
Terms for subject Economy containing 一种 | all forms | in specified order only
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
一旦亲临交易会,你将发现有很多品种可供选择Once you come to the fair personally, you'll find there is a large variety for selection
一种使股票下跌的影响a bearish effect on the stock market
一种变通方式an alternative
一种基金于另一种基金的合并amalgamation of a fund with another
一种方案an alternative
一般来说租赁包含金融租赁和管理租赁两种类型Generally leases include two types, finance leases and operating leases
上个月他们得到了一种新型仪器的专利权They took out a patent for a new type of instrument last month
上海一家主要玩具制造商正以很低的价格供应各种玩具枪A leading toy maker in Shanghai is now offering toy guns of different kinds at very low prices
不知不觉染上一种不良习惯slide into a bad habit
仅制造一种商品的厂商single line manufacture
从事一种手艺ply a trade
他们从事一种顾客定做业务,生意做得红红火火They drove a roaring custom-built trade
他们的一些大笔头定单反映了他们对这种货物的极大需求Their substantial orders reflected their great need for the goods
他发明了一种新型机器He invented a new type of machine
仲裁者应就双方的争议解决一切申诉,且这种决定不应成为仲裁的先决条件The arbitrator should decide all claims concerning the disputes between the two parties and the decision should not be a condition precedent to arbitration
利润作为一种功能报酬profits as a functional return
利润作为一种功能报酬profit as a functional return
只有在中华人民共和国的法规授予此种权利的时候才能在中国做这一行业的生意This line of transaction should be conducted in China only when authorized by the statute of People's Republic of China
在交易所同时抛售又买入同一种证券的交易the matched sale-purchase transaction
在同一计算机上多种程序同时运算concurrent processing
在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
在实施这一条款时出现的任何争议,将以仲裁作为一种解决办法Arbitration will be an approach to settle any dispute arising from the operation of this clause
如果爆发任何一种流行病,我们应该遵守由政府或卫生部门制订的一切规章、命令和要求In case of the outbreak of an epidemic disease, we should observe all the regulations, orders and requirements, made by the government or the sanitary authorities
我们不得不把此种未能履行合同的情况当作一次违反合同的行为We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract
我们将把一切设备,机械及各种备件迅速由铁路运输给买主We shall promptly transport all equipment, machinery and spare parts to the buyer by rail
我们将提供一种代替品,以替代你们所询购的那一种We shall offer a substitute in substitution for what you enquire for
我们很可能会接受前一种建议We are likely to accept the former proposal
我们愿向你方推荐购买另一种质优价廉的产品We would like to recommend you to buy another quality products at a low price
我们注意到目前有一种向内地市场销售的普遍倾向We notice a general trend to sell to inland market
我们认为用这种方式处理此事会更好一些We thought it better to deal with the matter along these lines
我们认为这种衣料至少可以卖到5美元一米We think this material for clothing will fetch us at least $5 per meter
我公司正在创立一种新牌领带We are launching a new brand of ties
我方在以前的一封信中,已把这种安排通知你方了We informed you of this arrangement in one of our previous letters
我方将向你方销售另一种高质量的材料,价格低廉,请予以考虑We shall sell you another kind of material of high quality at a lower price. Please take it into consideration
所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交给第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid
所附目录只是我们所经营的品种繁多的收音机和电视机的一小部分资料The catalog enclosed gives you a small knowledge of the vast range of radio and television sets we are now handling
权利和利益可以用一种确定的表现形式加以转让The right and interest can be transferred in a definite form of embodiment
特种货物一览表special cargo list
由于我们无法将这种商品装运得不多不少一点不差,请给我们一些处理的灵活幅度As we are unable to ship this kind of goods to the exact unit, please give us some latitude in handling it
研究制定一种方法政策,电路develop a method (a policy,a circuit)
维护转售价格制是商品价格由生产者制定,不允许零售商改变的一种制度The resale price maintenance is a system where the price for an item is fixed by the producer and the dealer is not allowed to change it
英国规定享受一种福利即可享受其他福利的"护照"制度the "passport n." system
证实一种理论validate a theory
该公司出版一种股票市场的周刊The company publishes a weekly magazine on the stock market
请给我们报这类商品中的任何一种Please make us an offer for any product within the fabric of this line
这可能就是我们赖以开拓市场而获利的一种行业This might be a line with which we could profitably exploit our market
这样一种颜色暗淡的装饰图案不吸引人Such an ornamental design in a dull color offers no inducement
这种商品的质量达到一级品,所以其价格相当高The quality of this article can qualify for first class, so its price is quite high
这种布20美元一米This cloth costs $20 a meter
这种新饮料投放市场才一个星期,我们就收到源源不断的续订单The new drink has been on the market only a week and repeat orders are already flooding to us
这种货现无存货,一个月后有货This item goes out of stock at the moment but will come back into stock in a month
遇到任何这种紧急情况时,缔约的任何一方可随时终止本协议Either party can terminate this agreement upon the occurrence of any of such emergencies
销售额的预测仅仅是我的一种猜测The forecast of sales is only my guess
集装箱化被认为是一种效率更高的运输办法Containerization is considered as a method for more efficient shipment