
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
专卖税和无财产税条例franchise and intangibles tax
书面式上的要求requirement of written form
产品外标志product configuration identification
以投标by tender
公司company image
分出unpacked format
历年纳税情revenues paid in the past years
历年纳税情revenue paid in the past years
原始数据raw data form
参加蛇浮动体系的国家"snake" country
参考reference pattern
固定资本fixed capital formation
国际收支中与贸易有关的无项目balance of trade-allied invisibles
国际贸易中的有项目visible item of international trade
国际贸易有项目visible items of international trade
决算pictorial statement
决算表graphic statement
土地利用patterns of land use
上的瑕疵defect of form
必须使用契据式的合同contract by deed
T 字账户skeleton account
引进技术的有效effective ways of importing technology
X 之物X
同具文toothless jawboning
式上的瑕疵formal defect
式发票proforma invoice
式发票pro forma bill invoice
式发票pro forma invoice
式售货清单proforma account sale
法律行为的式要求substantive requirements of form
式赊售proforma account sale
J 曲线J-shaped curve
总的资本gross capital formation
投资pattern of investment
排除rejection pattern
援助form of assistance
个人财产intangible personal property
交易invisible transactions
产品immaterial product
价值intangible value
出口指不是因商品输出而带来的各项收入,如运费、保险费、国际旅游收入等invisible exports
出口指不是因商品输出而带来的各项收入,如运费、保险费、国际旅游收入等invisible export
出口invisible exports
出口和无形进口invisible exports and imports
利益invisible gain
动产intangible personal property
劳工immaterial labor
商品intangible goods
固定资产intangible fixed assets
损失non-physical loss
损失invisible loss
收益invisible gain
收益invisible earnings
日常交易invisible current transaction
股份invisible stock
immaterial goods
财产non-visible property
货物intangible goods
贸易invisible trade
贸易差额invisible trade balance
贸易差额invisible balance
贸易收支差额balance of invisible trade
贸易顺差净额net invisible surplus
资产non-physical assets
资产incorporeal property
资产immaterial assets
资本incorporeal capital
资本immaterial capital
进口invisible import
动产tangible personal property
动产corporeal movables
固定资产tangible fixed assets
工厂physical plant
工厂成本physical plant cost
灭失或损坏physical loss or damage
的关税visible customs tax
财产visible means
财产material property
财产corporeal property
贸易差额visible trade balance
贸易差额visible balance
资产价值tangible value
资产净额net tangible assets
资产减流动负债break-up value
资本material capital
进出口商品进出口visible exports and imports
有关证据的式要求evidentiary requirements of form
杂货break bulk form
杂货break-bulk form
跳板bridge ramp
货柜tank container
永久性变permanent deformation
法律跟不上势要求legal lag
洞中之蛇汇率波动"snake in the tunnel"
流动无资产current intangibles
流动无项目current invisibles
消除一切成的种族歧视的国际公约International Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination
和单一经济lopsided and single-product economy
搬运台box pallet
"蛇"浮动"snake" fluctuation
浮动snake in the tunnel
浮动国家"snake" country
"蛇"货币snake currency
"蛇"货币"snake" currency
货物有计算单位.physical unit of goods
货物有计算单位physical unit of goods
贸发会议无贸易和贸易资金委员会UNCTAD Committee on Invisibles and Financing Related to Trade
贸易畸发展trade distortion
资本forms of value
资本成账目gross saving and capital formation account
过度的流通手段的excessive liquidity creation
采购buying pattern
销售情sales status
zigzag form
长期资金与官方捐赠之国际流动情international flow of long-term capital and official donations
贸易委员会invisible transactions committee
需要式发票一式四份requirement of pro form invoice in quadruplicate