
Terms for subject Religion containing of | all forms | exact matches only
abode of peaceобитель мира (Alex_Odeychuk)
abode of peaceобиталище мира (Alex_Odeychuk)
accuse of being a non-Muslimобвинять в том, что не является мусульманином (Alex_Odeychuk)
accuse of being a non-Muslimобвинять в неверии (в исламе Alex_Odeychuk)
adherent of different creedиноверный (= иноверец)
adherent of different faithиноверный (= иноверец)
Al-Azhar University's Council of Senior ScholarsКонсистория старших теологов Университета аль-Азхар (Alex_Odeychuk)
All-Union Council of Evangelical Christians and BaptistsВсесоюзный совет христиан-баптистов (Voluntary association of Baptist churches in the former Soviet Union)
Anglican Church of AustraliaАнгликанская церковь Австралии (Independent Australian church within the Anglican Communion)
Anglican Church of CanadaАнгликанская церковь Канады (Self-governing Anglican church that dates from the Church of England congregations established in Canada during the 18th century)
Anglo-American style of Freemasonryрегулярное масонство
Annunciation of the LordБлаговещение Пресвятой Богородицы (Alex Lilo)
Annunciation of the LordБлаговещение (Alex Lilo)
Appearance of the ... Iconявление ... иконы (soa.iya)
Ascension of IsaiahВознесение Исайи (Pseudepigraphal work surviving intact only in a 5th-7th-century-AD Ethiopic edition)
Assumption of MosesУспение Моисея (A pseudepigraphal work, a prophecy of the future relating to Israel, put into the mouth of Moses and addressed to Joshua just before the great lawgiver died)
assumption of the Birth-Giver of GodУспение
Assumption of the Virgin MaryВознесение Девы Марии (time_bandit)
Avenger of Bloodмстящий кровным врагам
Avenger of Bloodмстящий за кровь (The man who had the right of taking vengeance on him who had slain one of his kinsmen. Jos:20:5)
baptism of bloodмученичество во имя Христово
baptism of blood Martyrdom for the sake of Christ which supplied the place of the sacrament if the martyr was unbaptizedкрещение кровью
baptism of bloodмученическая смерть
baptism of blood'крещение кровью', мученичество
Baptism of ChristКрещение Иисуса Христа в водах Иорданских
Baptism of ChristКрещение Христово
Baptism of Christтаинство крещения
Baptism of Christкрестины
Baptism of ChristБогоявление
baptism of desireкрещение возжеланием искренним (The grace of baptism acquired by one who earnestly desires baptism by water but dies before receiving it)
baptism of fireмученичество во имя Христово
baptism of fireкрещение огнем (Really martyrdom for the sake of Christ)
baptism of life-changeкрещение покаяния (Lk 3:1-6 aspss)
Baptism of our LordКрещение Господне
Baptism of our Lordтаинство крещения
Baptism of our Lordкрестины
Baptism of our LordБогоявление
baptism of the Holy Spiritкрещение Духом Святым
baptism of waterкрещение водой
basics of the creedосновы вероучения (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
being of evilбывший от лукавого
being sound of body and mindбывший здоровым телом и душой
being used of Godслужащий Богу
beliefs of the Christianityдогматы христианства (Lena Nolte)
bondage of corruptionзависимость
bondage of corruptionкабала
bondage of corruptionузы
bondage of corruptionпуты
bondage of corruptionоковы
bondage of corruptionрабство тлению
book of acathistiакафистный
book of devotionsевхологий
Book of HeirmoiИрмологий
book of hoursчасослов
books of creedвероучительная литература (англ. термин взят из статьи: Wood G. What ISIS Really Wants // The Atlantic magazine. – March 2015. Alex_Odeychuk)
books of the afterlifeзаупокойная литература
Books of the ChroniclesЛетопись
Books of the Old and the New Covenantкниги "Ветхого Завета" и "Нового Завета"
breaking of the breadпреломление хлеба (общая трапеза KatiaVasileva)
breaking of the fastразговение (celebrate the breaking of the fast ART Vancouver)
Brothers of Our Blessed Lady of Mount Carmelкармелиты
Brothers of the Christian Schools"Братья христианских школ" (The first Roman Catholic congregation of male nonclerics devoted solely to schools, learning, and teaching)
Brothers of the SwordМеченосцы (немецкий католичекий духовно-рыцарский орден; Fratres militiae Christi nyasnaya)
cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earthскоты и гады и звери земные (Gn:l:24)
Central Council of Muslims in GermanyЦентральный совет мусульман Германии (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
ceremony of initiationцеремония посвящения (Alex_Odeychuk)
ceremony of offering sacrificesобряд жертвоприношения (elena.kazan)
certificate of ordinationставленая грамота
Certificate of Ordinationставленная грамота (подписывается архиепископом и выдаётся лицу, посвящённому в священническую степень Olga Drobot)
certificate of repentanceпокаянное свидетельство (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
channel of authorityиерархия власти
chaos of the cultsхаос культов (Alex_Odeychuk)
City of Destructionмир безбожников
classic books of creedтрадиционная вероучительная литература (англ. термин взят из статьи: Wood G. What ISIS Really Wants // The Atlantic magazine. – March 2015. Alex_Odeychuk)
Clement of RomeКлимент I
cognitive science of religionкогнитивное религиоведение (luminorena)
collective community of Islamic peoplesвсемирное исламское сообщество (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
Concordat of 1801Конкордат 1801 года (Agreement reached between Napoleon Bonaparte and papal and clerical representatives in both Rome and Paris)
confusion of tonguesсмешение языков
Congregation of Clerics RegularКонгрегация уставных клириков (Congregation established during the Counter-Reformation)
congregation of Israelнарод Израиля
Congregation of Jesus and Maryэдисты
Congregation of Jesus and MaryКонгрегация Иисуса и Марии
Congregation of Jesus and Maryевдиты
Congregation of Jesus and Maryевдисты
Congregation of Notre DameКонгрегация Нотр-Дам (религиозный орден 64$?)
Congregation of Priests of the Missionлазариты
Congregation of Priests of the MissionКонгрегация священников миссии (Roman Catholic society of priests and brothers founded in 1625 for the purpose of preaching missions to the poor country people and training young men in seminaries for the priesthood)
Congregation of RitesКонгрегация обрядов (Mika Taiyo)
Congregation of the Discalced Clerks of the Most Holy Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus ChristОрден Страстей Господних
Congregation of the Discalced Clerks of the Most Holy Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus ChristОрден босоногих служителей Пресвятого Креста и Страстей Господа нашего Иисуса Христа (A religious order of men in the Roman Catholic church, founded in Italy in 1720)
Congregation of the Missionлазариты
Congregation of the MissionКонгрегация священников миссии
Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerКонгрегация Пресвятого Спасителя (A community of Roman Catholic priests and lay brothers founded in Italy in 1732)
Congregation of the Oratoryораториане
Congregation of the OratoryКонгрегация ораторианцев
Congregation of the Oratory of Jesus and Mary ImmaculateФранцузская конгрегация ораторианцев
Congregation of the PassionОрден Страстей Господних
Congregation of the Visitation of Holy MaryОрден визитандинок
Congregation of the Visitation of Holy MaryКонгрегация визитандинок
consensus of the Islamic scholarsконсенсусное мнение исламских законоведов (Alex_Odeychuk)
Continental Style of Freemasonryлиберальное масонство (financial-engineer)
Continental Style of Freemasonryконтинентальное масонство (financial-engineer)
conversion of the heathenобращение язычников в христианство
coordinator of the body of eldersкоординатор совета старейшин (Свидетели Иеговы OstrichReal1979)
Corpus of Canon LawСвод канонических законов
court of archesцерковный апелляционный суд
critical of Islamосуждающий ислам (Andrey Truhachev)
critical of Islamкритикующий ислам (Andrey Truhachev)
crown of goldзолотой венец (Lena Nolte)
crown of martyrdomмученический венец
crown of thornsтерновый венец
cut-back centre portion of the icon panelковчег (в иконописи – небольшое углубление основного поля изображения иконной доски для его лучшей сохранности; является особенностью старинных икон Diana7)
Dalmatius of Constantinopleпреподобный Далмат (oyorl)
deepest mysteries of faithглубочайшие таинства веры
defiling of holy placesосквернение святых мест (Alex_Odeychuk)
descent of the holy spiritсошествие Святого Духа
Dionysius of Tell MahreДионисий Тельмахаренс
domain of darknessвласть тьмы
domain of darknessцарство тьмы
Dormition of the Mother of GodУспение Пресвятой Богородицы (May_Jasmine)
Dormition of the TheotocosУспение Пресвятой Богородицы
early period of Islamпериод раннего ислама (букв. – ранний период ислама Alex_Odeychuk)
eat of somethingвкушать от (ч.-либо; Быт. 2:17 aspss)
eat of somethingесть от (ч-л; Быт.3:1 aspss)
Ecumenical Patriarchate of ConstantinopleВселенский патриархат константинопольский (Honorary primacy of the Eastern Orthodox autocephalous churches; it is also known as the "ecumenical patriarchate", or "Roman" patriarchate)
effect of sinплод греха
embrace the values of peace and respect for lifeвключать в себя ценности мира и уважения к человеческой жизни (Alex_Odeychuk)
Emperor of BelieversОмар
Emperor of BelieversИмператор правоверных (Omar I, father-inlaw of Mohammed, and second of the Mohammedan caliphs)
Entry of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary into the TempleВведение во храм Пресвятой Богородицы
explanation of articles of faithистолкование догматов веры (Alex_Odeychuk)
Explanations of the Sayings of the LordПять книг изъяснений изречений Господних (Work by Papias, early 2nd century , an important apostolic oral source accounts of the history of primitive Christianity and of the origins of the Gospels)
Eye of OmniscienceВсевидящее око (The Lord's Eye)
Eye of OmniscienceОко Господне
eye of providenceвсевидящее око (wikipedia.org Baxter)
Fathers of the ChurchОтцы христианской Церкви
Fathers of the Desertпустынники
Fathers of the DesertОтцы пустыни
fear of Godстрах Божий
Feast of BoothsСуккот
Feast of BoothsКущи
Feast of BoothsПраздник Кущей (A Jewish autumn festival of double thanksgiving)
Feast of Corpus ChristiПраздник Божиего Тела
Feast of Corpus ChristiПраздник Пресвятого Тела и Крови Господней (Festival of the Western Christian Church in honour of the Real Presence of the body of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist)
Feast of DedicationПраздник Освящения
Feast of DedicationПраздник света
Feast of DedicationПраздник Маккавеев
Feast of DedicationХанука
Feast of FeastsПраздник Праздников
Feast of FoolsПраздник дураков (A kind of clerical Saturnalia, popular in the Middle Ages)
Feast of HarvestПраздник урожая
Feast of Immaculate ConceptionНепорочное Зачатие Пресвятой Девы Марии (In the Roman Catholic Church, the feast celebrated on December 8)
Feast of Ingatheringпраздник кущей
Feast of LanternsПраздник фонарей (A popular Chinese festival, celebrated annually at the first full moon)
Feast of LightsХанука
Feast of LightsПраздник Маккавеев
Feast of LightsПраздник Освящения
Feast of MaccabeesПраздник Освящения
Feast of MaccabeesПраздник Маккавеев
feast of Matzothпасха
Feast of OrthodoxyТоржество Православия (Feast celebrated on the first Sunday of Lent by the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholics of the Byzantine Rite to commemorate the return of icons to the churches)
feast of sacrificeКурбан-байрам (пра́здник жертвоприноше́ния Andrey Truhachev)
feast of sacrificeпраздник жертвоприношения (Курбан-байрам Andrey Truhachev)
feast of seventh Thursday after Easterсемик (народный праздник, связанный с культом мёртвых и весенней земледельческой обрядностью, справляемый на седьмой неделе после Пасхи в четверг)
Feast of SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangelsДень освящения базилики св. Михаила Архангела
Feast of SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangelsДень свв. архангелов Михаила, Гавриила и Рафаила (In the Roman Catholic Church, holy day celebrated on September 29)
Feast of St. MaryБожией Матери
Feast of St. MaryПраздник Пресвятой Девы Марии (New Year's Day, a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics, when all the faithful must attend Mass)
Feast of St. Michael and All AngelsСобор Архистратига Михаила и прочих Небесных Сил бесплотных
Feast of St. Michael and All AngelsДень св. Михаила и всех ангелов (In the Anglican Church, holy day celebrated on September 29)
Feast of Sts. Cyril and MethodiusПраздник Свв. Кирилла и Мефодия
Feast of Tabernacleпраздник кущей
Feast of TabernaclesСуккот
Feast of Trumpetsиудейский Новый год
Feast of TrumpetsРош-га-Шана (A Jewish festival of New Year held in mid-September to mid-October)
feast of unleavened breadопресноки
Feast of Unleavened BreadПраздник опресноков
Feasts of the Mother of GodБогородичные праздники
Federation of Muslims in the SouthФедерация мусульман юга Франции (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
finisher of our faithсовершитель веры
First Book of Esdrasапокрифическая "Первая книга Ездры"
First Church of Christ, ScientistЦерковь христианской науки
First Church of Christ, ScientistЦерковь Христа Всезнающего (The Mother Church of Christian Science, first established by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879, reestablished as an international organization by Eddy in 1892)
First Epistle of JohnПервое послание Иоанна
First Epistle of PeterПервое послание Петра
Five Articles of PerthПять пертских статей (The Articles imposed on the Church of Scotland in 1618, enjoining kneeling at communion; the observance of Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost; confirmation; communion for the dying; and early baptism of infants)
Five Books of MosesТора
Five Points of Calvinismосновные положения учения Жана Кальвина
flying roll of Zechariahпредвестие бед и напастей
following in the way of the Masterследующий путём Господа
following in the way of the Masterследование путём Господа
forgiveness of sinосвобождение от грехов
formulary of absolutionформула об отпущении грехов исповедующемуся
forsake the vanities of the worldотказаться от от мирской суеты
foundation of the worldоснование мира
founder of faithвероустановитель (azbyka.ru Alex_Odeychuk)
founder of Islamоснователь ислама (the ~; полное имя основателя ислама: Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim Alex_Odeychuk)
founder of the religionоснователь религии (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
fountain of tearsисточник слёз
Friends of GodДрузья Бога (Medieval Christian fellowship that originated during the early part of the 14th century in Switzerland)
full of vexationпреисполненный скорбями (A.Rezvov)
full of vexationнаполненный скорбями (A.Rezvov)
garden of Edenсад Едемский (Biblical earthly paradise inhabited by Adam and Eve, prior to their expulsion for disobeying the commandments of God. Gn:2:15)
Garden of Edenсад Яхве
garden of edenсад Эдемский
garden of EdenЭдем
Garden of Yahwehсад Едемский
Garden of Yahwehсад Яхве
gate of Heavenрайские врата
gate of Hellврата ада
gates of Hadesврата Ада
gates of Heavenрайские врата
gates of Hellврата Ада
gates of paradiseРайские врата
Gates of ParadiseВрата рая
gates of paradiseрайские врата
gathering of Israelсобирание Израиля
generation of vipersпорождения ехиднины (Mt:3:7, 12:34, 23:33; Lk:3:7)
generation of vipersзмеиное отродье
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of AlexandriaАлександрийский патриархат Греческой православной церкви (Autocephalous Eastern Orthodox patriarchate, second in honorific rank after the Church of Constantinople; its patriarch is considered the successor of St. Mark the Evangelist and heads the Orthodox Church in Africa)
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of JerusalemГреко-православный патриархат Иерусалима (Technical)
hall of tendersзал подношений (Alex_Odeychuk)
Harrowing of HellАнастасис
Harrowing of Hellсошествие во ад (Said of Jesus's rescue, following His crucifixion, of the souls of the righteous held captive in hell since the generation of Adam)
have a firm belief on the concept of afterlifeтвёрдо верить в существование загробной жизни
have a firm belief on the concept of afterlifeтвёрдо верить в загробную жизнь
heirs of Godнаследники Божии (Lena Nolte)
highest levels of the universeвысшие сферы мироздания
Holy Face of JesusЛик Христа (YGD)
Holy Manifestation of the Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Christдвенадцатый день (катол. Alex Lilo)
Holy Manifestation of the Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Christпраздник трёх царей (катол. Alex Lilo)
Holy Manifestation of the Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Christдень светов (6 января; катол. Alex Lilo)
Holy Manifestation of the Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour ChristСвятое Богоявление (Alex Lilo)
the Holy Manifestation of the Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour ChristБОГОЯВЛЕНИЕ (Alex Lilo)
Holy of HoliesСвятое Святых
holy spirit of promiseобетованный дух святой
Incarnate Word of GodВоплощённое Слово Божие
indulgence of the passionsпотакание страстям
International Church of the Foursquare GospelМеждународная церковь видения во исполнение пророчества Иезекиилева (Pentecostal denomination established by Aimee Semple McPherson, a popular revivalist preacher, in the U.S. in 1927)
the International Federation of Catholic UniversitiesМеждународная федерация католических университетов
Invention of the CrossОбретение Честного и Животворящего Креста Господня
Invention of the Crossобретение честнаго креста
Invention of the CrossОбретение Честного Креста и гвоздей св. царицею Еленою во Иерусалиме
Invention of the CrossОбретение Святого Креста Господня (A church festival on in commemoration of the finding of the True Cross of Christ by St. Helena)
invention of the devilизобретение дьявола (Andrey Truhachev)
invention of the relicsобретение мощей
Isaac of DalmatiaИсаакий Далматский (oyorl)
Island of CreationОстров творения (Temples in Ancient Egypt were a reflection of the Egyptian religious story of the "Island of Creation." The pillars were often shaped in the designs of palms, papyrus, and lotus which were plants believed to be on the island. All major creation stories put the origins at the "Island of Creation" and the religion emphasis on the idea of trying to return to that time)
jnana-margaIn Hinduism, the way of true knowledgeджняна-марга
John of AntiochИоанн III Схоластик
John of AntiochИоанн Антиохийский
John of KronshtadtИоанн Кронштадтский (1829-1909, Russian Orthodox priest-ascetic)
John of KronstadtИоанн Кронштадтский
John of the Ladderпреподобный Иоанн Лествичник (Byzantine monk and author of "The Ladder of Divine Ascent", a handbook on the ascetical and mystical life)
justice of heavenВысшая справедливость
justice of Heavenсуд Божий
Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Kiev Monastery of the CavesКиево-Печерская Лавра (Solle)
King of Misruleответственный за беспорядок
Labours of Heracles Arranged in a cycle of 12, usually as follows: 1. The slaying of the Nemean lion, whose skin he thereafter wore; 2. The slaying of the nine-headed Hydra of Lema; 3. The capture of the elusive stag of Arcadia; 4. The capture of the wild boar of Mt. Erymanthus; 5. The cleansing, in a single day, of the cattle stables of King Augeas of Elis; 6. The shooting of the monstrous man-eating birds of the Stymphalian marshes; 7. The capture of the mad bull that terrorized the island of Crete; 8. The capture of the man-eating mares of King Diomedes of the Bistones; 9. The taking of the girdle of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons; 10. The seizing of the cattle of the three-bodied giant Geryon, who ruled the island Erytheia in the far west; 11. The bringing back of the golden apples kept at the world's end by the Hesperides; and 12. The fetching up from the lower world of the triple-headed dog Cerberus, guardian of its gatesподвиги Геракла
lack of good Islamic understandingотсутствие точного понимания предписаний ислама (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
lack of knowledge of Islamic teachingsнезнание исламского вероучения (Alex_Odeychuk)
Last of the FathersПоследний из Отцов (St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux)
Law of Mosesзаконы Моисеевы
Law of MosesПятикнижие
Law of MosesМоисеевы законы
Law of MosesТора
live a life of sinокаянствовать
live a life worthy of a prophetпрожить жизнь, достойную пророка (Alex_Odeychuk)
Lord of Misruleответственный за беспорядок
make a sign of the crossперекреститься
man of the clothсвященнослужитель (a clergyman Val_Ships)
man of clothсвященник (a man who is a priest or minister Val_Ships)
man of evilчеловек, за которым водились дурные склонности (Alex_Odeychuk)
man of Godсвятой
Mantle of Elijah Symbol of authority or leadership. Elijah the prophet cast his mantle upon Elisha to show he was his chosen successor. 1Kgs:19:19милоть Илии
Manual of DisciplineУстав Кумранской общины (One of the most important documents produced by the Essene community of Jews)
master of ritualsобрядоначальник (Alex_Odeychuk)
master of the animals Supernatural figure regarded as the protector of game in the traditions of early hunting peoplesповелитель зверей
medieval exegete of the Quranсредневековый толкователь Корана (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
messenger of GodБожий посланник (Andrey Truhachev)
method of bhaktiметод бхакти (In Hinduism, intense devotion to God)
methodology of Islam.методология ислама (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
Milkgiver of VladimirМлекопитательница Владимирская
Missionaries of Charityсокр. M.C. миссионеры
Missionaries of La Saletteмиссионеры Ла-Салетты (France, M.S.)
mode of goodnessгуна благости (trancer)
Mount of Beatitudesгора Блаженств (The mount where the Sermon on the Mount was preached by Jesus Christ, as discribed in Matthew, chapters 5-7)
Mount of Olivesгора Елеонская (Ridge just east of the Old City of Jerusalem, holy both to Judaism and to Christianity)
mount of OlivesЕлеонская гора
Mountain of Mosesгора Синай
Mountain of Mosesсвятая гора дома Господня
Mountain of Mosesгора Моисеева
movement of the Virashaivasдвижение Вирашайва (One of the Hindu devotional movements)
multiplication of loaves and fishesумножение хлебов и рыб (EZrider)
Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbalсобрание хадисов Ахмада ибн Ханбала (The earliest compilation of hadiths arranged by isnad)
name of baptismданное при крещении
name of baptismимя
Nation of IslamАмериканская мусульманская миссия
Nation of IslamЧернокожие мусульмане
Nation of Islam"Нация ислама" (негритянская религиозная и националистическая организация в США, основанная в 1930 году в Детройте, штат Мичиган, Уоллесом Фардом Мухаммадом. Andrey Truhachev)
Nineteen Letters of Ben UzielДевятнадцать писем об иудаизме (By Samson Raphael Hirsch in which he expounded Neo-Orthodoxy)
nobody whomsoever in the field of Islamic knowledgeникто из специалистов по теологии ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
Octave of ChristmasРождественская октава (The earliest special commemoration in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Rome)
Octave of Prayer for Christian UnityСедмица молитв о единстве христиан
offices of Christслужения Христа (Миссия и задача, возложенные Отцом на Иисуса Христа, когда Он при шел в мир, заключали в себе эти три служения: Пророка, Царя и Священника. skatarina.ru kondorsky)
official canon of Sunni Islamофициальный канон суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
or the gates of paradiseВрата рая
ordained of Godопределённый от Бога
ordeal of battleиспытание поединком (The accused was obliged to fight his accuser)
ordeal of boiling water Plunging the hand into hot water either up to the wrist or elbow and guilt was presumed if the skin was injuredиспытание кипящей водой
ordeal of fireогненная ордалия
ordeal of fireиспытание посредством огня
ordeal of the bierиспытание посредством прикосновения к трупу (A suspected murderer was required to touch the corpse and was deemed guilty if blood flowed from the body)
ordeal of the corsnedиспытание посредством горбушки хлеба (Swallowing a piece of bread "consecrated for exorcism")
ordeal of the cross The accuser and accused stood upright before a cross and he who moved first was adjudged guiltyиспытание крестом
ordeal of the Eucharistиспытание священников Св. Причащением (It was believed that if the guilty partook of the sacrament divine punishment would follow)
order of angelsчин ангельский
Order of Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. CarmelОрден кармелитов
Order of Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. CarmelОрден братьев кармелитской Пречистой Девы Марии
Order of Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmelкармелиты
order of deaconsдиаконы
Order of Discalced Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. CarmelОрден босоногих братьев кармелитской Пречистой Девы Марии (Primarily a pastoral and devotional order active in parishes and in foreign missions, an important promoter of Marian devotion)
Order of Discalced Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmelбосоногие отцы-кармелиты
order of divine serviceпоследование (см. чинопоследование: order of the Liturgy, order of preparation for Holy Communion highanger)
Order of Friars Preachersдоминиканцы
Order of GenevaЖеневское наставление
Order of Masonryорден масонов (Alex_Odeychuk)
Order of Masonryорден мастеров масонов (Alex_Odeychuk)
Order of Masonryмасонский орден (Alex_Odeychuk)
Order of Poor Clerks Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious SchoolsОрден пиаристов (A teaching order that, in addition to the usual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, practiced a fourth vow - the special care of youth)
Order of Preachersдоминиканцы
Order of the Brothers of the SwordЛивонский орден
Order of the Hermit Friars of Saint Augustineавгустинцы
Order of the Hermit Friars of Saint AugustineОрден братьев-отшельников св. Августина
Order of the Hermit Friars of Saint AugustineАвгустинский орден
order of the priesthoodустав священства
Order of the VisitationОрден визитации (A contemplative Order for women founded in 1610 mostly concerned with education)
Ordinances of the Holy Apostles through ClementПостановления святых апостолов через Климента, римского епископа и гражданина
Ordinances of the Holy Apostles through ClementАпостольские постановления и правила
ordinary of the massкалендарная часть мессы (That part of the mass which varies in accordance with the church calendar; it consists of the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Benedictus, Agnus Dei, and in some medieval masses also the "Ite, missa est")
ordination of a bishopхиротония
Orthodox Church of AntiochАнтиохийская православная церковь
Orthodox Church of CyprusКипрская православная церковь
Orthodox Church of CzechoslovakiaПравославная церковь Чехословакии (Ecclesiastically independent church, member of the Eastern Orthodox communion, created in 1951 by the patriarchate of Moscow)
Orthodox Church of FinlandФинская православная церковь (Eastern Orthodox church, recognized as the second state church of Finland)
Orthodox Church of PolandПравославная церковь Польши (Ecclesiastically independent member of the Eastern Orthodox communion, established in 1924 to accommodate the 4,000,000 Orthodox Christians residing in the vast Ukrainian and Byelorussian territories acquired by Poland after World War I)
orthodox practices of Islamортодоксальный ислам (CNN; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
orthodox views of Islamтрадиционный ислам (New York Times; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
outside the fold of Islamиз лона ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
pangs of conscienceукоры совести
parchments of the Quranрукопись Корана на пергаменте (Alex_Odeychuk)
pardon of sinsпрощение грехов
pardon of sinsотпущение грехов
persecutions of Christiansгонения на христиан
Perseverance of the Saintsспасение святых на вечные времена (One of the five points of Calvinism: once saved, always saved)
pieces of silverсеребряные монеты
plates of brassмедные листы
plurality of godsмногобожие
Poem of the Righteous SuffererПоэма о страдальце праведном
practice of takfirпрактика обвинения в неверии (в исламе Alex_Odeychuk)
Presentation of Christ in the TempleСретение Господне
Presentation of Christ in the TempleСретение
Presentation of Christ in the TempleПредставление Господа в храме
Presentation of Christ in the TempleОчищение Пресвятой Девы Марии (= Candlemas)
Presentation of Our LordСретение
Presentation of the Virgin MaryВведение во храм Пресвятой Владычицы нашей Богородицы и Приснодевы Марии
Presentation of the Virgin MaryВведение во храм Пресвятой Девы Марии
Presentation of the Virgin MaryВведение во Храм Девы Марии
Presentation of the Virgin MaryВведение во храм Пресвятой Богородицы
proselytes of the gateнеобрезанные прозелиты
proselytes of the gateэллины (Men of pagan origin converted to Judaism, but not circumcised)
Protevangelium of JamesПротоевангелие от Иакова (Pseudepigraphal work written about the mid-2nd century AD to enhance the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Christian tradition)
protomartyr of Britainпервомученик британский, св. Альбан (St. Alban)
Pskov school of icon-painting School of late medieval Russian icon and mural painting that grew up in the Russian city of Pskov in the late 12th century and reached its highest development, especially in icon painting, in the 14th through the early 16th centuriesПсковская школа иконописи
pupil of the Koranic schoolученик медресе (Andrey Truhachev)
quire of angelsангельский чин (букв. "хор ангелов" Vadim Rouminsky)
recitation of mantraчтение мантры (Встречается также "repetition of mantra" Skamadness)
recitation of the Quranрецитация Корана (на арабском языке Alex_Odeychuk)
recognized cadre of religious authoritiesпризнанные религиозные авторитеты (Alex_Odeychuk)
reconsideration of the Gospelпереосмысление Евангелия (Houston Chronicle; a ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
renunciation of a religious faithотказ от религиозной веры (Alex_Odeychuk)
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsРеорганизованная церковь Иисуса Христа святых последних дней
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsРеорганизованная церковь Иисуса Христа святых наших дней (A church that claims to be the legal continuation of the church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830)
rigid with the letter of the lawжёстко соблюдающий букву закона (but unmindful of its spirit and the moral purposes Alex_Odeychuk)
Ring of the Fishermanпапское "Кольцо рыбака" с печатью
Rock of Agesтвердыня вечная (Christ, as the unshakeable and eternal foundation. Is:26:4)
sackcloth made of hairвласяница
sackcloth of hairвласяница
sacrament of communionтаинство Причащения
sacrament of penanceтаинство покаяния (Tumatutuma)
salesman of religionторговец от религии
salvation is solely a product of God's graceспасение происходит исключительно по благодати (A.Rezvov)
Schism of 1054Великий раскол христианской Церкви в 1054 году
scholar of Islamисламский теолог (Alex_Odeychuk)
School of AlexandriaАлександрийская школа (The first Christian institution of higher learning, founded in the mid-2nd century AD in Alexandria, Egypt, which emphasized the allegorical interpretation of the Bible and stressed Christ's divinity)
School of AntiochАнтиохийская школа (Christian theological institution in Syria, traditionally founded in about AD 200, that stressed the literal interpretation of the Bible and the completeness of Christ's humanity, in opposition to the School of Alexandria)
school of interpretationшкола толкования (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Islamic political thoughtшкола исламской политической мысли (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of religious jurisprudenceдогматико-правовая школа (в исламе Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Shia jurisprudenceшиитская догматико-правовая школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Shia jurisprudenceдогматико-правовая школа шиитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni Islamдогматико-правовая школа суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni Islamтолк суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni jurisprudenceдогматико-правовая школа суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of Sunni jurisprudenceсуннитская догматико-правовая школа (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of theologyдуховное училище (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of thought in Islamдогматико-правовая школа в исламе (Alex_Odeychuk)
school of thought or religious jurisprudence within Sunni Islamдогматико-правовая школа суннитского ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
Sea of Galileeозеро Геннисаретское
Sea of Galileeморе Галилейское
sea of GalileeГалилейское море
set of beliefsсовокупность верований (Alex_Odeychuk)
sign of the crossосенять крестным знамением
Six Points of Ritualismшесть положений, регулирующих отправление службы и обрядов Церкви (Altar lights, eucharistic vestments, the mixed chalice, incense, unleavened bread, and eastward position)
Slavonic Book of EnochВторая книга Еноха (Pseudepigraphal work whose only extant version is a Slavonic translation of the Greek original)
son of belialнечестивец
son of Belialнечестивец
son of encouragementсын утешения
son of Godсын Божий
Son of ManИисус Христос
Son of ManХристос
Son of ManБогочеловек
son of Manсын человеческий
son of Maryпророк
son of MaryИисус
son of MaryИса
son of Maryсын Марйам (In the Qur'an, Jesus Christ)
sons of Asaphсыны Асафа
sons of Asaphсыновья Асафа
sons of Belialсыны Велиаровы (Lawless, worthless, rebellious people)
sons of Godсыны Божии
sons of Godчада Божии
sons of menсыны человеческие
sons of thunderсыны Громовы
soul of the creedдуховная сторона вероучения (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
source of authoritative informationавторитетный источник информации (about ... – о ... Alex_Odeychuk)
source of authorityавторитетный источник (Alex_Odeychuk)
Sovereign of the State of Vatican CityГлава государства-города Ватикан (grafleonov)
specialized school for the learning of hadithспециализированное училище по подготовке специалистов-хадисоведов (Alex_Odeychuk)
Star of Davidзвезда Давида
Star of Davidщит Давидов
Star of DavidМагендовид
sweet singer of Israelцарь Давид
Sword of God"меч Аллаха" (Khaled-ibn-al-Walid, Mohammedan leader)
Sword of the Spiritмеч Господень
Sword of the Spiritмеч духовный (The Word of God. Eph:6:17)
Synod of Pistoiaсинод Пистойа (In the history of Jansenism, an important diocesan meeting held in 1786)
Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochСирийский православный патриархат антиохийский
Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochСирийская православная церковь
teachers of the lawкнижники
teachings of the faithвероучение (Alex_Odeychuk)
teachings of the religionвероучение конкретной религии (Alex_Odeychuk)
ten plagues of Egyptдесять казней египетских
textual doctrine of Islamтекстуально закреплённое вероучение ислама (in three authoritative texts which define Islam: the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sira. These three texts can be called the Trilogy. The Quran is only a part of the Trilogy, only 14% of the total words, of the doctrine that is Islam. The text devoted to the Sunna (Sira and Hadith) is 86% of the total textual doctrine of Islam. Within Islam, a fully practicing Muslim is one who follows or attempts to follow the rules and way of life laid out in all the Trilogy, rather than performs the basic rituals only (sometimes known as the Five Pillars). Fully practicing Muslims are those who understand Islam and practice it in the way it was practiced by Muhammad, the founder of Islam Alex_Odeychuk)
Theophilus of AlexandriaФеофил Александрийский (Theologian and patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt, violent opponent of non-Christian religions, severe critic of heterodox influence among Christian writers and monks, and a major figure in the ecclesiastical politics of the Greek Orthodox Church of his day)
through the unmistakable will of Godпо очевидной воле Божьей (Alex_Odeychuk)
through the unmistakable will of Godпо явной воле Божьей (Atlantic Alex_Odeychuk)
thunders of the Vaticanгромы и молнии ватиканские
thunders of the Vaticanпроклятия Ватикана (Anathemas and denunciations of the Pope)
tower of BabelВавилонская башня (The Tower of Babel ( Migdal Bavel Burj Babil), according to the Book of Genesis, was an enormous tower built in the plain of Shinar. wiki Alexander Demidov)
Towers of SilenceБашни молчания
Towers of SilenceБашни тишины (The small towers on which the Parsees and Zoroastrians place their dead to be consumed by birds of prey)
tradition of Prophetхадис (margarita09)
tradition of the eldersпредания старцев (Lena Nolte)
traditional interpretations of Islamic teachingsтрадиционное толкование положений исламского вероучения (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
traditional principles of a religionтрадиционные принципы религии (Alex_Odeychuk)
traditional set of beliefsсовокупность традиционных верований (Alex_Odeychuk)
traditions of religious discourseтрадиции религиозного дискурса (Alex_Odeychuk)
traditions of religious discourseтрадиционные способы развития религиозной мысли (Alex_Odeychuk)
trusted sources of Islamнадёжные литературные источники по исламу (Alex_Odeychuk)
truth of the gospelистина благовествования (Lena Nolte)
understanding of matters of faith and moralsпонимание вопросов веры и морали (Doctrine progresses, expands, and consolidates with time and becomes firmer but is always progressing.)
understanding of the requirements of the faithпонимание требований и идеалов вероучения (Alex_Odeychuk)
Varanasi of the Southгород Колхапур
Varanasi of the SouthБенарес Юга
Varanasi of the SouthВаранаси Юга (Kolhapur, an early centre of Buddhism in western India, city of a 9th-century Mahalaksmi temple)
very God of very GodБога истина от Бога истинна
vessels of wrathсосуды гнева
vicar of Brayвикарий брэйского прихода, четыре раза менявший религию
vicar of Brayренегат (The vicar of the community who retained his ecclesiastical living by changing creed four times according to necessity)
Vicar of Christвикарий Иисуса Христа
Vicar of Christнаместник Христа и князя апостолов
vicar of ChristПапа Римский
Virgin of AnguishСкорбящая Богоматерь (Hiema)
vision of Islamформа истолкования ислама (CNN; из кн.: Прозоров С.М. Ислам как идеологическая система Alex_Odeychuk)
vision of the redemption of the deadвидение об искуплении умерших
Wahhabi brand of Sunni Islamваххабизм (ваххабитская форма истолкования и бытования суннитского ислама; Reuters Alex_Odeychuk)
Wahhabi brand of Sunni Islamваххабитская форма истолкования и бытования суннитского ислама (Reuters Alex_Odeychuk)
Water of Jealousyгорькая вода ревности (The holy water mixed with the dust of floor of the tabernacle given to drink to a wife who had "gone aside". Nm:5:ll-29)
wisdom of GodБожья премудрость
Wisdom of Jesus the Son of SirachКнига Премудрости Иисуса, сына Сирахова
Wisdom of Jesus the Son of SirachЕкклезиастикус
Wisdom of of SolomonКнига премудрости Соломона (A didactic book included in the Protestant Apocrypha)
Wisdom of SolomonКнига Премудрости Соломона
wisdom of wordsпремудрость слов
wise of GodБожья премудрость
Witch of Endorженщина-волшебница в Аэндоре (In the Old Testament, a female sorcerer who was visited by Saul, the first king of Israel. 1Sm:28:7)
works of Islamic architectureобъекты исламской архитектуры (Alex_Odeychuk)
works of Quranic exegesisтруды по толкованию Корана (Alex_Odeychuk)
Showing first 500 phrases