
Terms containing Camera | all forms | exact matches only
construct.aerial cameraletecká fotografická komora
construct.aerial cameraletecký fotografický přístroj
construct.air survey cameraletecká fotografická komora
construct.air survey cameraletecký fotografický přístroj
construct.airborne cameraletecká fotografická komora
construct.airborne cameraletecký fotografický přístroj
astr.astrographic cameraastrograf
comp., MScamera captureZachycení kamerou (A Windows 8 feature that allows developers to use the webcam for communication and still image capture without calling complex APIs. The camera capture API allows for devices to expose capture controls, a preview window, and the ability to specify resolution and codecs for audio/video capture)
comp., MSCamera Capture APIRozhraní API pro digitalizaci obrazu kamery (The API that allows for devices to expose capture controls, a preview window, and the ability to specify resolution and codecs for audio/video capture)
comp., MScamera look pointbod vidění fotoaparátu (An invisible, distant point on an axis perpendicular to the view plane that the camera is "looking at". When we move it, the camera follows it)
construct.camera objectivefotografický objektiv
comp., MSCamera OrbitOběžná dráha kamery (A tool used to move the camera around 3D content within a XAML document)
comp., MScamera panposun záběru (The movement of the camera, left and right, across a scene)
comp., MScamera rollz fotoaparátu (An album that contains a continuous roll of live viewfinder and captured photos and videos that have not been archived or moved to other folders)
astr.cine-camerafilmovací aparát
astr.cine-camerafilmová kamera
astr.driven camerapointovaná komora (guided camera)
astr.dual-rate moon position cameraměsíční komora
astr.dual-rate moon position cameraMarkowitzova komora
construct.electric cameraelektrofotografický přístroj
polit.in cameraneveřejné
astr.Maksutov cameraMaksutovùv teleskop
astr.Maksutov cameraMaksutovova komora
astr.Markowitz moon cameraměsíční komora
astr.Markowitz moon cameraMarkowitzova komora
astr.meteor camerameteorická komora
astr.movie-camerafilmovací aparát
astr.movie-camerafilmová kamera
comp., MSorthographic camerakamera pro pravoúhlé zobrazení (A camera that preserves the relative sizes of objects. Building plans typically use this projection because of this lack of distortion. It can also be useful for certain kinds of data visualization, such as bar charts)
construct.panoramic camerapanoramatický fotografický přístroj
astr.patrol camerahlídková komora
comp., MSperspective camerakamera pro zobrazení perspektivy (A camera that works like a normal camera lens by making objects in the distance appear smaller than nearby objects)
astr.photographic camerafotografický přístroj
comp., MSphotos+camerafotky+fotoaparát (The title of the Settings page that gives options for the physical camera button and for location info and uploading of pictures)
polit.proceedings in cameraneveřejné jednání
construct.projecting cameradiaprojektor
construct.projecting cameraprojektor
forestr.rear safety camerazadní bezpečnostní kamera
forestr.rear-mounted camerazadní kamera
forestr.rearview camerazadní kamera
astr.Schmidt cameraSchmidtův dalekohled
astr.Schmidt cameraSchmidtova komora
comp., MSSkyDrive camera rollSkyDrive: Z fotoaparátu (A folder that's automatically added to SkyDrive when photos are uploaded from Windows Phone)
construct.stereoscopic camerastereoskopický fotografický přístroj
astr.Super-Schmidt camerasuper-Schmidtova komora
astr.undriven camerapevná komora
comp., MSWindows CameraWindows Kamera (An app to facilitate the capture of photos and videos by using the PC)