
Terms for subject Agriculture containing annual | all forms | exact matches only
aestival annual夏季一年生植物 (annuus aestivalis)
agricultural annual农业年报
agricultural annual农业年鉴
agronomical annual农学年报
amplitude of annual oscillation年波动幅度
annual assimilation period年同化期
annual balance年[度]平衡
annual balance-sheet年度收支平衡表
annual bearing年年结果
annual branch一年生枝 (ramus annuus)
annual broadleaf weed一年生阔叶杂草
annual change年变化指一年内的变化
annual colony一年生群体
annual consumption by respiration年呼吸消耗量
annual costs年成本
annual costs年费用
annual cover crops一年生覆盖作物指绿肥
annual cutting area年伐面积
annual cutting percent年伐率
annual cycle一年生周期
annual deviation年偏差
annual deviation年变动
annual flood年最大洪水量
annual flower一年生花卉
annual forage crops一年生饲料作物
annual forage grasses一年生禾
annual grass weeds一年生草木杂草
annual grasses一年生牧
annual ground cover一年生地被物
annual growth cycle年生长周期
annual habit一年生习性
annual herbaceous plant一年生草本植物 (herbae annuales)
annual herbs一年生草本植物 (herbae annuales)
annual income全年收人
annual labour program全年劳动计划
annual layer年生长层
annual layer年轮层
annual leaf一年生叶 (folium annuum)
annual legumes一年生豆类作物
annual life cycle年周期
annual life cycle年生活史
annual loss of dry matter年干物质损失
annual meadow-grass早熟禾
annual mean air temperature年平均气温
annual mean biomass年平均生物量
annual mean duration of sunshine年平均日照持续期
annual meeting of crop breeding作物育种学年会
annual narrowleaf weeds一年生窄叶杂草
annual nutrient loss年养分损失
annual ornamental plant一年生观赏植物 (planta ornamentalis annua)
annual ornamentals一年生观赏植物
annual pasture临时牧场
annual pattern年特性曲线指蒸发蒸腾作用
annual percolates年渗漏水量
annual plans年度计划
annual plants一年生植物 (plantae annuales)
annual production年[生]产量
annual progress report年度进度报告
annual publication年刊
annual purchase年采购量
annual review一年回顾
annual review周年评论
annual ring年轮 (annulus annotinus)
annual ring phenometry年轮物候测量法
annual root一年生根 (radix annualis)
annual runoff年地面径流量
annual season年季度
annual season年季节
annual seasonable operation rate年适期作业[速]率
annual seed fall年天然下种量
annual shoot当年生枝
annual sorghum一年生高粱高粱分类类型
annual species一年生种
annual strain一年生品系
annual summer crops一年生夏作物
annual supervisory return年度经营收益
annual total global radiation年总环球辐射
annual variation年变[化]
annual variety一年生品种
annual weeds一年生杂草
annual work program年工作计划
annual yield by unit area单位面积年产量
annual yield per unit area每单位面积年产量
annual zone年轮
annuals and biennials一、二年生杂草指一年生杂草与二年生杂草
average annual growth rate平均年生长率
average annual yield of grain per mu粮食每亩平均年产量
breadth of annual ring年轮宽
broad annual ring宽年轮
chief annual weeds主要一年生杂草
control of annual weeds一年生杂草防除
current annual uptake连年吸水量
current annual uptake连年吸收量
day-length-neutral annuals中间性一年生植物光期钝感一年生植物
day-length-neutral annuals中日性一年生作物
desert annuals荒漠一年生植物
desert winter annuals荒漠冬季一年生植物
double annual ring双年轮 (annulus annotinus duplus)
essential annual weeds主要一年生杂草
extreme annual value年极端值
fall sowing annual herbs秋播一年生草本植物
false annual ring假年轮 (annulus annotinus falsus)
final mean annual increment伐期年平均生长量
frost-bite annual ring冻伤年轮
garden annuals一年生园艺植物
garden of annuals一年生草花[花]园
hardy annuals耐寒一年生植物
hibernal annual越冬一年生植物 (annuus hibernalis)
long-day annuals长日[照]一年生作物
mean annual minimum air temperature年平均最低气温
mean operation rate of annual harvesting period年收获期的平均操作速度
multiple annual ring复年轮 (annulus annotinus multiplex)
net annual ablation年净消融量指冰川
net annual accumulation年净积累量指冰川
outermost annual ring最外层年轮
periodic annual growth定期平均年生长量
pseudo-annual假一年生植物 (pseudoannuus)
pseudo-annual ring假年轮 (annulus pseudoannotinus)
radiation breeding of annual crops一年生作物辐射育种
rain-ephemeral desert annuals雨季短生荒漠一年生植物
semi-annual一年两次的 (semiannualis)
semi-annual period半年周期 (periodus semiannualis)
semi-annual progress report半年进度报告
short-lived annual grasses短生一年生禾草
summer annual forage夏季一年生饲料[作物]
summer annual grasses夏季一年生禾草
summer annual weeds夏季一年生杂草
summer annuals夏季一年生杂草
total annual number of daylight hours全年总日照时数
total annual respiration全年总呼吸量
true annual ring真年轮 (amnulus annotinus verus)
uniform annual rainfall等年雨量
winter annual cereals冬性一年生禾谷类 [作物]
winter annual desert plant冬性一年生荒漠植物
winter annual grass冬性一年生禾草
winter annual strain冬性一年生品系
winter annual weeds冬季一年生杂草
winter annuals冬性一年生作物
winter annuals冬季一年生杂草