
Terms for subject Religion containing Book | all forms | exact matches only
acaphistus-bookакафистник (A book of hymns to the Saviour, the Blessed Virgin, and saints)
area bookзональная книга
Bay Psalm BookПсалтырь полная
Bay Psalm BookПсалтырь колонистов Массачусетского залива (1640, perhaps the oldest book now in existence that was published in British North America)
bell, book and candleформула полного отлучения от Римско-католической Церкви (The phrase for ceremonial excommunication in the Roman Catholic Church)
biblical bookбиблейская книга (Sergei Aprelikov)
book-fellтонкий пергамен для письма
book-fellрукопись на пергамене
book-oathсвященная клятва
book of acathistiакафистный
Book of AmosКнига Пророка Амоса (The third of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, collected in one book under the Jewish canon titled The Twelve)
Book of Baruchапокрифическая "Книга Пророка Варуха" (Ancient text purportedly written by Baruch, secretary and friend of Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet)
book of booksкнига книг
Book of BooksБиблия
Book of CanonsКнига канонов (A collection of 178 canons first published in 1610)
Book of ChangesКнига Перемен (И цзин russiangirl)
Book of Common OrderЛитургия Нокса
Book of Common OrderЖеневское наставление
Book of Common OrderНаставление к общественному богослужению (First Reformed manual of worship in English, introduced to the English congregation in Geneva by John Knox in 1556, adopted by the Scottish Reformers in 1562, and revised in 1564)
Book of Common PrayerКнига общественного богослужения (Liturgical book used by churches of the Anglican Communion)
Book of ConcordКонкордия (Collected doctrinal standards of the Lutheran church, published in 1580 and 1584 in German and Latin)
book of creedвероучительная книга (Alex_Odeychuk)
Book of DanielДаниэль
Book of DanielКнига Пророка Даниила (A book of the Old Testament found in the Ketuvim, the third section of the Jewish canon, but placed among the Prophets in the Christian canon)
book of devotionsевхологий
Book of Eight TonesОктоих
Book of EstherКнига Есфирь (Old Testament book that belongs to the third section of the Judaic biblical canon, known as the Ketuvim)
Book of EzekielКнига Пророка Иезекииля (One of the major prophetical books of the Old Testament)
Book of Fateкнига жизни
Book of Fateкнига судьбы
Book of HabakkukХаваккук
Book of HabakkukКнига Пророка Аввакума (The eighth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets)
Book of HaggaiХаггай
Book of HaggaiКнига Пророка Аггея (The tenth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets)
Book of HeirmoiИрмологий
Book of HoseaКнига Пророка Осии (The first of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets)
book of hoursКнига Часов
book of hoursчасослов
book of hoursкнига, содержащая краткие богослужения, которые соответствуют знаменательным часам дня
book of hoursБревиарий (католич. Solneshko)
book of hoursчасовник
Book of IsaiahКнига Пророка Исайи (One of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament)
Book of JeremiahКнига Пророка Иеремии (One of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament)
Book of JobКнига Иова (A narrative and poetic book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture)
Book of JoelКнига Пророка Иоиля (The second of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets)
Book of JonahКнига Пророка Ионы (The fifth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets)
Book of JoshuaКнига Иисуса Навина (The sixth book of the Old Testament; it belongs to the Deuteronomic tradition of Jewish history and law)
Book of JudgesШофтим
Book of JudgesСудьи
Book of JudgesКнига Судей Израилевых (A narrative and historical book of Jewish and Christian Scripture, the third of the series of five books that reflect the theological viewpoint of the Deuteronomic historian)
Book of JudithКнига Юдифи (Apocryphal work excluded from the Hebrew and Protestant biblical canons but included in the Septuagint and accepted in the Roman canon)
Book of Kellsлицевое Евангелие монастыря Келлз (Illuminated gospel book that is a masterpiece of the ornate Hiberno-Saxon style)
Book of KellsКеллская книга (moevot)
Book of Lifeкнига жизни
Book of Lifeкнига судьбы
Book of Loagaethкнига "Речений Бога" (Liber Logaeth – латинское название Beforeyouaccuseme)
Book of MalachiМалахи
Book of Malachi The last of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, grouped together as the Twelve in the Jewish canonКнига Пророка Малахии
Book of Micah The sixth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, grouped together as The Twelve in the Jewish canonКнига Пророка Михея
book of Mormonкнига Мормона
book of Mormon placement programпрограмма распространения Книги Мормона
Book of NahumКнига Пророка Наума (The seventh of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets)
book of Needsтребник
Book of NumbersЧетвёртая книга Моисеева. Числа
Book of ObadiahКнига Пророка Авдия (The fourth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets; with only one chapter consisting of 21 verses, it is the shortest of all Old Testament books)
Book of ProverbsМишлей
Book of ProverbsКнига Притчей Соломоновых (An Old Testament book of "wisdom" writing found in the third section of the Jewish canon, known as the Ketuvim, or Writings)
Book of PsalmsТегилин
Book of PsalmsПсалтырь (Book of the Old Testament composed of sacred songs, or of sacred poems meant to be sung)
book of remembranceпамятная книга
Book of RulesКнига правил
Book of RuthКнига Руфь (Old Testament short narrative book belonging to the third section of the biblical canon, known as the Ketuvim, or Writings)
Book of ShadowsКнига таинств (anastasiya-leonova)
Book of ShadowsКнига теней (anastasiya-leonova)
Book of SirachКнига Иисуса, сына Сирахова (Perhaps the most important book of the Old Testament Apocrypha)
Book of SportsДекларация о воскресных развлечениях, христианам дозволенных
Book of Sticheronстихирарь (In the Russian Orthodox Church, a book composed of songs to praise a certain holy day or a saint)
Book of the Apocalypse of Baruch the Son of NeriahКнига апокалипсиса Варуха, сына Нирия
Book of the Dead Ancient Egyptian collection of mortuary texts made up of spells or magic formulas, placed in tombs and believed to protect and aid the deceased in the hereafterКнига мёртвых
Book of the EpistlesАпостол (содержит чтения из Деяний апостолов и апостольских посланий)
Book of the HelmsmanКормчая
Book of the HelmsmanКормчая книга (A Slavic adaptation of the Byzantine nomocanons compiled by Sava, the first archbishop of Serbia, 1219)
Book of the Prophet IsaiahКнига Пророка Исайи (One of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament comprising 66 chapters)
Book of the Prophet JeremiahКнига Пророка Иеремии (One of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament)
Book of the Wars of YahwehКнига войн Яхве (Lost document referred to and quoted in the Old Testament. Nm:21:14)
Book of Tobias"Книга Товит" (Apocryphal work, noncanonical for Jews and Protestants, that found its way into the Roman Catholic canon via the Septuagint)
Book of ZechariahКнига Пророка Захарии (The eleventh of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, collected in the Jewish canon in one book, The Twelve)
Book of ZephaniahКнига Пророка Софонии (The ninth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, collected in one book, The Twelve, in the Jewish canon)
Books of Kings'Первая книга царей' и "Вторая книга царей"
Books of Kings'Третья книга Царств' и "Четвёртая книга Царств"
Books of Samuel'Первая книга Самуила' и "Вторая книга Самуила"
Books of Samuel'Первая книга Царств' и "Вторая книга Царств" (Two Old Testament books that, along with Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, and 1 and 2 Kings, belong to the tradition of Deuteronomic history first committed to writing about 550 BC during the Babylonian Exile)
church bookслужебник
church bookтребник
church bookцерковная метрическая книга
colour-bookиллюминированное издание
Congregation Book Studyкнигоизучение (встреча Свидетелей Иеговы раз в неделю небольшой группой с целью изучения определенной религиозной литературы; название небольших групп Свидетелей Иеговы, на которые делится собрания OstrichReal1979)
Cyrillic book scriptкириллическое книжное письмо (A style of handwritten Cyrillic letters and characters used by book scribes)
Ethiopic Book of EnochПервая книга Еноха (Pseudepigraphal work whose only complete extant version is an Ethiopic translation of a previous Greek translation made in Palestine from the original Hebrew or Aramaic)
First Book of Esdrasапокрифическая "Первая книга Ездры"
First Book of the KingsТретья книга Царств (Narrative and historical book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture)
Five Books of MosesПять книг Моисеевых
Five Books of MosesТора
Fourth Book of EsdrasАпокалипсис Ездры
Fourth Book of EsdrasТретья книга Ездры
Fourth Book of Moses, Called NumbersЧетвёртая книга Моисеева. Числа
Glagolitic book scriptглаголическое книжное письмо (A style of handwritten Cyrillic letters and characters used by book scribes)
God's bookСвятое Писание
Gothic book scriptготическое книжное письмо (A style of handwritten Gothic letters and characters used by book scribes)
hadith bookкнига хадисов (Alex_Odeychuk)
hadiths bookкнига хадисов (Alex_Odeychuk)
holy bookсвященное писание (Andrey Truhachev)
holy bookсвященная книга (Ислам Andrey Truhachev)
hour-bookкнига, содержащая краткие богослужения, которые соответствуют знаменательным часам дня
hour-bookКнига Часов
interpretation bookкнига толкования (Alex_Odeychuk)
interpretation bookтолковательная книга (Alex_Odeychuk)
interpretation bookтолкование (книга Alex_Odeychuk)
Latin book scriptлатинское книжное письмо (A style of handwritten Latin letters and characters used by book scribes)
mass-bookкатолический требник
mentioned in the book of Genesisбытийный (упоминаемый в Книге Бытия в Ветхом Завете (Библии) Alex_Odeychuk)
penitential bookцерковное уложение о наказаниях
penitential bookкнига покаяний (Any of the manuals used in Europe by priests of the Western church, especially during the early Middle Ages, in administering ecclesiastical penance)
people of the Bookлюди Писания
People of the Bookлюди Писания (в исламе – немусульмане, сообразующие свою жизнь с божественным откровением, изложенном в Ветхом Завете. В настоящее время это христиане и иудеи Andrey Truhachev)
people of the Bookахл ал-Китаб
pontifical service bookЧиновник
prayer bookмолитвослов (православный)
prayer bookканонник
prayer bookбогослужебная книга
prayer book to Godмолитвенник Божий (книга)
religious bookмолитвенник
Sacred BookСвященная книга
Sacred BookБиблия
Second Book of EsdrasАпокалипсис Ездры
Second Book of EsdrasТретья книга Ездры
Second Book of the KingsВторая книга "Мелахим"
Second Book of the KingsЧетвёртая книга Царств (Narrative and historical book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture)
Second Book of the KingsВторая книга царей
service bookтриодь
Slavonic Book of EnochВторая книга Еноха (Pseudepigraphal work whose only extant version is a Slavonic translation of the Greek original)
the Book of Common PrayerКнига общей молитвы (официальный молитвенник и требник Церкви Англии, а также англиканских церквей в ряде лр. стран)
the Book of the Covenantкнига завета (Sefer HaBrit Liv Bliss)
vesper bookсборник песнопений
vestry bookцерковная книга записи рождений (браков, смертей)
Wicked Prayer Book Printed in 1686, in the Epistle for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity the following passage occurs: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, idoltary... they who do such things shall inherit the kingdom of God", instead of "shall not inherit""Молитвенник нечестивых"