
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三尖瓣tricuspid stenosis
中骨盆contracted midpelvis
主动脉aorta stenosis
主动脉瓣valvular aortic stenosis
主动脉瓣aortic valve stenosis
主动脉瓣上supravalvular aortic stenosis
主动脉瓣下subvalvular aortic stenosis
二尖瓣mitral stenosis
二尖瓣窄闭式扩张分离手术护理nursing care of operation of mitral stenosis
二尖瓣上环形supravalvular ring mitral stenosis
二尖瓣上环形supramitral ring
先天性主动脉口congenital aortic stenosis
先天性二尖瓣congenital mitral stenosis
先天性肥大性幽门congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
先天性肺静脉congenital pulmonary vein stenosis
先天性食管congenital stenosis of esophagus
十二指肠duodenal stenosis
咽瘢痕性cicatricial stricture of pharynx
咽鼓管eustachian tube stenosis
喉瘢痕性cicatricial stricture of larynx
声门下subglottic stenosis
梅毒性冠状动脉口syphilitic coronary ostial stenosis
气管tracheal stenosis
气管支气管瘢痕tracheobronchial cicatricial stricture
泪小管stenosis of lacrimal canaliculus
泪点stenosis of lacrimal punctum
泪道stenosis of lacrimal passage
特发性肥厚性主动脉瓣下idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
瓣膜valvular stenosis
痉挛性窄环constriction ring
纤维肌型主动脉瓣下fibromuscular subvalvular aortic stenosis
纤维膜型主动脉瓣下fibromembranous subvalvular aortic stenosis
经皮腔内球囊扩张静脉percutaneous transluminal balloon dilatation of venous stenosis
结核性支气管tuberculous bronchostenosis
肛门congenital strictures of the rectum
肛门anal stenosis
intestinal stenosis
肺动脉pulmonary artery stenosis
肺动脉瓣valvular pulmonary stenosis
肺动脉瓣pulmonary valve stenosis
肺动脉瓣窄手术护理nursing care of valvular pulmonic stenosis surgery
肺动脉瓣上supravalvular pulmonary stenosis
肺动脉瓣下subvalvular pulmonary stenosis
脐带stricture of cord
阴道stenosis of vagina
食管esophageal stenosis
食管吻合口stricture of esophageal anastomosis
食管瘢痕性cicatricial stricture of esophagus
骨盆人口contracted pelvic inlet
骨盆出口contracted pelvic outlet
鼻泪管stenosis of naso-lacrimal duct