
Terms containing 怎么 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.万一找不到怎么办?What happens if you don't find it?
gen.不知怎么办才好up a stump
gen.不管怎么for better or worse
gen.不管怎么for better of worse
gen.不管怎么happen what may
gen.不管怎么for better for worse
gen.不管怎么any day
manag.为什么,何事,何地,何时,谁,怎样why, what, where, when, who, how
gen.买一送一怎么样?How about buy one and get one free?
proj.manag.什么是用户头像?我怎样可以得到一个?What is an avatar? How do I get one?
gen.今天晚上去跳美国式的方舞怎么样?How'd you like to go to an American style square dance tonight?
gen.怎么跟您联系呢?How can he get in contact with you?
gen.怎么跟您联系呢?How can he get a hold of you?
gen.怎么不穿高跟鞋呢?那会提升你女性气质的Why don't you wear high-heeled shoes? It would increase your womanhood
ceram.怎么清洁瓷砖?How do you clean ceramic tiles?
gen.怎么知道电荷是正的还是负的how can you tell if the charge is positive or negative
gen.怎么能拒绝我对你的道歉呢?这是不礼貌的How can you refuse my apology to you? This is rude
gen.你今天怎么这么容易生气?Why are you so cross today?
gen.你们怎么庆祝独立日呢?How do you celebrate Independence Day?
busin.你们产品的价格怎么样?Will you please let us have an idea of your price?
el.你们打算怎么包装这些电子元件——发光二极管、感应器和电阻器?十八、模具How are you going to pack these electronic components: LEDs, inductors and resistors? (Moulds)
gen.你们这里怎么能把价格压得这么低?But how can you lower the price so much?
gen.你可以告诉我怎么去南博格国家公园吗?Can you tell me the way to the Nambung National Park?
gen.你和库克怎么样?还在城里住吗?How are you and Cook? Still living in town?
proj.manag.你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收支平衡的公式、不论你的对手怎么You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does
gen.你好,从这儿到华尔街站该怎么坐车?Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street station from here?
gen.你好史密斯先生,今天感觉怎么样?Hello, Mr. Smith. How are you feeling today?
gen.你好,见到你很高兴。请问你的名字怎么读?Hi, nice to meet you. How shall I pronounce your name, please?
gen.你觉得水煮牛肉怎么样?How do you like the boiled beef in chili soup?
gen.你觉得这台车床怎么how do you like this lathe
gen.你认为怎么适宜适当就…as you think proper
gen.have +宾语 +补足语使把,让,叫…怎么样<#2>have
proj.manag.假如您的项目没有规格说明书、 您该怎么办?What do you do if your project doesn't have a spec?
gen.假日酒店怎么样?我替您打电话联系一下好吗?How about Holliday Inn? Would you like me to phone them?
gen.先生,您好!我在网上订了机票,要怎么确认信息呢?Hello, sir. I booked my flight on the Internet. How can I confirm the information?
gen.先生,请告诉我怎么回事Give me some details, sir
gen.克尼斯纳森林怎么样?How is the Knysna Forest?
busin.关于付款方式,你们通常怎么操作?What is your regular practice about terms of payment?
gen.内科怎么走?Which way do I go the Medical Department?
gen.再来一杯怎么样?How about another drink?
gen.厕所怎么走?What is the geography of the house?
gen.去逛逛高级时装店怎么样?How about visiting some high-end fashion shops?
dentist.可以给我做个示范您在家怎么刷牙吗?Show me how you brush your teeth at home?
gen.吃英国菜换换口味怎么样?Say, how about having British food for a change?
gen.+补充语听说…怎么hear of one
gen.嗨,约翰!你知道怎么申请赴美签证吗?Hi, John! Do you know how to apply for a visa to the U. S. ?
gen.堪培拉气候怎么样?What's the climate in Canberra?
gen.夏威夷玫瑰怎么样?夏威夷玫瑰最适合女生了,样子好又有甜味How about this Hawaii Rose? Ladies like it, because it's sweet and beautiful
gen.太好啦。那你们怎么收费呢?Great! Then how much do you charge?
gen.女卫生间怎么走?Where can I go and see my aunt?
gen.如果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?What exactly should I do with the foreign exchange certificates left with me?
gen.如果我更改预订后,价格增长了应该怎么办?What happens if my booking goes up in price after making changes?
gen.如果我进行了更改,我预订的专车服务会怎么样?What happens to my chauffer bookings if I change?
gen.如果病人对青霉素过敏,那该怎么办呢?What would be done if the patient should develop allergy to penicillin?
econ.如果营业额不足双方同意的金额怎么办?What if the volume of business falls short of the agreed amount?
gen.如果透支了怎么办?What if I overdraw?
gen.如果…那怎么办<#0>what would happen if...
gen.如果…那怎么办<#0>what if
gen.干红怎么样呢?How about dry red?
gen.当然有,女士,但无酒精的鸡尾酒怎么样?Of course, madam, But how about a non-alcoholic cocktail?
gen.怎么再多也不no amount of
gen.M 怎么了?what happened to M?
gen.怎么了,先生?What is the matter, sir?
gen.怎么会…whence comes it that...
gen.that…怎么how is it
gen.that…怎么how comes it
gen.怎么会这样?那一定是材料没达到要求,或者签证官觉得你目的不纯How could that happen? You must have failed to meet the requirements or the officer believed your purpose is not genuine
gen.怎么会那样呢how so
telecom.怎么减少手机带来的辐射呢?How to reduce the radiation from mobile phones?
gen.下一步怎么then what
gen.下一步怎么what then
gen.怎么what to do?
gen.怎么啦?我们都在恭候你的光临What happened? We're all expecting you
gen.怎么回事what of
gen.怎么回事what about
gen.怎么what of
gen.怎么what about
gen.M M 怎么如何how about
gen.M M 怎么如何what about
gen.怎么how about
proj.manag.怎么编译一个 C 程序 ?How to compile a C program?
gen.怎么说就怎么做suit the action to the word
gen.怎么这么辣?都呛得我流眼泪了How can it be so spicy? I am tearing up!
dentist.怎么刷牙?Can you tell me average pattern of your bushing your teeth?
dentist.怎么刷牙?How do you brush your teeth?
dentist.怎么刷牙,刷多长时间?How and how long do you brush your teeth?
gen.您好,请问我该怎么走?Hello, which way should I go?
dentist.您现在感觉它是怎么痛的?What kind of pain do you feel now?
gen.您的名字怎么拼?Would you please spell your name?
gen.您的威士忌要怎么喝?How do you like your whisky?
gen.您能告诉我公共厕所怎么走吗?Can you show me the comfort station?
dentist.您能感觉出它是怎么痛的吗?What kind of pain did you feel?
shipb.您觉得我们的报价怎么样?What do you think of our price?
gen.您觉得这房间怎么样呢?How do you like this room?
gen.想象一下,财务部通知你,昨天你收到的一张旅行支票客人签字签错了地方,所以无效,你会怎么办?Imagine you were being informed by finance that the traveler's check you had accepted yesterday is not valid because the guest had signed on the wrong position. How would you feel?
gen.怎么会知道呢how should I know
gen.怎么知道到哪里取行李?How will I know where to get my luggage?
gen.我也是。我在这里的这段时间你们很照顾我。我都不知道怎么感谢你们才好Me too. You ve given me so much help during my stay here. How can I thank you enough?
gen.我们怎么去希尔顿宾馆?How can we get to Hilton?
gen.我们怎么把冲浪板拿到海边?How can we bring our surfboards to the sea?
house.我们用新买的果汁机打一杯橙子和苹果的混合果汁怎么样?Shall we make a glass of orange and apple juice with our newly purchased juice extractor?
gen.我们要怎么去赫伦岛?How could we get to the Heron Island?
gen.我发现桌上一块玻璃碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?I notice that a piece of glass on the top of the table is broken. Do you know how it happened?
gen.我听说办理新加坡旅游签证需提供在职证明。但我是个自由作家,那应该怎么办呢?I've heard that an original letter from the employer is needed for a Singapore visitor visa. However, I' m a freelance who don't have that. What should I do?
gen.我在泰国买了这只手镯,你觉得怎么样?I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?
gen.我带了一些需要付关税的商品。我应该怎么计算这些关税呢?还有我应该怎么支付它们呢?I am carrying some items that will require paying a customs duty. How should I calculate the approximate duty and where should I pay the customs duty?
gen.我护照找不到了,怎么办?I can't find my passport. What should I do?
gen.我明天要到纽约去游玩,那儿的天气怎么样?I' m going for a trip to New York tomorrow. Whats the weather like in New York?
gen.我替您跟别的地方联系一下,您看怎么样?Would you like me to get in touch with somewhere else for you?
gen.我知道你方产品信誉很好,但是万一发生重量不足或质量不合格怎么办呢?I know your products have a good reputation. But what in case there is short weight or disqualification?
gen.我要怎么填这张表呢?How do I fill out this form?
gen.+ad. 怎么决不会太…can never + inf. +too +
gen.+ad. 怎么决不会太…can not + inf. +too +
gen.房间设施怎么样?What about the features in the room?
gen.打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么去车站吗?Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the station?
gen.打扰一下,先生。您可以告诉我到天鹅宾馆最近的路怎么走吗?Excuse me, sir. But could you tell me the nearest way to Swan Hotel?
gen.打扰一下,先生。我发现桌上的烟灰缸摔碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?Excuse me, sir. I noticed that the astray on the table was broken. Do you know how it happened?
gen.打扰一下,厕所怎么走?Excuse me, but where is the loo?
gen.打扰一下,请您告诉我到美术馆怎么走?Excuse me, but will you tell me the way to the art museum?
gen.打扰一下,请问我要转机应该怎么走?Excuse me, can you tell me where to transfer planes, please?
gen.抱歉,您的收据已超期了,换一件怎么样?Sorry, the receipt is overdue. We can't refund for you. How about an exchange?
gen.换换口味吃中餐怎么样?Say, how about having Chinese food for a change?
gen.无论怎么whether or no
gen.既然你知道这会损坏仪器,你怎么能这样做呢How could you, when you knew that this might damage the apparatus
gen.明白了,先生。我帮您查一查,请问他的姓名怎么拼写?I see, sir. I'll check it for you. How do you spell his name, please?
gen.晚上吃烩大虾怎么样?What do you think braised prawns for dinner?
gen.最近的纪念品店怎么走?How can I get to the nearest souvenir shop?
gen.杰克,你能告诉我在西餐馆怎么吃面包吗?Could you tell me how to eat bread in western restaurant, Jack?
gen.棕榈湾的餐厅怎么样?How were the restaurants in the Palm Cove?
gen.油白菜怎么样?又鲜又嫩How about cabbage in oyster sauce? It's tender and tasty,
cosmet.的这款花香味香水怎么样?How about this Isawell’s flowery perfume? Isawell
gen.真的假的?这怎么可能呢?你一定要再申请一次!Are you serious? How is this possible? You have to reapply!
gen.能告诉我收银台怎么走吗?Can you direct me to the cashier?
gen.茵莱湖的气候怎么样?How is the climate in Inle Lake?
gen.街口拐角处新开了一家专卖西裤的商店,去看一看怎么样?A shop that sells western style trousers just opened on the street corner. How about taking a look?
gen.要是我想洗衣服该怎么办?What if I want to have my clothes washed?
gen.警官,我不是本地人。我要怎么缴罚款呢?Officer, I'm not from around here. How do I pay the fine?
gen.认为…不怎么not think much of
gen.试一下这双,怎么样?Try this one, please. How is it?
gen.请问,怎么去瓜纳巴拉湾?Excuse me, how could I go to the Guanabara Bay?
gen.请问怎么去联合车站?Could you tell me how to get to the Union Station?
gen.请问国际电话怎么打呢?How can I make an international call?
gen.请问您怎么结账呢?用现金还是信用卡?How would you like to settle your account, by credit card or cash?
gen.请问您哪里不舒服?您的胃口怎么样?Are you felling sick? How is your appetite?
proj.manag.谈到付款方式、能否告诉我、你们这方面通常怎么做?Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?
gen.这个意大利蔬菜汤这么浓,怎么做的?What makes the minestrone soup so thick?
arts.这个颜色艳丽的雕塑表面怎么样?How is the flamboyant sculpture's surface?
gen.这些脏的盘子怎么办?What should I do with the dirty dishes?
gen.这便怎么what of it
gen.这几天与您同住的朋友的费用怎么算呢?How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?
gen.这是我第一次来伦敦,您能告诉我怎么叫的士吗?It is my first time in London. Can you tell me how to call a taxi?
gen.这正是我最担心的。你怎么知道哪个更好?That's my greatest concern. How can you tell which one is better?
gen.这红酒是我朋友从法国买回来送给我的,味道怎么样?The wine was a gift from my friend. He bought it in France. How does it taste?
gen.那么怎么办呢what then
gen.那么在外地使用又是怎么收费的呢?How about the charges for the service available in other cities?
gen.那剩饭剩菜怎么处理呢?What happens to all the leftover food?
gen.那是怎么what about it
gen.那是怎么回事how is that
gen.雅各到底怎么了?What is the matter with Jacob?
gen.饭前来杯茶怎么样?Would you care for a cup of tea before your meal?
gen.怎么样?鱼也不腻What about fish? Fish is not heavy