional valve
控制检查插接器multiplex control inspection connector
电系针,插片接器multiway connector
电系针,插片接器multiway connection
操作运行multiplex operation
线路系统multiplexed wiring system
车载诊断装置multiples on-board diagnostic
通信系统multiplex communication system
通信 OBDmultiplex OBD (指美、日等国采用的 OBD 方式,区别于欧盟采用的 Euro-OBD)
通信体系结构multiplex architecture
通信系统multiplex communication system
通信网络multiplex communication network
遥控multiplexed remote control
multiway cock
multiway tap
banked direction control valve
集中控制模块multiplex integrated control unit
集中控制系统multiplex integrated control system
驱动multiplex drive
制动系统多回multiple circuit
制动系统多回制动器multiple-circuit brake
多回制动阀multi-circuit brake valve
多层印制电multilayer circuit board
多层印制电multilayer board
电子学多层印制线multilayer PC board
多稳态回multistable circuit
多管制动multi-line brake
制动系统多管制动器multiple-line brake
多管制动系统multi-line braking system
多级复接,倍增multiple circuit
夜行线长途客车night coach
公共交通夜间线night line
大交通量繁忙的十字busy crossing
X 大电流电源电circuit
大石块基层碎石Telford macadam
大规模集成电large-scale integration circuit
天然未改善的primitive road
夹层式混凝土sandwich concrete road
车赛封闭线closed course
线圈层间短layer short circuit
屏蔽线shielded leadline
崎岖不平bumpy road
市区线urban line
市区公urban road
市区快速公city expressway
市区禁止停车道urban clear-way
公共交通市区-郊区线city-suburban route
市际道interurban road
布线管wiring duct
带扫刷的刮路机brush drag
带扫刷的刮路机broom drag
带散热片的集成线integral heat-sink circuit board
带电影响人身安全的电vital electrical circuit
带自动导向带的高速公国外某些高速公路中间装有车辆与自动驾驶装置相配合的窄带autobahn with guide lane
常规惯用标志conventional road sign
open circuit
电气open circuit
circuit open
无反馈控制open cycle-control
电气故障series fault
电气故障continuity fault
电压off-road voltage
闸流管电压off-state voltage
蓄电池电压off-load voltage
闸流管电流off-state current
电流值opening amperage
继电器C/OPN relay
继电器circuit opening relay
开关转换switching circuit
开拓拓荒development road
道路标志road stud
交叉口转弯处弧形缘石curb return
road turn
制动brake into the curve
照明灯cornering lamp
弯曲迂回,盘旋的道twisty road
弯曲崎岖crank course
弯曲的道curvy road
试车/竞赛弯曲道试验路段slalom course
弯曲道slalom race
电子学总线系统bus system
总诊断通信链total diagnostic communication link
显示屏字符恒速耗功率track road load horsepower
车辆恒速耗功率track read load horsepower
感应电感性电inductive circuit
电子学"或"电OR circuit
挂车制动管接头连接器trailer coupling
道路sign post
道路direction indicator
标志guide road sign
道路标志information sign
方向标志direction road sign
street label
route indicator
按轴分开的多回制动器axle-split brake
挠性印制电flexible printed circuit
挠性管flexible line
搓板状道washboard road
道路搓板washboard track
道路搓板undulated track
搓板波浪状washboard pavement
搓板面试验道路corrugated track
搓板式道washboard course
搭乘顺的货车lorry hopping
搭铁回earth line
feeder highway
side street
道,线branch road
谐振器branch resonator
收税高速公类似于我国收费路turnpike road
收费toll road
收费高速公干道toll motorway
收费高速公toll expressway
收费高速公toll express motor road
汽车赛改装的高速赛车比赛drag strip
放射式市区道radial street
制动系统放气管bleeder linepipe
故障诊断径管理diagnosis fault path management
公共交通昼夜线day and night line
两地间最近线direct route
最靠边的车道nearside lane
有人看守的铁交叉口guarded railway crossing
有信号的信号化交叉signaled crossing
有停止标志的道stop road (stop street)
有护栏的铁平面交叉guarded railway crossing
有电的线active circuit
有禁止通行标志的道road with a stop sign
机油散热器机油冷却管oil cooling linepipe
机油压力管oil-pressure line
机油回oil circuit
机油管oil pipeline
标准道循环standard road cycle
模拟况式测功机road simulation dynamometer
模拟道路面,车道simulation roadway
模拟集成电analog IC
cross way
X roads
交叉cross intersection
横贯加拿大的公干线Trans-Canada Highway
横贯欧洲的高速公Trans European Motorway
次要道second-class road
次要道有两条车道,每条车道最小宽度为2.4米secondary road
欧洲公汽车拉力赛协会European Rallycross Association
欧洲道信息中心European Road Information Center
欧盟道信息情报中心European Road Information Center
气压制动系统气压制动管compressed-air line
气压制动管air brake piping
气垫车气垫与不平面的摩擦阻力trunk drag
水泥cement pavement
水泥板铺砌cement-tile pavement
水泥板cement-flag pavement
水泥混凝土cement concrete road
冷却系统水泵的小循环支pump bypass
水温控制开关water temp.cut switch
水管管water line
汇编行数据通信assembly line data link
汇编行数据链assembly line data link
汇编行诊断链assembly line diagnostic link
汇编行通信链assembly line communication link
润滑油流动线worn track
电气测试电test connection
经认可的测试线test route
测试诊断检查传输链test diagnostic check link
测距电ranging circuit
清洁道clear the road
温控真空通thermostatic vacuum transmitting valve
游览线touring line
漏电leakage path
焦油沥青tared road
"猫眼"反光yellow studs
车辆/汽车动力学理想线ideal line
理想线ideal course
用卵石铺Co cobble
用时钟控制切断或断time cut-out
由主干线驶入交叉口的车辆main-street vehicle
由钢板制成的可拆装式面跑道unitized track
electrical hookup
气线electric circuit
OBD II 电OBD II circuit
30电不受点火开关控制的电源电路circuit 30
31电搭铁电路circuit 31
15电受点火开关控制的电源电路circuit 15
PTC 保护器PTC circuit protector
保护器circuit breaker
保护装置electric circuit safety device
electrical wiring diagram
VW 公司current flow diagram
全车electrical wiring diagram
wiring scheme
cabling diagram
布线electrical wiring routing
开路circuit open
开路继电器circuit open relay
开路继电器丰田电脑缩写词circuit opening relay
开路继电器circuit opening relay
性能circuit performance
报警circuit alarm
electrical connection
接通指示灯circuit-closed tell-tale
控制继电器模块以PCM 为接口控制冷却风扇,A/C 离合器和燃油泵circuit control relay module
插接器electrical connection
断开circuit open
框图block circuit diagram
检查electrical check
熔断保护fuse protection of electric lines
电压低circuit low
电压输入低circuit low input
电压高circuit high
短路circuit short
组件略图circuit package schematic
自动断电器automatic circuit breaker
范围circuit range
电动公车辆electric highway vehicle
电动机电motor circuit
电子电断路器electronic circuit breaker
组合仪表电子线electronic circuit
车辆电子线guide board
电子行车线导向引导系统electronic route guidance system
电子道计费系统electronic road pricing system
电容式充放电回condenser charge and discharge circuit
电抗反馈reactive circuit
电气线electric equipment wire
牵引车/挂车电气线连接插头jumper head
电流回current loop
电流电current path
电流通current circuit
电源电断电器power circuit breaker
真空热处理管low-pressure heat treatment
真空管vacuum line
燃烧室着火线ignition line
码分多复用code division multiplexing
砂砾混合料sand-gravel road
砖块brick pavement
稳定土修筑物soil stabilizer
第 2 代车载诊断装置电OBD II circuit
制动系统第二回second circuit
roadsman (driver)
工作road work
平地机road grader
机械road-construction machinery
机械设备road-building machinemachinery
right of
用地right of
车辆运输工具road-construction vehicle
运输车辆road-making vehicle
而未经试的驾驶人paper driver
耐久性道试验endurance road test
脉冲形成电网络pulse forming network
脏乱的道fouled roadway
脱离正side track
营运线operation route
营运线map of operational lines
营运线bus route map
装置running gear
底盘装置驶系润滑running-gear lubrication
行车routing card
行车route bill
行车运行线travel way
行车线辅助装置lane hold assist
公共交通行车时刻表上的线行车时间schedule line time
公共交通行车时刻表上的线行车时间scheduled line time
行驶运行线running route
车辆适合于道上行驶的road worthy
适用于各种面的行走机构all-terrain undercarriage
轮胎上的标记适用于泥泞面和雪路的全天候的ALLSEASON M+S
选定公线路road routing
逐向道导航tum-by-tum navigation
控制access control
控制器access controller
通信线transfer path
通过用于试的汽车road-test car
车辆通过不平道go over a bump
通过十字口的车速crossing speed
速率限制speed zone
逻辑集成电logic IC
美国杂志《道与行车》Road and Track
车身/电线配线管wiring trough
锁定保持,闭锁lock-out circuit
锁相闭环电phase-locked loop circuitry
锉刀纹file cut
滑公non-skid roadway
防滑non-skid road surface
防滑non-skidding road surface
防盗电系统anti-theft circuitry
电气防短short-circuit proof
阻通电在自动变速器中用于防止手动换档习惯动作inhibit circuit
附加的道照明设备supplemental road illumination device
交通overland traffic
长途,城间行驶overland run
长途,城间行驶overland ride
运输land transportation
长途货运overland hauling
长途货运overland haulage
降噪电一种用于降低磁带噪声的电路Dolby noise reduction
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