
Arabic-Polish dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
General 10.904
Microsoft 10.622
Environment 5.178
Mathematics 4.136
Electronics 2.691
Radio 1.616
Antennas and waveguides 1.221
Lighting other than cinema 1.061
Electric traction 886
Electric motors 860
Telegraphy 824
Telecommunications 806
Electricity generation 776
Radiology 719
Automatic control 714
Power lines 691
Magnetics 669
Thermal Energy 646
Vacuum tubes 622
Isolation 585
Sound recording 511
Electric machinery 500
Reliability 489
Power system protection 488
Rail transport 412
Piezoelectric crystals 409
Physics 390
Semiconductors 365
Electrical engineering 334
Radiobiology 333
Telephony 273
Computer networks 269
Cables and cable production 249
Power electronics 243
Accumulators 215
Transformers 214
Satellite communications 179
Welding 146
Video recording 142
Metrology 130
Statistics 119
Wind Energy 109
Ecology 92
Printed circuit boards 44
Ultrasound 27
Nuclear physics 1
Total: 52.910