
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing conditioning | all forms | exact matches only
absolutely dried condition绝干全干状态
adverse condition有害环境
air conditioning plant空气调节设备
all year air conditioning全年的空气调节
anerobic condition缺氧状态
arrival conditioning进场调理凡在繁殖场出生而未经调理 (preconditioning)的肉牛,到达肥育场后须经进场调理过程:注射必要的疫苗
backward-store condition下等体况家畜体质因营养不良而使体况下降低于正常体况者
body condition体况
body condition肥度
body condition膘情
body condition scoring膘情评分
coefficient of condition膘情系数指家畜体长与体重的关系
condition factor肥满度
condition factor外型指数
condition score膘度打分
condition score体况鉴定
condition wool测定羊毛水分
conditioning bin谷物匀湿仓
conditioning chamber匀湿室
conditioning of grain谷物的匀湿
conditioning of hay crop压裂草茎可使某些作物(尤其是茎秆粗而多汁的)干燥时间缩短(有时可缩短一半)。预制方法:在收割机中装一套滚筒,用以压裂所收割的茎秆,加快水分蒸发
conditioning of hay crop干草预制
conditioning of meat肉排酸
conditioning of meat肉调理
conditioning supplement增重补充饲料
deposited condition of the silkworm产附性指蚕蛾产卵的排列及黏附的情况
deposited condition of the silkworm eggs蚕卵产附
developmental condition发育情况
dietary condition喂饲条件
diploid condition二倍性
diploid condition二倍体状态
field condition田间状况植物生长在田间的表现,与温室和实验室状况相对.
gonad condition factor生殖腺系数
grain conditioning谷物加工指调制
grazing conditions放牧条件
hay conditioning干草预制
in good condition膘情好
in high condition膘情良好
index of condition肥满度指数
inherited condition遗传疾病
in-step condition同步条件状态
inverstigation of actual condition实态调查
life condition生存条件
light in condition羊毛净毛率高的
living environmental condition生存环境条件
lose condition掉膘
loss condition掉膘
new condition sausage新型香肠轻煎半干香肠
non-pregnant condition空怀尤指母牛生理性或病理性不孕
nutritional condition营养条件
poor breeding condition繁殖条件不良
prime condition肥膘澳、新
prime condition上等膘
process condition工艺操作条件
rearing condition饲育条件
run-down condition过瘦
run-down condition掉膘
sanitary-bacteriological condition卫生细菌学条件
show condition肥膘
show condition高等膘
silk conditioning house生丝检验所
somatic condition factor肥满度
store condition膘情差
store condition不肥
thrifty condition健壮体况
weaning condition score断奶时体型评分