
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Alexander Matytsin: 547  << | >>

1.12.2011 14:17:43 abbr. PIN verification value PVV
1.12.2011 13:51:01 abbr. bank. STIP stand-in processor (карточные платежные системы)
1.12.2011 13:25:51 abbr. GIV gross interchange value
1.12.2011 13:17:43 abbr. PVV PIN verification value
30.11.2011 16:45:09 abbr. ARM adjustable-rate mortgage
30.11.2011 0:02:37 abbr. NAF National Arbitration Forum
29.11.2011 23:38:14 abbr. POPA point-of-purchase advertising
28.11.2011 16:40:51 abbr. econ. NPV net present value
28.11.2011 9:32:54 abbr. Search Engine Optimization SEO
28.11.2011 9:32:54 abbr. Search Engine Optimisation SEO
28.11.2011 8:32:54 abbr. SEO Search Engine Optimisation
26.11.2011 15:25:32 abbr. CAT computer-aided tool
25.11.2011 11:17:37 abbr. EFT exchange-traded fund
21.11.2011 8:41:52 abbr. NLP neuro-linguistic programming
18.11.2011 12:00:57 abbr. IBF International Banking Facility
8.11.2011 10:24:37 abbr. PEMT Post-Edited Machine Translation
16.10.2011 16:01:50 abbr. EFFAS European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies
11.10.2011 23:50:08 abbr. CVFR Current Value of Funds Rate
10.10.2011 15:11:34 abbr. fin. LTV loan to value
10.10.2011 15:11:34 abbr. fin. LTV loan-to-value
10.10.2011 11:39:23 abbr. LEP Local Enterprise Partnership
10.10.2011 10:41:50 abbr. OEM organizational elements model
10.10.2011 10:22:10 abbr. PV photovoltaic
9.10.2011 22:47:54 abbr. UHNW ultra-high-networth
9.10.2011 22:47:15 abbr. HNWI high net worth individual
9.10.2011 22:37:33 abbr. UHNW ultra-high-net worth
9.10.2011 22:36:35 abbr. SFO single family office
9.10.2011 22:36:02 abbr. MFO multifamily office
9.10.2011 14:41:52 abbr. IG investment grade
9.10.2011 14:41:22 abbr. HY high yield
5.10.2011 14:40:14 abbr. ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
29.09.2011 10:44:11 abbr. C/S ratio contribution/sales ratio
29.09.2011 10:41:11 abbr. P/S ratio Price-to-sales ratio
29.09.2011 9:44:11 abbr. contribution/sales ratio C/S ratio
29.09.2011 9:41:11 abbr. PSR Price-to-sales ratio
29.09.2011 9:41:11 abbr. Price-to-sales ratio P/S ratio
8.09.2011 16:03:25 abbr. econ. SWF sovereign wealth fund
8.09.2011 15:03:25 abbr. econ. SWF Sovereign Wealth Fund
19.05.2011 17:14:11 abbr. CTP Certified Treasury Professional
18.05.2011 11:38:19 abbr. Securities Trade sete ((ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme))
18.05.2011 11:34:16 abbr. Securities Settlement sese ((ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme))
18.05.2011 10:54:50 abbr. Payments Initiation pain (ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme)
18.05.2011 10:48:18 abbr. Payments Clearing and Settlement message pacs message
18.05.2011 10:13:40 abbr. Securities Management semt ((ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme))
18.05.2011 10:09:24 abbr. Reference Data reda
18.05.2011 9:56:58 abbr. Cash Management camt ((ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme))
18.05.2011 9:54:50 abbr. Payments Initiation pain ((ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme))
18.05.2011 9:48:18 abbr. pacs message Payments Clearing and Settlement message
18.05.2011 9:42:21 abbr. Payments Clearing and Settlement pacs ((ISO 20022 Universal financial industry message scheme))
17.05.2011 10:08:10 abbr. CLS Continuous Linked Settlement
11.05.2011 12:00:54 abbr. MA-CUG Member-Administered Closed User Group (СВИФТ)
11.05.2011 10:39:58 abbr. IT SCORE Standardised Corporate Environment ((СВИФТ))
14.04.2011 15:49:43 abbr. HB2U! Happy bithday to you!
13.04.2011 10:02:59 abbr. NIF note issuance facility
12.04.2011 8:26:09 abbr. DOS denial of service
22.03.2011 21:04:53 abbr. IHTSDO International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation
22.03.2011 13:46:36 abbr. CCI corporate community investment
22.03.2011 12:07:17 abbr. GeSI Global e-Sustainability Initiative
22.03.2011 11:11:23 abbr. ecol. Environmental, Social and Governance-related investments ESG
22.03.2011 11:07:17 abbr. Global e-Sustainability Initiative GeSI
22.03.2011 10:11:23 abbr. ecol. ESG Environmental, Social and Governance (-related investments)
18.03.2011 11:50:34 abbr. PPP public-private partnership
18.03.2011 10:57:25 abbr. Cradle 2 Cradle Cradle to Cradle
18.03.2011 9:57:25 abbr. Cradle to Cradle Cradle 2 Cradle
18.03.2011 9:51:17 abbr. C2C Cradle to Cradle
15.03.2011 0:18:55 abbr. INES International Nuclear Event Scale
14.03.2011 12:54:42 abbr. SRI socially responsible investment
11.03.2011 9:05:37 abbr. busin. CS corporate sustainability
11.02.2011 13:54:41 abbr. COMI centre of main interests
24.01.2011 15:28:58 abbr. STR suspicious transaction report
17.01.2011 16:14:22 abbr. POCA Proceeds of Crime Act
17.01.2011 14:53:35 abbr. polit. Council of the European Union Council
14.01.2011 11:16:34 abbr. DNFBP designated non-financial business and profession
13.01.2011 9:55:43 abbr. FIU financial intelligence unit
12.01.2011 15:55:08 abbr. FATF Style Regional Body FSRB
12.01.2011 14:55:08 abbr. FSRB FATF Style Regional Body
16.12.2010 23:24:38 abbr. TSG Traditional Speciality Guaranteed
16.12.2010 23:24:05 abbr. PGI Protected Geographical Indication
16.12.2010 23:23:40 abbr. PGS Protected Geographical Status
16.12.2010 23:06:27 abbr. PDO Protected Designation of Origin
2.11.2010 13:00:14 abbr. int.rel. law FET fair and equitable treatment ( The fair and equitable treatment (FET) standard is included in most bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and regional investment agreements as well as in multilateral agreements. jusmundi.com)
27.10.2010 14:44:12 abbr. SCA Suez Canal Authority
14.10.2010 11:47:46 abbr. UNCITRAL UN Commission on International Trade Law
17.09.2010 13:28:38 abbr. STR suspicious transaction
15.09.2010 12:38:48 abbr. fin. EAG Eurasian Group
15.09.2010 11:13:14 abbr. fin. LTV/STR Large-Value and Suspicious Transactions
15.09.2010 10:38:06 abbr. Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism EAG
15.09.2010 9:38:06 abbr. EAG Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
15.09.2010 9:28:56 abbr. AMF/CFT Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism
23.08.2010 10:14:10 abbr. UCITS Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
8.07.2010 23:28:43 abbr. LEQ loan equivalent
27.05.2010 14:03:11 abbr. CBO collateralized bond obligation
27.05.2010 14:01:45 abbr. CBO collateralised bond obligation
26.05.2010 10:23:57 abbr. SIV special investment vehicle
19.04.2010 14:36:21 abbr. CSO credit spread option
19.04.2010 14:35:25 abbr. OCS option on credit spread
19.04.2010 14:33:46 abbr. CRO credit risk option
19.04.2010 10:29:23 abbr. CIV structured investment vehicle
14.04.2010 12:53:46 abbr. ABS asset backed security
14.04.2010 11:44:21 abbr. CLO collateralised loan obligation

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