
Terms containing third | all forms | exact matches only
transp., mech.eng.a third-freedom traffic righttredje frihedsrettighed
patents.a transfer shall only have effect vis-à-vis third parties after...en overførsel har ingen virkning over for tredjemand før ...
market.accounts with third partiesgæld
fin.accounts with third partiesdebitor-og kreditorkonti
lawto act as a guarantor on behalf of third partiesoptræde som garant på tredjemands vegne
fin., econ.activity on behalf of a third partyaktivitet for tredjemands regning
fin., econ.activity on behalf of a third partyaktivitet for fremmed regning
polit., lawacts of the European Parliament intended to produce legal effects vis-à-vis third partiesde af Europa-Parlamentets retsakter, der skal have retsvirkning over for tredjemand
agric., el.Ad hoc Committee on the Regulation concerning the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power stationAd hoc-Udvalget for Forordningen om Betingelser for Indførsel af Landbrugsprodukter med Oprindelse i Tredjelande efter Ulykken på Kernekraftværket i Tjernobyl
nucl.phys.Additional Protocol to the Convention of 31 January 1963 Supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energytillægsprotokol til tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Additional Protocol to the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energytillægsprotokol til konventionen om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område
busin., labor.org., account.to administer in its own name but on behalf of third partiesforvalte i eget navn, men for fremmed regning
gen.Advisory Committee on common rules for imports from certain third countriesDet Rådgivende Udvalg for den Fælles Ordning for Indførsel fra Visse Tredjelande
polit.Advisory Committee on common rules for imports of products originating in certain third countriesDet Rådgivende Udvalg for den Fælles Ordning for Import fra Visse Tredjelande
polit.Advisory Committee on common rules for imports of products originating in third countriesDet Rådgivende Udvalg for den Fælles Ordning for Import af Varer med Oprindelse i Tredjelande
commer.Advisory Committee on protection against obstacles to trade that have an effect on the market of the Community or of a third country TBRDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Beskyttelse mod Handelshindringer, der Indvirker på Fællesskabets Marked eller på Markedet i et Tredjeland
lawAgreement on the Status of Missions and Representatives of Third States to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisationoverenskomst vedrørende status for tredjelandes repræsentationer og repræsentanter ved Den Nordatlantiske Traktatorganisation
health.anterior or middle third of the neckhalsens forreste eller midterste tredjedel
econ., interntl.trade., market.anti-dumping action on behalf of a third countryantidumpingforanstaltning på et tredjelands vegne
lawapplication for initiating third-party proceedingsbegæring om tredjemandsindsigelser
polit., lawapplication initiating third-party proceedingstredjemandsindsigelse
polit.application originating third party proceedingstredjemandsindsigelse
lawbona fide third partygodtroende tredjemand
lawbona fide third partygodtroende tredjepart
lawbona fide third partytredjepart i god tro
gen.bona fide third partytredjemand i god tro
fin.branch in third countryfilial i tredjeland
fin.branch of third-country establishmenttredjelandes filial
gen.to bring about an adjustment of tariff agreements in force with third countriestilpasse bestående toldaftaler med tredjeland
lawto bring third party proceedingstredjemandsindsigelse mod afgørelsen
gen.canvassing on behalf of third partiesagentvirksomhed for tredjemands regning
lawto charge as security in favour of a third partypantsætte til tredjemand
commun., ITcharge-to-third-number calldebitering af tredje part
fin.cheque issued by third partycheck udstedt af tredjemand
life.sc.class 1,Western industrialized third countriesklasse 1,industrialiserede vestlige tredjelande
lawco-contracting third countriesmedunderskrivende tredjelande
ITcommercial data processing for third partieserhvervsmæssig databehandling for trediemand
social.sc.Committee for implementation of the programme for financial and technical assistance to third countries in the areas of migration and asylum AENEASUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Programmet for Finansiel og Teknisk Bistand til Tredjelande på Migrations- og Asylområdet Aeneas
ed.Committee for implementation of the programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries Erasmus MundusUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Programmet, der Skal Øge Kvaliteten af de Videregående Uddannelser og Fremme den Mellemfolkelige Forståelse gennem Samarbejde med Tredjelande Erasmus Mundus
immigr.Committee for implementation of the regulation establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Forordningen om Fastsættelse af Kriterier og Procedurer til Afgørelse af, hvilken Medlemsstat der er Ansvarlig for Behandlingen af en Asylansøgning, der er Indgivet af en Tredjelandsstatsborger i en af Medlemsstaterne
polit.Committee for implementation of the third phase of the trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education 2000-2006; Tempus IIIUdvalget for Tredje Fase af Programmet for Tværeuropæisk Samarbejde inden for de Videregående Uddannelser Tempus III, 2000-2006
gen.Committee for the certification of products from third countriesUdvalget for Certificering af Industriprodukter fra Tredjelande
polit.Committee on application of the legislation on the minimum level of training for seafarers and the recognition of certificates issued by training institutes or administrations of third countries STCWUdvalget for Direktivet om Minimumsuddannelsesniveauet for Søfartserhverv og for Anerkendelse af de Beviser, der Udstedes af Institutioner eller Myndigheder i Tredjelande STCW
gen.Committee on Associations with Third CountriesUdvalget for associering med Tredjelande
fin.Committee on checks for conformity of products imported from third countriesUdvalget for Kontrol med, at Produkter Indført fra Tredjelande Overholder Produktsikkerhedsreglerne
gen.Committee on checks for conformity with the rules on product safety in the case of products imported from third countriesUdvalget for Kontrol med at Produkter Indført fra Tredjelande Overholder Produktsikkerhedsreglerne
polit.Committee on common rules for imports of textile products from certain third countries autonomous regimeUdvalget vedrørende den Fælles Ordning for Indførsel af Tekstilvarer fra visse Tredjelande Autonom Ordning
gen.Committee on common rules for imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by bilateral agreements, protocols or other arrangementsUdvalget for den Fælles Ordning for Indførsel af Tekstilvarer fra en Række Tredjelande, som ikke er Omfattet af Bilaterale Aftaler, Protokoller eller Andre Arrangementer
gen.Committee on common rules for imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by bilateral agreements, protocols or other arrangementsTekstiludvalget autonom ordning
gen.Committee on Europe and the Third WorldEuropa-Udvalg/Den Tredje Verden
polit.Committee on protection against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom anti-boycottUdvalget for Beskyttelse mod Virkningerne af den Eksterritoriale Anvendelse af Lovgivning Vedtaget af et Tredjeland og af Foranstaltninger, som er Baseret herpå eller er en Følge heraf anti-boykot
gen.Committee on protection against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom anti-boycottUdvalget til Beskyttelse mod Virkningerne af den Eksterritoriale Anvendelse af Lovgivning Vedtaget af et Tredjeland og af Foranstaltninger, som er Baseret herpå eller er en Følge heraf anti-boykot
gen.Committee on statistics relating to the trading of goods with third countriesUdvalget for Statistikker over Udveksling af Goder med Tredjelande
gen.Committee on the Association of Third CountriesUdvalget for Associering med Tredjelande
polit.Committee on the Community action programme concerning cooperation policy in the youth field, including European voluntary service and youth exchanges within the Community and with third countries 2000-2006; YOUTHUdvalget for EF-handlingsprogrammet for Unge 2000-2006
agric.Committee on the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power stationUdvalget for Kontrol af Betingelserne for Indførsel af Landbrugsprodukter med Oprindelse i Tredjelande efter Ulykken på Kernekraftværket i Tjernobyl
gen.Committee on the consultation procedure on relations between Member States and third countries in shipping matters and on action relating to such matters in international organizations and the authorization procedure for agreements concerning maritime transportUdvalget for Konsultationsproceduren vedrørende Forbindelserne mellem Medlemsstater og Tredjelande på Søtransportområdet og vedrørende Aktioner på dette Område i de Internationale Organisationer samt Bemyndigelsesproceduren for Aftaler vedrørende Søtransport
gen.Committee on the third phase of the trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education Tempus IIIUdvalget for Tredje Fase af Programmet for Tværeuropæisk Samarbejde inden for de Videregående Uddannelser Tempus III
polit.Committee overseeing the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power stationUdvalget for Kontrol af Betingelserne for Indførsel af Landbrugsprodukter med Oprindelse i Tredjelande efter Ulykken på Kernekraftværket i Tjernobyl
polit.Committees on checks for conformity with the rules on product safety in the case of products imported from third countriesUdvalget for Kontrol med, at Produkter Indført fra Tredjelande Overholder Produktsikkerhedsreglerne
energ.ind.Community programme for cooperation between the EC and third countries in the field of energyDet internationale energisamarbejdsprogram mellem EF og tredjelande
lawCommunity third country DirectiveFællesskabets tredjelandsdirektiv
mus.compound thirddecim
immigr.concept of safe third countrybegrebet sikkert tredjeland
med.condyle of the third occipital bonecondylus tertius ossis occipitalis
gen.consultation on immigration policies vis-à-vis third countriesafstemning af indvandringspolitikken over for tredjelande
fin.contract with third partieskontrakt med tredjemand
gen.contracts to be concluded with third partieskontrakter indgået med tredjemand
law, ITcontrol of processing on behalf of third partieskontrol med databehandling der udføres for trediemand
law, transp., avia.Convention on damage caused by foreign aircraft to third parties on the surface, signed at Rome on 7 October 1952Romkonventionen af 7. oktober 1952 angående skade tilføjet tredjemand på jorden af udenlandsk luftfartøj
lawConvention on rules for the admission of third-country nationals to the Member States of the European Unionkonvention om reglerne for tredjelandsstatsborgeres tilladelse til indrejse i Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
lawConvention on rules for the admission of third-country nationals to the Member States of the European Unionreglerne for tredjelandsstatsborgeres tilladelse til indrejse i Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
el.Convention on Third Party liability in the field of Nuclear Damagekonvention om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område
nucl.phys.Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energykonvention om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område
nucl.phys.Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear EnergyPariskonventionen
nucl.phys.Convention on third party liability in the field of nuclear energyKonventionen om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område
energ.ind., el.Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energykonventionen om det privatretlige ansvar på atomenergiområdet
nucl.phys.Convention Supplementary to the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energytillægskonvention til konventionen om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område
nucl.phys.Convention Supplementary to the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energytillægskonvention til Pariskonventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område
fin.to convert the assets in the currency of a third countrykonvertere beholdninger til tredjelands valuta
mater.sc.Cooperation with third countries and international organizationssamarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
gen.cooperation with third countries or international organizationssamarbejdsaktioner med tredjelande eller internationale organisationer
immigr.Council recommendation of 30 November 1994 concerning the adoption of a standard travel document for the expulsion of third-country nationalsRådets henstilling af 30. november 1994 om indførelse af et standardrejsedokument til brug for udsendelse af statsborgere fra tredjelande
gen.Council Regulation EC No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalDublinforordningen
priv.int.law., immigr.Council Regulation EC No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalRådets forordning om fastsættelse af kriterier og procedurer til afgørelse af, hvilken medlemsstat der er ansvarlig for behandlingen af en ansøgning om international beskyttelse, der er indgivet af en tredjelandsstatsborger eller en statsløs i en af medlemsstaterne
gen.Council Regulation EC No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country nationalDublin III-forordningen
immigr.Council Regulation EC No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirementRådets forordning EF nr. 539/2001 om fastlæggelse af listen over de tredjelande, hvis statsborgere skal være i besiddelse af visum ved passage af de ydre grænser, og listen over de tredjelande, hvis statsborgere er fritaget for dette krav
gen.Council Regulation EC No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirementvisumforordningen
insur.credit supplying third countrykreditydende tredjeland
fin.crossing of a third countrytransit gennem et tredjeland
lawdamage to third partytredjemand
lawdate for the beginning of the third stagedato for indledning af tredje fase
fin.deposits with third party institutionskontantindskud hos tredjepart
obs., fin.deposits with third party institutionsdepoter hos tredjepartsinstitutter
med.diencephalic part of the third ventriclepars diencephalica ventriculi tertii
immigr.Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationalsdirektiv om fælles standarder og procedurer i medlemsstaterne for tilbagesendelse af tredjelandsstatsborgere med ulovligt ophold
gen.Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationalstilbagesendelsesdirektivet
gen.Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationalsdirektivet om tilbagesendelse
gen.Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection grantedkvalifikationsdirektivet
gen.Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granteddirektiv om fastsættelse af standarder for anerkendelse af tredjelandsstatsborgere eller statsløse som personer med international beskyttelse, for en ensartet status for flygtninge eller for personer, der er berettiget til subsidiær beskyttelse, og for indholdet af en sådan beskyttelse
commer., polit.to discourage a third party from exportingfår en trejdepart til at afholde sig fra at eksportere
agric.distributed two-thirds majority votefordelt to tredjedeles flertal
industr., construct.driving wheel over third wheelmedbringerhjul på mellemhjul
fin., IT, el.duty applicable to third countriestredjelandstold
law, patents.effects vis-a-vis third partiesvirkning over for tredjemand
law, patents.effects vis-a-vis third partiesretsvirkning over for tredjemand
lawEffects vis-à-vis third partiesretsvirkning over for tredjemand
laweffects vis-à-vis third partiesretsvirkning over for tredjemand
lawto enforce the right vis-à-vis a third partygøre rettighed gældende over for tredjemand
law, busin., labor.org.enforceable against third partiesder kan gøres gældende over for tredjemand
lawto enjoy reciprocal treatment in the third countryde samme rettigheder i de tredjelande
agric.equivalence of seed produced in third countriesligestilling af frø produceret i tredjelande
stat.error of the third kindtype III fejl
math.error of third kindfejl af type III
fin., immigr.European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationalsDen Europæiske Fond for Integration af Tredjelandsstatsborgere
fin.European network for third-party financingeuropæisk net for tredjepartsfinansiering
gen.European Third Party Logistic Support Platformtredjepartsplatform for logistikstøtte
econ.exports of goods and services to third countrieseksport af varer og tjenester til tredjelande
fin.financial participation by a third party or outside bodytredjelandes og forskellige organers finansielle bidrag
fish.farm.fishing licence and special fishing permit of a fishing vessel flying the flag of a third countryfiskerilicens og særlig fiskeritilladelse til et fiskerfartøj der fører et tredjelands flag
market.foreign trade in ECSC steel products with some third countriesudenrigshandel med EKSF-produkter med udvalgte tredjelande
fin.general third country allowancegenerel afgiftsfritagelse ved indførsel fra tredjelande
transp., patents.general third party liabilitycivilretligt erstatningsansvar
fin., transp.goods from third countriesvarer fra tredjelande
lawto have a right of recourse on a warranty or guarantee against a third partykunne gøre krav gældende mod tredjemand om opfyldelse af en garantiforpligtelse eller skadesløsholdelse
patents.to have effect vis-à-vis third partieshave virkning over for tredjemand
lawhearing of the parties and of third personsudtalelser fra de berørte parter og tredjemand
lawhearing of third partieshøring af tredjemand
UNHigh-level Intergovernmental Group of Officials on the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the third United Nations Development DecadeDen Mellemstatslige Gruppe på Højt Embedsmandsplan til Gennemgang og Vurdering af Gennemførelsen af Den Internationale Udviklingsstrategi for De Forenede Nationers 3. Udviklingstiår
law, immigr.highly qualified third-country workerhøjt kvalificeret udenlandsk arbejdstager
fin.holding of third parties'funds or transferable securitiesopbevaring af tredjemands midler eller værdipapirer
immigr.host third countryværtstredjeland
gen.host third countrymodtagertredjeland
med.hypothalamic sulcus of the third ventriclesulcus hypothalamicus Monroi
law, immigr.illegal employment of a third country nationalbeskæftigelse af en udlænding uden fornøden arbejdstilladelse
immigr., social.sc.illegal employment of third-country nationalsulovlig beskæftigelse af tredjelandsstatsborgere
agric.import from non-ACP third countryindførsel fra andre tredjelande end AVS-lande
market.import of embryos from third countriesimport af embryoer fra tredjelande
econ.imports cif of similar products from third countriesimport i cif-priser af tilsvarende produkter fra tredjelande
econ.imports of similar products from third countries at ex-customs prices-
econ.imports paid for in the currency of a third countryimport betalt i et tredjelands valuta
market.imports shall be subject to the third country arrangements applicable to those importsimporten skal være undergivet den tredjelandsordning, som skal anvendes på dem
law, insur.industrial third party insurancebedriftsforsikring
lawinstitute third-party proceedingsrejse tredjemandsindsigelse
law, immigr.integration of third country nationalsintegration af udlændinge
energ.ind.International Energy Cooperation Programme between the EC and third countriesinternationalt energisamarbejdsprogram mellem EF og tredjelande
transp.international removal extending to third countriesflyttegodstransport til og fra tredjelande
fin., transp.international third party motor insurance systeminternational ordning for ansvarsforsikring
fin., transp.international third party motor insurance systemgrønt kort-ordningen
fin.intervention in third country currenciesintervention i tredjelandsvalutaer
econ.intervention of a third party or of a unit other than a householdmellemkomst ved tredjemandeller en enhed,som ikke er en husholdning
lawto invoke his rights vis-à-vis a third partygøre sine rettigheder gældende over for tredjemand
lawto join a third party in the proceedingsinddrage en tredjemand i sagen ved procesunderretning
proced.law.joinder of a third partyinddragelse i sag
proced.law.joinder of a third partyadcitation
gen.Joint panel of experts on the implementation of the declaration on Article 166 of the Third ACP-EEC ConventionDen Fælles Gruppe vedrørende Fælleserklæringen ad Artikel 166 i Lomé III
polit., lawjudgment in the third party proceedingsdom om tredjemandsindsigelse
lawjudgment in the third party proceedingsdommen om tredjemandsindsigelsen
agric., industr.leaf tobacco imported from third countriestobak i blade indført fra tredjelande
fin.liability vis-à-vis third partiesforpligtelse over for tredjemand
environ.LIFE-Third CountriesLife-Tredjelande
med.lower third of the faceunderansigt
mus.major seventh chord eller "add chord" afhængigt af type in third inversionsekundakkord
polit.Management Committee for the third multiannual programme for small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union SMEs; 1997-2000Udvalget for det Tredje Flerårige Program for Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder SMV i Den Europæiske Union 1997-2000
econ.Mediterranean third countriestredjelande i Middelhavsområdet
med.Mendel's third lawtredje mendelske lov
med.middle third of the facemellemansigt
transp.middle third part of river widthmidterste del af en flods bredde
immigr.minimum standards with respect to the qualification of nationals of third countries as refugeesminimumsstandarder for tredjelandsstatsborgeres opnåelse af status som flygtninge
immigr.minimum standards with respect to the qualification of nationals of third countries as refugeesminimumsstandarder for tredjelandsstatsborgeres opnåelse af flygtningestatus
immigr.minimum standards with respect to the qualification of nationals of third countries as refugeesminimumsstandarder for anerkendelse af tredjelandsstatsborgere som flygtninge
lawmonetary authorities of third countriestredjelandes monetære myndigheder
econ.monetary support operations in favour of third countriesaktioner til støtte for tredjelandes valutaer
lawnational of a third Statestatsborger fra et tredjeland
energ.ind., el.Negotiated Third Party Accessforhandlet tredjepartsadgang
patents.negotiation and settlement of commercial transactions for third partiesforhandling og indgåelse af kommercielle transaktioner for tredjepart
econ.net taxes linked to imports of similar products from third countriesnettoafgifter for import af tilsvarende produkter fra tredjelande
lawnon-voluntary third party's interventiontvungen intervention
lawobservations by third partiesbemærkninger fra tredjemand
lawobservations by third parties and oppositionbemærkninger fra tredjemand og indsigelse
fin.on behalf of the third partiesi stedet for af tredjemændene
health.one-third milken-trediedelsmælk
health.one-third milken tredjedel mælk
commun.one-third octave bandtredjedelsoktavbånd
commun., ITone-third octave filteren tredjedel-oktavfilter
health.paying-third systemsystem med tredjepartsbetaling
insur.payment to the third partyudbetaling til trejdemand
immigr.Permanent Interservice Working Group on Assistance to Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees in third countriesPermanent Interservice Working Group on Assistance to Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees in third countries
gen.to permit arbitration in a third countrytillade voldgift i et tredjeland
immigr.persecution by third partiestredjemandsforfølgelse
mus.picardy thirdpicardisk terts
law, social.sc.policy regarding nationals of third countriespolitik over for tredjelandsstatsborgere
lawpolicy regarding nationals of third countriespolitikken over for tredjelandsstatsborgere
lawprejudicial to the rights of the third partystrider imod tredjemands rettigheder
lawprior conflicting right of a third partytredjemands ældre kolliderende rettighed
lawproceedings by third partiestredjemands søgsmål
ITprocessing of personal data on behalf of third partiesedb-servicebureauvirksomhed
ITprocessing of personal data on behalf of third partiesdatabehandling af personoplysninger for trediemand
market.products coming from third countriesvarer hidrørende fra tredjeland
immigr.Programme for financial and technical assistance to third countries in the areas of migration and asylumprogram for finansiel og teknisk bistand til tredjelande på migrations- og asylområdet
ed.Programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countriesprogram til at øge kvaliteten af de videregående uddannelser og fremme den mellemfolkelige forståelse gennem samarbejde med tredjelande
gen.Programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countriesErasmus Mundus-programmet
lawto prohibit its use by a third partyforbyde tredjemand at anvende
lawprotection against third parties not acting in good faithbeskyttelse mod tredjemand i ond tro
polit., fin., econ.Protocol on the transition to the third stage of economic and monetary unionprotokol om overgangen til tredje fase af Den Økonomiske og Monetære Union
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31 January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982ændringsprotokol til tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31 January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982protokol om ændring af tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31st January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29th July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964ændringsprotokol til tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31st January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29th July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964protokol om ændring af tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 29 July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982ændringsprotokol til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 29 July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982protokol om ændring af konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy of 29th July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964ændringsprotokol til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy of 29th July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964protokol om ændring af konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
med.Ranvier one-third alcoholRanvier's 33 procent alkohol
health.real time third octave frequency analyser1/3-oktav sandtidsanalysator
crim.law.re-extradition to a third Statevidereudlevering til et tredjeland
priv.int.law., immigr.Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personRådets forordning om fastsættelse af kriterier og procedurer til afgørelse af, hvilken medlemsstat der er ansvarlig for behandlingen af en ansøgning om international beskyttelse, der er indgivet af en tredjelandsstatsborger eller en statsløs i en af medlemsstaterne
gen.Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublinforordningen
gen.Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublin III-forordningen
fin.repayment made by third partiesrefusion fra tredjemand
fin.reserve for emergency aid for third countriesreserve til nødhjælp
fin.reserve for emergency aid for third countriesreserve til nødhjælp til tredjelande
fin.reserve for emergency aid for third countriesnødhjælpsreserve
fin.reserve relating to Community loans and loan guarantees to third countriesreserve til Fællesskabernes lån og sikkerhedsstillelse for lån til tredjelande
gen.responsible third partyansvarlig tredjemand
commer., polit.Restricted Committee for Consultations on Trade Agreements with Third CountriesDet Snævre Udvalg for Konsultationer vedrørende Handelsaftaler med Tredjelande
econ.Restricted Committee for Cooperation Agreements between Member States and third countriesDet Snævre Udvalg for Medlemsstaternes Samarbejdsaftaler med Tredjelande
gen.Restricted Committee on cooperation agreements between Member States and third countriesDet Snævre Udvalg for Medlemsstaternes Samarbejdsaftaler med Tredjelande
fin.revenue from third partiesindtægter fra tredjemand
lawright exercised against third partiesrettighed udøves over for tredjemand
lawright of a third party relating to the trade marktredjemands rettighed til varemærket
lawright of direct recourse of the authority concerned against a third party responsible for injury or damageregreskrav af forvaltningen over for den erstatningsansvarlige tredjemand
lawright of third partiestrejdemands rettigheder
h.rghts.act., social.sc.safe third-countrysikkert tredjeland
law, immigr.safe third countrysikkert tredjeland
immigr.safe third country conceptbegrebet sikkert tredjeland
immigr.safe third country principlebegrebet sikkert tredjeland
med.Schatz third circulationSchatz' tredie kredsløb
med.Schatz third circulationSchatz'tredje kredsløb
fin.security admitted to the third marketværdipapir der handles på efterbørs
gen.Select Committee on Cooperation Agreements between Member States and Third CountriesDet Snævre Udvalg for Medlemsstaternes Samarbejdsaftaler med Tredjelande
el.2-signal third-order mixintermodulation af tredje orden mellem to signaler
gen.specific programme for research and technological development in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organizationssærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling herunder demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
R&D.specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organisations 1994-1998særprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling herunder demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer 1994-1998
gen.Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organisationsSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
gen.Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organizationsSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
gen.status of third-country nationals who are long-term residentstredjelandsstatsborgeres status som fastboende udlænding
account.stock of goods in the despatch process,on consignment or held on third parties premisesvarer under forsendelse,i konsignation eller i fremmed varetægt
commun., ITsublicence to third partyunderlicens til ikke-medlem
law, social.sc.sudden inflow of nationals from a third countrypludselig tilstrømning af statsborgere fra et tredjeland
lawsudden inflow of nationals from a third country into the Communitypludselig tilstrømning af statsborgere fra et tredjeland til Fællesskabet
immigr.sudden influx of nationals from a third country into the Communitypludselig tilstrømning af statsborgere fra et tredjeland til Fællesskabet
immigr.Survey Group on the Movement of Third-country NationalsUndersøgelsesudvalget for Tredjelandsstatsborgeres Bevægelighed
health., anim.husb.system for health control of imports from third countries at frontier inspection postssystem for sundhedskontrol ved grænsekontrolsteder ved indførsel fra tredjelande
gen.system for health control of imports from third countries at frontier inspection postsShiftprojektet
fin.tariff agreements in force with third countriesbestående toldaftaler med tredjeland
fin.tariff negotiations with third countries in respect of the Common Customs Tarifftoldforhandlinger med tredjeland vedrørende den fælles toldtarif
fin.tariffs applicable to third countriesover for tredjeland anvendte toldsatser
fin.tax on third-party insurance for motor vehicles, etc.afgift af ansvarsforsikringer for motorkøretøjer mv
lawthe notice joining the third party must be served on that party and a copy must be sent to the other partymeddele
lawthe right shall prevail against third partyrettigheden gælder først over for tredjemand
immigr.thematic programme on cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylumtematisk program for samarbejde med tredjelande på migrations- og asylområdet
gen.thematic programme on cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylumtematisk program vedrørende migration og asyl
lawThird ACP-EEC Convention, signed at Lomé on 8 December 1984tredje AVS-EØF-konvention, undertegnet i Lomé den 8. december 1984
crim.law.Third Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extraditiontredje tillægsprotokol til den europæiske konvention om udlevering
commun.Third Additional Protocol to the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcaststredje tillægsprotokol til protokollen til den europæiske overenskomst om beskyttelse af fjernsynsudsendelser
econ., social.sc."third age" tourismældreturisme
social.sc.third-age universityfolkeuniversitetet
transp.Third Air Packagetredje luftfartspakke
transp., avia.Third Aviation Packagetredje luftfartspakke
gen.third bodyekstern organisation
mech.eng., el.third brushtredje kul
mech.eng.third brush controlmotorkontrol med tredje kontaktkul
med.third cardiac sound galloptredje hjertelyds-galop
transp.third-class coachtredjeklassesvogn
UNThird CommitteeKomité
UNThird CommitteeKomitéen for Sociale, Humanitære og Kulturelle Spørgsmål
social.sc., health.Third Community action programme for disabled peopleFællesskabets handlingsprogram til fordel for handicappede Helios II, 1993-1996
social.sc., health.Third Community action programme to assist disabled peopleFællesskabets handlingsprogram til fordel for handicappede Helios II, 1993-1996
account.third countries and international organisationstredjelande og internationale organisationer
econ.third countrytredjeland
commer.third countrymellemland
commer.third countrytredjelande
market., fin.third country allowancetoldfri medbringelse til EU ved indrejse fra ikke-EU lande
fin.third country branchfilial i tredjeland
econ., fin.third-country currencytredjelandsvaluta
life.sc., agric.third country establishmenttredjelandsvirksomhed
agric., health., anim.husb.third-country marketstredjelandsmarkeder
agric., health., anim.husb.third-country marketseksterne markeder
health.third country meatkød fra tredjelande
fin., food.ind.Third Country Meat Directivedirektiv om import af kød fra tredjelande
law, immigr.third country nationaltredjelandsstatsborger
law, immigr.third-country nationaludlænding
gen.third-country nationaltredjelandsstatsborger
immigr., agric.third country of transittransittredjeland
gen.third country registrytredjelandsregister
law, immigr.third-country researcherudenlandsk forsker
transp.third-country shipownertredjelandslinje
econ., social.sc., transp.third country shipownersrederier fra tredjelande
transp.third-country traffictrafik med tredjelandethird-country traffic
h.rghts.act., ITthird country which ensures an adequate level of protectiontredjeland, der sikrer et tilstrækkeligt beskyttelsesniveau
agric.third cropefterprodukt
fin.third currencytredje valuta
commun., ITthird-decision detectorføler for tredje valg
med.third-degree burngrads forbrænding
med.third-degree chemical burntredjegradsætsning
med.third degree congelationtredjegrads forfrysning
med.third degree congelationcongelatio escharotica
energ.ind.third energy packagetredje lovpakke om det indre marked for gas og elektricitet i EU
gen.third energy packagetredje energipakke
crim.law., fin., polit.Third EU Money Laundering DirectiveDirektiv om forebyggende foranstaltninger mod anvendelse af det finansielle system til hvidvaskning af penge og finansiering af terrorisme
gen.Third EU Money Laundering Directivetredje hvidvaskningsdirektiv
sociol.Third European Action Plan to Combat DrugsDen Europæiske Unions handlingsplan for bekæmpelse af narkotikamisbrug 2000-2004
industr., construct., met.third firingfærdigbrænding
industr., construct., met.third firingtredje brænding
transp., avia.third freedomtredje frihedsrettighed
transp.third freedom air carrierluftfartsselskab med tredje frihedsrettigheder
transp., avia.third freedom of the airtredje frihedsrettighed
transp., avia.third freedom righttredje frihedsrettighed
transp., avia.third freedom traffic righttredje frihedsrettighed
fin., transp.third-freedom traffic righttredje trafikfrihedsrettighed
lawthird-generation agreementtredjegenerationsaftale
pharma.third-generation cephalosporin3.-generations cefalosporin
ITthird generation computertrediegenerations datamaskine
commun., ITthird generation mobile communicationstredjegenerationsmobilkommunikation
commun., ITthird generation mobile communications3G-mobilkommunikation
gen.third-generation televisiontredjegenerations-tv
med.third gonadbinyrebarken
med.third gonadtredje gonade
med.third gonad Llusiatredje gonade
med.third gonad Llusiabinyrebarken
commun.third harmonic distortiontredje form for harmonisk forvrængning
el.third harmonic distortionklir fra 3.harmoniske
mus.third inversiontredje omvending
gen."Third Italy" network"det tredje Italien"
ed., empl.Third Joint Programme to Encourage the Exchange of Young Workers within the Community 1985 to 1991tredje fællesprogram til fremme af udveksling af unge arbejdstagere inden for Fællesskabet 1985-1991
ed., lab.law.Third joint programme to encourage the exchange of young workers within the CommunityTredje fælles program til fremme af udveksling af unge arbejdstagere inden for Fællesskabet
earth.sc., mech.eng.third law of thermodynamicstermodynamikkens tredje hovedsætning
energ.ind.third legislative package for an internal EU gas and electricity markettredje lovpakke om det indre marked for gas og elektricitet i EU
gen.third legislative package for an internal EU gas and electricity markettredje energipakke
transp.third lengthtredje længde
ITthird level addresstredieniveau adresse
ITthird level addressoperand-adresse
transp.third-level airlineregionalt flyselskab
transp., avia.third-level carrier3-niveau-flyselskab
ed.third-level educationhøjere uddannelse
ed.third-level educationvideregående uddannelse
transp.third-level servicetredje-niveau ruter
econ.third Lomé ConventionTredje Lomé-konvention
market.third markettredjemarked
fin.third marketværdipapirhandel uden for børsen
ed., transp., nautic.third matetredjestyrmand
med.third-month colictremåneders kolik
med.third-month colictremånederskolik
mech.eng.third motion shaftudgangsaksel
econ.Third multiannual programme for small and medium-sized enterprises in the European UnionTredje flerårige program for små og mellemstore virksomheder i Den Europæiske Union
ITthird normal formtredje normalform
commun.third-octave bandtredjedelsoktavbånd
health.third octave band1/3-oktavbånd
earth.sc.third octave band filtertredje-oktavfilter
tech.third octave band filter1/3 oktavfilter
transp., mil., grnd.forc., el.third or fourth railtredje eller fjerde skinne
ITthird-order addresstredieordens adresse
ITthird order bit ratetredje ordens bithyppighed
ITthird order bit ratebit hyppighed af tredje orden
el.third order intercept pointordens intermodulationsskæringspunkt
el.third order intercept pointtredjeordens intermodulationsskæringspunkt
el.third order intermodulation productintermodulationsprodukt af tredje orden
el.third order non-linear distortion productulineært forvrængningsprodukt af tredje orden
tech.third order non-linearity coefficienttrediegrads ulinearitet
earth.sc., life.sc.third order plotting instrumentordens udtegningsinstrument
el.third order RIM productmodtager-intermodulationsprodukt af tredje orden
earth.sc.third order susceptibilitysusceptibilitet af tredje orden
earth.sc.third order susceptibilitychi 3
transp., avia.third package of air transport measurestredje luftfartspakke
IT, dat.proc.third-page screentredjedelssideskærm
med.third part of the duodenumtredje stykke af duodenum
med.third part of the duodenumpars horizontalis duodeni
lawthird partytredjepart
lawthird partytredjemand
transp., energ.ind., el.third party accesstredjepartsadgang
energ.ind.third-party access to the networktredjemands adgang til nettet
commun.third party billingtredjepartsopkrævning
commun., ITthird-party billing callopkald betalt af tredjemand
transp.third party claimtredjemands regreskrav
crim.law.third party confiscationkonfiskation hos tredjepart
lawthird party debtormedskyldner
comp., MSthird-party drivertredjepartsdriver (A driver created or provided by an entity outside Microsoft (distributed by a developer or an OEM))
lawthird party entitled to use a geographical nametredjemand,der har ret til at bruge en geografisk betegnelse
fin.third-party financingfinansiering fra tredjemands side
fin.third party guaranteepersonlig garanti
fin.third party guaranteepersonel sikkerhed
fin.third-party insuranceansvarsforsikring for motorkøretøjer
fin.third-party insuranceautomobilansvarsforsikring
econ.third-party insuranceansvarsforsikring
law, h.rghts.act.third-party interventiontredjeparts intervention
transp., patents.third party liabilitycivilretligt erstatningsansvar
comp., MSthird-party logisticstredjepartslogistik (A party that provides logistics services to customers)
gen.third party military forcemægler-kraft
commun., ITthird party national satellite television servicetredjeparts nationale fjernsynsydelse
proced.law.third-party noticeadcitation
proced.law.third-party noticeinddragelse i sag
lawthird-party noticelitis denuntiatio
insur., transp., mil., grnd.forc.third party only policyansvarsforsikring for motorkøretøjer
commun.third party operatormellem-firma
commun.third party payingtredjemand betaler
polit., lawthird party proceedingstredjemand kan kræve sagen genoptaget
polit., lawthird party proceedingstredjemands mulighed for at påklage en afgørelse
polit., lawthird party proceedingsgenoptagelse af retssag på begæring af tredjemand
polit., lawthird-party proceedingstredjemandsindsigelse
fin.third party protection providerekstern udbyder af kreditrisikoafdækning
law, busin., labor.org.third-party purchasererhvervende tredjemand
law, busin., labor.org.third party required to meet claimsskyldnerens debitor
ITthird party ruletredjepartsregel
ITthird party ruletredjelandsregel
insur.third-party sharing agreementopdelingsaftale for tredjepart
transp.third-party ship managementeksternt skibsmanagement
account.third party statementerklæring fra tredjepart
lawthird-party summons to attend proceedingsinddragelse i en sag
lawthird-party summons to attend proceedingsadcitation
gen.third party to the administrative procedurei forhold til en administrativ procedure forståend
commun., ITthird party transfertredjepartsoverførsel
commun., ITthird party transferoverførsel via tredjepart
fin.third party transferoverførsel til tredjemand
mun.plan., tech.third party verificationverifikation foretaget af tredjepart
law, commer., fin.third persontredjemand
ed.Third phase of the trans-European scheme for cooperation in higher educationTredje fase af programmet for tværeuropæisk samarbejde inden for de videregående uddannelser
social.sc.Third phase of the Youth for Europe programmeTredje fase af "Ungdom for Europa"-programmet
social.sc.third pillartredje søjle
gen.Third Pillarsøjle 3
gen.Third Pillartredje søjle
industr., construct.third pinionmellemdrev
earth.sc., mech.eng.third principle of thermodynamicstermodynamikkens tredje hovedsætning
gen.Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europetredje protokol til den almindelige overenskomst om Europarådets rettigheder og immuniteter
transp., energ.ind.third railstrømførende skinne
transp., el.third railskinne
transp., energ.ind.third railkontaktskinne
transp., energ.ind.third railstrømskinne
transp.third railtredie skinne
transp., energ.ind.third railtredje skinne
transp., energ.ind.third-rail collectorstrømskinne
transp., energ.ind.third-rail collectorskinne
lawthird readingtredjebehandling
fin.third reading of the budgettredjebehandling af budgettet
fin., econ.third resourcetredje indtægtskilde
fin., econ.third resourcetredje indtægt
econ.third sectorfrivillig sektor
fin., social.sc.third sectortredje system
econ.third sectortredje sektor
econ., social.sc.third sectorden tredje sektor
fin.third sector undertakingvirksomhed inden for den sociale markedsøkonomi
earth.sc.third soundtredje lyd
med.third spacetredje rum
econ.third stage of EMUtredje fase af ØMU
el.third stage switchtredjetrinsswitch
int. law.third Statetredjestat
anim.husb.third stomachbladmave
anim.husb.third stomachpsalterium
transp.third straketredje rang
gen.Third Support programme for Improvement in Governance and MAnagementTredje støtteprogram til forbedring af ledelse og forvaltning
fin., social.sc.third systemtredje system
econ., social.sc.third systemden tredje sektor
lab.law."Third system and employment" pilot schemePilotaktionen "Det tredje system og beskæftigelsen"
fin."third system and employment" pilot schemepilotaktion "det tredje system og beskæftigelsen"
fin.third territorytredjelands område
fin.third tier markettertiært marked
med.third toe
med.third toedigitus pedis tertius
UNThird UN Conference on LDCsFN's 3. konference om de mindst udviklede lande
law, UNThird United Nations Conference on the Law of the SeaDe forenede Nationers havretskonference
industr., construct.third wheelmellemhjul
industr., construct.third wheelhammerstifthjul
industr., construct.third wheellille bundhjul
industr., construct.third wheel bridgebrostykke til mellemhjul
industr., construct.third wheel for countermellemhjul til stopur
industr., construct.third wheel jewelmellemhjulssten
fin.total proportion of third-party interestsprocentvise andel af samtlige tredjemænds interesser
econ., hobbytourism from third countriesturisme fra tredjelande
commer.trade with third countriessamhandelen med tredjelande
social.sc.trafficking in children from the Third Worldhandel med børn fra den tredje verden
econ., fin.transition to the third stage of economic and monetary unionovergang til tredje fase af Den Økonomiske og Monetære Union
transp.transport on account of third partiestransport for tredjemands regning
gen.travel facilities for school pupils from third countries resident in a Member Staterejselempelser for skoleelever fra tredjelande med bopæl i en medlemsstat
immigr.travel facilities for third-country nationalsrejselempelser for statsborgere fra tredjelande
ITtrusted third partytroværdig tredjepart
ITtrusted third partyfælles tillidspunkt
fin., commun., ITtrusted third partybetroet tredjepart
interntl.trade.two-thirds distributed majorityfordelt to tredjedeles flertal
fin.two-thirds ruletotredjedelsregel
el.two-signal third-order mixintermodulation af tredje orden mellem to signaler
el.two-tone,third-order intermodulation distortionto-tones,tredjeordens intermodulationsforvrængning
lawunauthorized immigration, residence and work by nationals of third countries on the territory of Member Statestredjelandsstatsborgeres ulovlige indvandring i samt ulovligt ophold og udførelse af arbejde på Medlemsstaternes område
fin., insur.undertaking governed by the law of a third countryselskab,der er underlegt lovgivningen i et tredjeland
busin., labor.org., account.to underwrite the obligations of a third partygarantere en tredjemands forpligtelser
med.upper third of the faceoveransigt
lawvoluntary third party's interventionfrivillig intervention
gen.where agreements with third countries need to be negotiatedskal der føres forhandlinger om aftaler med tredjeland
construct., social.sc.White Paper aimed at ensuring compliance with human rights in the EU's relations with third countrieshvidbog, der skal sikre respekten for menneskerettighederne i Unionens forbindelser med tredjelande
environ.Working Party on Legislation Relating to the Environment - Third Party LiabilityArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Miljølovgivning - civilretligt ansvar
gen.Working Party on the Third WorldArbejdsgruppen om Den Tredje Verden
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