
Terms for subject General containing equities | all forms
acquisitions of equityсделки приобретения акций и долей в уставном капитале (Acquisitions of equity in non-resident subsidiaries and associates. The reporting institution should report the acquisition or additional investment in ordinary ... Alexander Demidov)
at law or in equityв силу закона или по праву справедливости (Leonid Dzhepko)
block equity holdingблокирующий пакет акций (e-sve)
Book EquityБалансовая стоимость собственного капитала (Дмитрий_Р)
British Actors' Equity Associationпрофсоюз британских актёров Эквити
contribution to the equity capitalвклад в уставный капитал (Alexander Demidov)
controlling equity interestпреобладающее участие в уставном капитале (Alexander Demidov)
Convertible Preferred Equity CertificateСертификат конвертируемой привилегированной акции (Lavrov)
court of equityканцелярский суд
court of equityсуд справедливости
debt equity swapпередача части собственности в счёт погашения долга
debt equity swapучастие в капитале
debt with a capped equity type upsideвид долгового обязательства со встроенным механизмом извлечения выгоды от роста стоимости акционерного капитала (вид долгового обязательства со встроенным механизмом извлечения выгоды от роста стоимости акционерного капитала Ita Takana)
debt-for-equity swapакционирование долга (A transaction in which debt is swapped for equity. It often accompanies the reorganization of companies in financial distress. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
debt-to-equity ratioотношение долговых обязательств к собственному капиталу (The debt-to-equity ratio (D/E) is a financial ratio indicating the relative proportion of shareholders' equity and debt used to finance a company's assets.[1] Closely related to leveraging, the ratio is also known as Risk, Gearing or Leverage. The two components are often taken from the firm's balance sheet or statement of financial position (so-called book value), but the ratio may also be calculated using market values for both, if the company's debt and equity are publicly traded, or using a combination of book value for debt and market value for equity financially. WAD Alexander Demidov)
debt-to-equity ratioотношение размера задолженности к собственному капиталу (Alexander Demidov)
deferred equityотсроченный собственный капитал (Ремедиос_П)
divest oneself of equity investmentвыводить инвестиционный капитал (4uzhoj)
Economic Value of EquityЭСК (для расчёта процентного риска банка investopedia.com HelgaB)
Economic Value of Equityэкономическая стоимость капитала (для расчёта процентного риска банка investopedia.com HelgaB)
emotional equityчасть души (dejure_az)
employment equityравенство в трудоустройстве (Watson)
equity accountсчёт уставного капитала (ACCOUNT in the EQUITY section of the BALANCE SHEET. Includes CAPITAL STOCK, ADDITIONAL PAID IN CAPITAL and RETAINED EARNINGS. Found on nysscpa.org Alexander Demidov)
equity accounted investeeинвестиции, учитываемые методом долевого участия (ROGER YOUNG)
equity accountingучёт уставного капитала (Alexander Demidov)
equity accountingметод долевого участия (используется при консолидации iola)
equity accumulationнакопление собственных средств
equity acquisitionsсделки приобретения акций и долей в уставном капитале (Equity Acquisitions: CNBC Explains. When one business acquires another, there are several ways of financing the deal, including the use of the acquiring company's shares to cover the cost of the transaction. Alexander Demidov)
equity adjustmentкорректировка капитала (VictorMashkovtsev)
equity attributable to equity holders of the parentсобственный капитал, относящийся к акционерам материнской компании (VictorMashkovtsev)
equity capital marketрынок акционерного капитала (Lavrov)
equity capital ratioпоказатель собственного капитала (Alexander Demidov)
equity co-investmentсоинвестирование (An equity co-investment (or co-investment) is a minority investment, made directly into an operating company, alongside a financial sponsor or other private equity investor, in a leveraged buyout, recapitalization or growth capital transaction. In certain circumstances, venture capital firms may also seek co-investors. wiki Alexander Demidov)
equity construction investorдольщик (VLZ_58)
equity earningsдоход от акций
equity financeдолевое финансирование (reverso.net Aslandado)
equity financingфинансирование в обмен на акции (mascot)
equity holdingучастие в уставном капитале (EQUITY HOLDING is a holding of the nominal share capital in a company where the shareholding entitles the shareholder to a right to votes, to profits available for distribution to shareholders and to assets available for distribution on a winding up of that company. A holding of shares held as trading stock for the purpose of a trade does not constitute a participating holding. ventureline.com Alexander Demidov)
equity holdingвклад в складочный капитал (Alexander Demidov)
equity holding structureструктура акционерного капитала (Александр Демидов)
equity holdings/stakesсоставляющие уставный или складочный капитал вклады, доли (Alexander Demidov)
equity in the propertyсобственные средства в имуществе
Equity Incomeдоход по акциям (Lavrov)
equity instrumentsдолевые финансовые инструменты (Document that serves as a legally enforceable evidence of the right of ownership in a firm, such as a share certificate (stock certificate). See also debt instrument and financial instrument. Use equity instrument in a sentence Direxion Monthly Small Cap Bull 2X (DXRLX) invests a large share of its assets in equity instruments. Source: Top 5 Best Performing Small Cap Mutual Funds Year to Date – Yahoo! Finance Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
equity interestдоля в уставном капитале (Rolls-Royce and Daimler today announce that they have agreed the valuation of Daimler's 50% equity interest in the joint venture Rolls-Royce ... Alexander Demidov)
equity interestдоля участия (Lavrov)
equity interestдолевое участие в уставном капитале (Capital participation (sometimes also called equity participation or equity interest) is a form of equity sharing not restricted to housing, in which a company, infrastructure, property or business is shared between different parties. WK Alexander Demidov)
equity interestдоля акций в уставном капитале (Mezzanine financing is basically debt capital that gives the lender the rights to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid ...)
equity interest pledge contractдоговор залога доли в уставном капитале (Alexander Demidov)
equity investmentдолевая инвестиция (Money that is invested in a firm by its owner(s) or holder(s) of common stock (ordinary shares) but which is not returned in the normal course of the business. Investors recover it only when they sell their shareholdings to other investors, or when the assets of the firm are liquidated and proceeds distributed among them after satisfying the firm's obligations. Also called equity contribution. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
equity investmentпокупка акций
equity investmentкомпания, в которой другая компания имеет долю капитала (Lavrov)
equity investmentинвестиции в частный капитал (the buying and holding of shares in the hope of making a profit as their value increases: The partners shall share profits and losses in proportion to their equity investments. Phrase Bank ⃝ The fund doubled its money on an equity investment of about $10 million. ⃝ The Kenyan government is actively seeking private equity investment for the project. ⃝ Despite the equity investment by the institutions, management retains control of Newco. ⃝ foreign equity investment ⃝ the risk of equity investment Additional Notes ⃝ When you make an equity investment you usually buy shares, which are called equity securities. Bonds, however, are debt securities, and are not an equity investment. TED Alexander Demidov)
equity investmentвложения в акционерный капитал
equity investmentsинвестиции в уставный капитал других компаний (Lavrov)
equity issueвыпуск акций
equity linked securitiesконвертируемые облигации и акции инвестиционных фондов
equity linked securitiesпривилегированные акции
equity linked securitiesварранты
equity methodметод учёта по собственному капиталу
equity methodметод участия (Lavrov)
equity methodметод оценки по доле участия
equity participationпакет акций
equity participation agreementдоговор долевого участия (ABelonogov)
equity participation in the ownershipдолевое участие в праве собственности (Windystone)
equity pledge contractдоговор залога акций (more hits Alexander Demidov)
equity productionсобственная продукция (mascot)
equity ratioкоэффициент обеспеченности собственными средствами (Lavrov)
equity relationshipпаевые отношения в акционерном капитале (agrabo)
equity securitiesэмиссионные акционерные ценные бумаги (Lavrov)
equity securitiesакционерные ценные бумаги
equity securityдолевая ценная бумага
equity security unitэмиссионная ценная бумага (The following table shows the per equity security unit and total underwriting discounts and commissions to be paid to the underwriters by us Alexander Demidov)
equity shareдоля участия (mascot)
Equity Silverрудник Equity Silver (имя собственное Secretary)
equity stakeдоля участия (Alexander Demidov)
equity stakeдоля в уставном капитале (Rosneft sealed a $55 billion deal on Oct. 22 to buy TNK-BP. BP will hold a fifth of state-controlled Rosneft. The acquisition, subject to government approval, will give Rosneft extra output and cash flow to finance exploration of Russia’s vast reserves to replace aging fields and ones that are being depleted. TMT Alexander Demidov)
equity stakeдоля в уставном капитале (Rosneft sealed a $55 billion deal on Oct. 22 to buy TNK-BP. BP will hold a fifth of state-controlled Rosneft. The acquisition, subject to government approval, will give Rosneft extra output and cash flow to finance exploration of Russia’s vast reserves to replace aging fields and ones that are being depleted. TMT – АД)
equity storyинвестиционная история (Lavrov)
equity swapпередача части собственности в счёт погашения долга
equity swapучастие в капитале
equity warrantваррант, дающий право на покупку акций
foreign equityдоля иностранного участия
funded with equityфинансируется за счёт уставного капитала (lenivets:))
home equity lendingжилищное кредитование (D Cassidy)
house equity skimmingмошенническое завладение долей собственника в недвижимом имуществе (ezinearticles.com Tanya Gesse)
housing equity holderдольщик (VLZ_58)
in equityсогласно нормам права справедливости ("law of equity" в отличие от "common law" 4uzhoj)
increased gender equityвозросшее равенство полов (bigmaxus)
Institutional Equity SalesПродажа акций институциональным клиентам (Глумишна)
internal equityвнутреннее равноправие (Каждый сотрудник компании получает зарплату согласно сделанной им работе. In a company or organisation, ensures the pay each employee receives is determined fairly by the type of job they do. Interex)
invest in equityвкладывать деньги в акции (Ремедиос_П)
invested unrestricted equityдополнительный вложенный капитал (4uzhoj)
investment in equitiesвложения в акции (Alexander Demidov)
investment in equityинвестиции в основной капитал (Investment in equity is investment in stocks, or similar securities. Alexander Demidov)
investment into equityинвестиции в основной капитал (Alexander Demidov)
Liabilities and equityОбязательства и капитал (feyana)
list equityкотироваться (Federal Financial Markets Service head Dmitry Pankin said Thursday that restrictions on Russian companies that want to list equity on foreign exchanges will not be lifted until 2013. TMT Alexander Demidov)
local equityнациональный пакет акций
majority equity holdingпреобладающее участие в уставном капитале (Under the proposal, the debt would be reduced to L2.84bn and creditors would take a majority equity holding in the company. A partner with majority equity holding has more at stake in the alliance than the other partners. Oracle said the agreement sets out, among other things, that the Chinese parties will take a "significant" majority equity holding, will arrange ... SDV announces majority equity holding in Safcomar Overseas SA whose new name, SDV Suisse, takes effect as of 7 January 2013, ... The new company was formed following lengthy negotiations between Turbomeca and Denel for the French company to acquire a majority equity holding in ... Transferring the majority equity holding of a body to the private sector means government has lost many of its controls over the body. The team, which includes Jerry Neville, founder of Logistics Data Systems Inc in Wisconsin, will have a majority equity holding in the new ... Alexander Demidov)
majority equity holding inпреобладающее участие в уставном капитале (общества. Under the proposal, the debt would be reduced to L2.84bn and creditors would take a majority equity holding in the company. – АД)
majority equity interestпреобладающее участие в уставном капитале (Alexander Demidov)
majority equity stakeпреобладающее участие в уставном капитале (and public affairs firm, has agreed to acquire a majority equity stake in Arcay Communications Holdings (Pty) Limited ("Arcay") in South Africa. | JWT takes majority stake in Activeark Alexander Demidov)
majority equity stakeпреобладающее участие в уставном капитале (and public affairs firm, has agreed to acquire a majority equity stake in Arcay Communications Holdings (Pty) Limited ("Arcay") in South Africa. | JWT takes majority stake in Activeark – АД)
marketable equity securitiesрыночные ценные бумаги, дающие право собственности
Marketable equity securities – currentКраткосрочные инвестиции в акции (Lavrov)
Marketable equity securities – non-currentДолгосрочные инвестиции в акции (Lavrov)
owners' equityдоля собственников
owner's equityакционерный капитал владельца
Pay Equity Policyполитика по обеспечению равного вознаграждения (Raz_Sv)
Pay Equity Policy FrameworkПрограмма справедливой оплаты труда (tania_mouse)
pay for an equity interestоплачивать долю в уставном капитале общества (Alexander Demidov)
preferred equityпривилегированный собственный капитал (фин. привилегированный акционерный капитал, привилегированный собственный капитал* (совокупность привилегированных акций, выпущенных компанией, т. е. часть капитала компании, принадлежащая привилегированным акционерам) SYN: preference equity, preference capital, preferred shareholders' equity, preferred caprtal stock SEE: common equity, preferred share, preferred shareholder. Банковское дело: англо-русский словарь By Ю.Н.Маляревская Alexander Demidov)
preferred equity capitalпривилегированный собственный капитал (Alexander Demidov)
Preferred Equity CertificateСертификат привилегированной акции (Lavrov)
private equityпрямые инвестиции (private equity fund – фонд прямых инвестиций lawput)
private equityчастный акционерный капитал (Leonid Dzhepko)
private equity firmчастная инвестиционная фирма (felog)
private equity fundчастный фонд прямых инвестиций (a collective investment scheme used to invest in shares in a private company (as opposed to shares in a company listed on a stock exchange) where the source of finance is generally a fund owned by sophisticated investors whose strategy is to make the company more profitable and sell their shares for a profit: Italian private equity fund Investindustrial is widely reported to have made an offer of nearly $400m for Aston Martin. Phrase Bank ⃝ The structure of a private equity fund generally involves several key entities. ⃝ Our core business is providing private equity fund administration . ⃝ We have invested in emerging market private equity funds since the 1980s ⃝ IFC backs private equity funds ⃝ returns on private equity fund investments. TED Alexander Demidov)
private equity professionalsчастные инвесторы (bigmaxus)
rate of return on stock-holders equityнорма дохода на акционерный капитал
Recovery of unrealized loss on valuation of marketable equity securitiesПокрытие нереализованного убытка от оценки рыночных ценных бумаг, дающих право собственности (от снижения стоимости акций)
return on equitiesдоходы от акций
return on equityрентабельность собственных средств (mascot)
return on equityкоэффициент рентабельности собственного капитала (AD)
return on equityкоэффициент рентабельности собственного капитала (Alexander Demidov)
return on equityдоходность акций (акционерного капитала)
return on equityрентабельность капитала
Risk Adjusted Return on Equityрарое (RAROE Alexander Demidov)
Safe Transportation Equity ActЗакон о финансировании транспортного комплекса в 21 веке (ambassador)
sale of equity instrumentsреализация долевых инструментов (ROGER YOUNG)
seasoned equity offeringдополнительный выпуск акций (A seasoned equity offering or secondary equity offering (SEO) or capital increase is a new equity issue by an already publicly traded company. Seasoned offerings may involve shares sold by existing shareholders (non-dilutive), new shares (dilutive) or both. If the seasoned equity offering is made by an issuer that meets certain regulatory criteria, it may be a shelf offering. WK Alexander Demidov)
secondary equity offeringдополнительный выпуск акций (A Seasoned equity offering or secondary equity offering (SEO) is a new equity issue by an already publicly-traded company. Secondary offerings may involve shares sold by existing shareholders (non-dilutive), new shares (dilutive) or both. WK Alexander Demidov)
sell a part of the equity to the publicпродать часть имущества акций населению
shared-equity constructionдолевое строительство (ABelonogov)
shared-equity construction participantучастник долевого строительства (ABelonogov)
shared-equity construction unitобъект долевого строительства (ABelonogov)
shareholders' equityуставный капитал (Zen1)
shareholders' equityкапитал (Lavrov)
specialised equity execution groupспециальная группа по исполнению сделок с акциями (Lavrov)
stake in the equity capitalдоля в уставном капитале (Alexander Demidov)
statement of changes in equityотчёт об изменении капитала (A statement of changes in equity can be explained as a statement that can changes in equity for corporation features be created for partnerships, sole proprietorships, or corporations. The key purpose of this statement is to summarize the activity in take equity accounts for a certain period. Sole proprietorships and partnerships follow a similar format for their statements of changes in equity. On the contrary, the statement of changes in equity for a corporation features a slightly different format. readyratios.com Alexander Demidov)
statement of changes in equityотчёт об изменениях капитала (если для фин. отчётности. то "shareholders'/owners'" перед equity добавлять не нужно – IAS 1 requires a business entity to present a separate Statement of Changes in Equity (SOCE) as one of the components of financial statements. wiki Alexander Demidov)
Statement of Changes in Owner's or Stockholder's EquityОтчёт об изменениях в собственном капитале
Statement of Changes in Shareholder's EquityОтчёт об изменении акционерного капитала (rechnik)
stockholders equityдоля акционера в средствах предприятия
tax equityсобственный капитал после уплаты налогов (Lavrov)
the Actors' Equity AssociationАктёрский союз (профсоюз амер. актёров и режиссёров)
the Actors' Equity AssociationАктёрская ассоциация за справедливость
the British Actors Equity AssociationБританская ассоциация актёров
the Equity"Эквити" (общепринятое назв. "Британской ассоциации актёров")
the wife's equityюридические права жены
the wife's equityюридическое положение жены
Total Common Stockholders' EquityВсего капитал по обыкновенным акциям (Lavrov)
transfer of equity interestпереход доли в уставном капитале (Alexander Demidov)
Unrealized loss on valuation of marketable equity securitiesнереализованный убыток от оценки рыночных ценных бумаг, дающих право собственности
Vertical Equityвертикальнаяэкономическая справедливость (Концепция экономической справедливости, те, кто в лучшем экономическом положении обязаны платить большую сумму налогов, чем те, которые в худшем экономическом положении. Interex)