
Terms for subject Religion containing AH | all forms | exact matches only
Ah Kinа-кин (The regular clergy of the Yucatec Maya in pre-Columbian times)
Ah Kin Maiа-кин май
Ah Kin Maiпервосвященник (The chief priest of the Yucatec Maya in pre-Columbian times)
Ah MunАх-Мун (бог кукурузы у индейцев майя, изображавшийся юношей в головном уборе в виде початка кукурузы collegia)
Ah PuchАх-Пуч (бог смерти и царь Шибальбы (преисподней) у индейцев майя collegia)
Ahl ash-Shari'ahлюди Шариата
Ahl ash-Shari'ahахл ашшариа (In Sufi terminology, "the people of religious law")
Ahl as-Sunnah al-Jama'ahлюди сунны и согласия общины
Ahl as-Sunnah al-Jama'ahахл ас-сунна ва-л-джама'а ("People of Sunna and consolidated majority", the Sunnites labelled themselves so)
bid'ahнововведение (In Islam, Bid'ah refers to any innovations in religious matters. Linguistically the term means "innovation, novelty, heretical doctrine, heresy". In contrast to the English term "innovation", the word bid'ah in Arabic generally carries a negative connotation .. more: wikipedia.org)
bid'ahбида (In Islam, any innovation that has no roots in sunna or in the traditional practice of the Muslim community)
bid'ahеретическое нововведение (в исламе Alex_Odeychuk)
Huruf al-Muqatta'ahфаватих
Murji'ahмурджииты (One of the earliest Islamic sects to believe in the postponement of judgment on committers of serious sins, recognizing God alone as being able to decide whether or not a Muslim had lost his faith)
qira'ahрецитация отдельных частей или всего текста Корана в ритуальных целях
rak'ahрака'ат (In Islam, two to four genuflection units as a part of each prayer)
salat al-jum'ahсалат ал-джамаа (A congregational prayer on Fridays, instead of the prayer just after noon)
salat al-jum'ahполуденная молитва мусульман по пятницам
salat al-jum'ahсалат ад-джум'а
Shi'ahшииты (The Muslims who constitute the smaller of the two major branches of Islam, distinguished from the majority Sunnites)
Wadi Al-Murabba'ahВади – Мураббат (One of the five principal sites in the Judaean wilderness where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered)