
Terms for subject Technology containing 分类 | all forms | in specified order only
一向分类one-way classification
三元光谱分类three-dimensional spectral classification
三组分显微煤岩类型trimaceral micro lithotype
三维分类three-dimensional classification
三角土壤分类triangular soil classification chart
三角坐标分类triangular classification chart
三角坐标分类trilinear chart
三角坐标分类triangular chart
三角坐标分类系统triangle coordinate classification system
三角坐标土壤分类triangle classification of soils
分类存料unclassified store
分类开挖unclassified excavation
分类的垃圾收集collection of unclassified refuse
不同类分页功能sort function
不同质分类heterogeneous classification
不平衡分配分类unbalanced merge sort
不平衡合并分类unbalanced merge sort
不正确的分类faulty separation
专利号码分类索引patents allocation index
业务活动分类activity classification
伏古勒桑德奇分类de Vaucouleurs-Sandage classification
会计分类accounting classification
借款分类loan ledger
分为三类be divided into three classes
分区类型divisional type
分子人类学molecular anthropology
分子类型分析molecular type analysis
分布式类执行程序系统distributed executive-like system
分布类型distribution pattern
分成若干类divide into several classes
分批成本分类job cost ledger
分散类型dispersal pattern
分析人类学analytical anthropology
分析人类学analytic anthropology
分析类型analytical type
分析类型analytic type
分枝类型branching pattern
分栏式分类column ledger
分歧类型论ramified theory of type
分泌菌类体secretion sclerotinite
分潮类数species number
分类与命名classification and designation
分类专业小组cut house
分类仓库sorting shed
分类价格class price
分类会计科目表classification of accounts
分类位置未定incertae sedis
分类余额簿balance book
分类作业sorting operation
分类例子classification example
分类信息category message
分类信息组split field
分类信用证open credit
分类债券classified bonds
分类公理axiom of specification
分类关键sort key
分类关键字sorting key word
分类关键字sorting key
分类分成hierarchical revenue-sharing methods
分类分成hierarchic revenue-sharing methods
分类分析geological classification analysis
分类分析geologic classification analysis
分类分析法category analysis
分类判据classification criterion
分类别的比率specific rate
分类制图法classical mapping technique
分类制图法classic mapping technique
分类制度classification system
分类力学sort mechanics
分类功能模块sort module
分类包装室crating and sorting room
分类包装室crating and sorting space
分类包装室crating and sorting area
分类区间class interval
分类协议bracket protocol
分类grouping sheet
分类单元延限带taxon range zone
分类sorting card
分类family card
分类原则criterion of classification
分类原理principle of classification
分类变量categorical measure
分类号印classification mark
分类号码class number
分类号码classification symbol
分类合作sort merge
分类合作sorting and merging
分类合同separate contract
分类合并sort merge
分类合并文件说明sort-merge file description
分类合并程序sort-merge programme
分类合并程序sort-merge program
分类合并程序包sort-merge package
分类systematic name
分类向量class vector
分类命名法systematic nomenclature
分类命题categorical proposition
分类sorting machine
分类sorting chart
分类图像classified image
分类图架sorting rack
分类场地sorting floor
分类块因子sort blocking factor
分类声呐classification sonar
分类junction house
分类子句class clause
分类子程序specification subroutine
分类存储器sorting memory
分类学史history of systematics
分类定理classification theorem
分类尺度classificatory scale
分类嵌条dividing fillet
分类工会制度class unionism
分类工作文件sort work file
分类布置layout by process
分类平均差价率法categorized average margin rate method
分类平衡器ledger balance
分类平衡法sort balance
分类应用classified application
分类归并sorting merge
分类归并class finding
分类归并生成程序sort-merge generator
分类归并生成程序sort and merge generator
分类归并程序sort-merge programme
分类归并程序sort-merge program
分类微生物学systematic microbiology
分类性状taxonomic character
分类总数batch total
分类成本计算group costing
分类所得税classified or scheduled tax
分类所得税tax on separate income
分类所得税classified income tax
分类扫描sort pass
分类折旧group depreciation
分类折旧depreciation by kind
分类折旧法group method of depreciation
分类报告classified information
分类指数group index
分类指数class index number
分类指标group number
分类指标group index
分类挖土selective digging
分类排列法classified shelf arrangement
分类控制classification control
分类控制法systematic management
分类控制法ABC analysis
分类控制键sort control key
分类操作sort operation
分类收集separable collection
分类效率classification effectiveness
分类效率最佳化optimizing sort performance
分类数据cluster data
分类数据categorical data
分类数据方差variance of classified data
分类整理室assortment room
分类整理室classification space
分类整理室assortment space
分类整理室classification room
分类文件描述项sort file description entry
分类方案classificatory plan
分类日记账ledger journal
分类服务classification service
分类标准criterion of classification
分类标志group indication
分类标牌individual mark (加工后钢筋)
分类标记key words sorting
分类标题class heading
分类树形结构sort tree structure
分类样本grouping sample
分类检索文档classified searching files
分类检验partition test
分类bowl classifier
分类模块sort module
分类模型disaggregated model
分类sorting phase
分类比较器sorter comparator
分类比较法category method
分类partition method
分类sorting method
分类system of classification
ABC 分类ABC system
分类测度categorical measure
分类测验sorting test
分类满期日graded maturities
分类特性classification property
土的分类特性index property
分类特性classification characteristic
分类状态管理程序bracket state manager
分类生产法multiline production
分类生物化学taxonomic biochemistry
分类用途的财政补贴categorical grants aid
分类电话号码簿classified telephone directory
分类电路sorting circuit
分类的部分sector of breakdown
分类目录catalogue raisonne
分类目录split catalogue
分类目录catalog raisonne
分类taxonomic species
分类sorting scale
分类程序sort programme
分类程序sorting programme
分类程序sort program
分类生成程序sort generator
分类程序包sort utility
分类程序模块sort programme module
分类程序模块sort program module
分类程序段sorting programme phase
分类程序段sorting program phase
分类classified tax
分类税制schedular system of taxation
分类classification symbol
分类class symbol (号)
分类class code
分类等级class rating
分类等级taxonomy grade
分类等级classification level
分类等级classification grade
分类classifying screen
分类算法sorting algorithm
分类算法sort algorithm
分类管理法systematic management
分类管理法ABC analysis
分类类目systematic category
分类精度nicety of grading
分类系列taxonomic series
分类系统taxonomy system
分类系统natural system
分类组合sort merge
分类组合sorted set
分类组合职能sorting function
分类统制账ledger control
分类统计classified statistics
分类统计classification statistic (量)
分类编码sorting code number
分类编码系统classification and coding system
分类taxonomical group
分类股票classified stock
分类脉冲sorting pulse
分类scheme of classification
分类sorting table
分类classification statement
分类classification table
分类table of classification
分类classification list
分类表图classification scheme
分类装置sorting device
分类要素element of taxonomy
分类classification gauge
分类classification gage
分类规则classifying rules
分类计数differential counting
分类计数classification count
分类计算机calculating sorting-machine
分类计算法classification design method
分类设备sorting device
分类设备segregating unit
分类设施classified facility
分类证券classified security
分类译释器sorter interpreter
分类试算平衡表classified trial balance
分类试验class test
分类误差error in classification
分类说明classification manual
分类说明classification declaration
分类调车线sorting track
分类财政补贴categorical grant
分类财政补贴block grant
分类departmental account
分类general ledger
分类ledger sheet
分类journal ledger
分类branch account
分类账上的资产ledger assets
分类账余额ledger balance
分类账分析ledger analysis
分类账分析表ledger analysis sheet
分类账户ledger accounts
分类账户group accounts
分类账控制ledger control
分类账目录card of account
分类账目簿card of account
分类账科目account as recorded in a ledger
分类账簿ledger books
分类账结转法ledger transfer method
分类账表格ledger forms
分类账账目account as recorded in a ledger
分类账转账ledger transfer
分类账页数ledger folio
分类账页次ledger sheet
分类账页次ledger folio
分类sorting charges
分类assortment charges
分类资料categorical data
分类轧钢机section steel rolling mill
分类过程classification process
分类过程sorting process
分类过程assorting process
分类过程的控制control of sort procedure
分类进食dissociate diet
分类选择sort selection
分类sort capacity
分类错误classification error
分类问题classification problem
分类间距branch interval
分类间隔class interval
分类阅读机sorter reader
分类阶元taxonomic category
分类阶段classification stage
分类随机抽样random sampling by classification
分类项目taxonomic category
分类顺序catalogue No
分类顺序catalog No
分类频率速度taxonomic frequency rate
分部分类sectional ledger
分配分类distribution sort
分门别类的技术unbundling technology
化学分类chemotaxonomy (动植物)
合同分类contract ledgers
合并交换分类merge exchange sort
同伦分类homotopy classification
同伦分类问题homotopy classification problem
同质分类homogeneous classification
同质性分类grouping for homogeneity
圈闭其他分类other classification of trop
圈闭成因分类genetic classification of trop
分类三角图triangular chart for soil classification
分类完整流程图complete flowchart of soil classification
分类soil classification system
分类简要流程图brief flowchart of soil classification
土地分类soil taxonomy
土地分类land-classification map
土地使用分类land-use classification
土地使用分类land-use classes
土地利用分类land-use classes
土地类别分区land use (城市区域规划)
土地适用性分类land suitability classification (指宜农、宜林、宜牧、宜耕等而言)
土壤分类land classification
土壤分类classification of soils (法)
土的分类soil grade
土的三角坐标分类triangle classification of soils
土的三角形座标分类triangular classification of soil
土的工程地质分类engineering geological classification of soil
土的工程地质分类engineering geologic classification of soil
土的简易分类quick soil classification
土的统一分类unified soil classification system (法)
土的统一分类塑性图a plastic chart for use in the Unified Soil Classification system
土的统一分类简要流程图classification brief flowchart for soil
土的肉眼分类visual soil classification
土的质地分类textural classification of soil
土类分级法system of land classification
土组织分类textural soil classification
土结构分类soil textural classification
土质分类soil type
土质分类soil classification
堆叠分类heap sort
处理分类classification of treatment
备件分类spare parts collection
复原分类restored taxa
复合分类compound entry
复合分类combined entry
复杂类型分岔complex splitting
外部分类external sort
多光谱分类multispectral classification
多向分类multiway classification
多周期分类multicycle sort
多文件分类multifile sorting
多栏式分类账法columnar account method
多次分类multipass sort
多步分类polynomial sort
多相分类polyphase sorting
多相分类polyphase sort
多类数据分类程序multipass sort
多通路分类multipass sort
多遍分类multipass sort
多遍分类程序multipass sorting programme
多遍分类程序multipass sorting program
多重分类分析multiple classifying analysis
多重判别分类multilayer classification
市场分类market grouping
布鲁塞尔分类Brussels classification
布鲁塞尔分类系统Brussels system
布鲁塞尔关税商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
布鲁塞尔十进分类Brussels classification
开除信用证分类letter of credit issued ledger
异常的分类anomaly classification
弗林分类Flynn's classification schema
成套分类nested classification
成对比较分类comparison-of-pair sorting
成本分类cost breakdown
成本分类classification of cost
成本费用分类summary of cost and expenses classification
成熟期分类maturity classification
成矿远景区级别分类classification map showing grades of prospective mineralization area
我国目前采用的干酪根分类recognizable kerogen classification at present in China
按产业类型的职业分布industrial type employment distribution
按作用分类functional division
按光泽分类的肉眼煤岩类型lithotypes of coal by luster
按关键字分类key sorting
按功能分类classification by function
按地区分类areal category
按地区分类area classification
按字母分类alphabetic sorting
按对污染的敏感性分类pollution-sensitive typology
按属性分类attributive classification
按建筑活动分类classification by type of construction activity
按建设地区分类classification by construction location
按性质分类classification by kind
按特征分类tag sort
按生产过程分类classification by the process of production
按粒度分类particle-size classification
按级分类项存储hierarchical memory storage
按级分类项存储hierarchic memory storage
按质分类grading of timber (木材)
按运量分类的线路trackage classified by traffic volume
按速度分类的线路trackage classified by speed
按顾客类型分类classification by the type of customers
明细分类subsidiary ledger account (户)
明细分类detail account
明细分类账审计detail ledger audit
明细分类账核对proving the subsidiary ledger
最后分类final clarification
最小距离分类least distance classification
最近邻域分类nearest neighbour classification
最近邻域分类nearest neighbor classification
最近邻域模式分类nearest neighbour pattern classification
最近邻域模式分类nearest neighbor pattern classification
有序样分类分析classification analysis of ordered samples
标准分类standardized classification
标准分类常规standard sort routines
标准分类成本单standard process cost sheet
标准产业分类standard industrial classification
标准国际贸易商品分类standard international trade classification
标准工业分类standard industrial classification
标度分类间隔class interval
分类tree classification
树木分类tree classification
植物分类systematic botany
植物生化分类plant chemotaxonomy
植被分类vegetative classification
气候分类climate classification
气象分类weather classification
洞室围岩分类classification of surrounding rock of tunnel
渗流运动形态分类pattern classification of seepage movement
演化分类evolutionary taxonomy
砂岩及各类储集体分布图map of distribution of sand rocks and various deposits
稀有分类rare taxa
程序分类class of procedures
税则的精细分类refinement of tariff classifications
编图资料分类classification copy
编码分类coding specification
褐煤国际分类brown coal international classification
言息按专题分类digital thematic classification
贝叶斯分类Bayes's classification
贝叶斯分类Bayesian classification
踏勘分类classes of reconnaissance survey
逐面分类faceted classification
递升分类ascending sort
通用分类程序generalized sort programme
通路分类way sort
通过分类pass sorting
销售分类sales ledger
震级分类classification of magnitude of earthquake
霓霞岩的分类classification of ijolites
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