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Terms for subject Environment (24838 entries)
radioaktive Tracer radioactive tracers
Radioaktive Tracermethode radioactive tracer technique
radioaktive Umwandlung radioactive decay
Radioaktive Verseuchung radioactive contamination (Contamination of a substance, living organism or site caused by radioactive material)
Radioaktive Verseuchung radioactive contamination
radioaktive Verseuchung radioactive contamination
radioaktive Verunreinigung radioactive contamination
radioaktive Waesche active laundry
radioaktive Wasserverschmutzung radioactive pollution of water
radioaktiver Abfall spent fuel for reprocessing
radioaktiver Abfall radioactive effluent
Radioaktiver Abfall radioactive waste
Radioaktiver Abfall radioactive waste (Any waste that emit radiation in excess of normal background level, including the toxic by-products of the nuclear energy industry)
radioaktiver Befall radioactive contamination
radioaktiver Fallout radioactive fallout
radioaktiver Indikator trace element
radioaktiver Kontaminationsstoff contaminant
radioaktiver Niederschlag radioactive fallout
Radioaktiver Schadstoff radioactive pollutant
Radioaktiver Schadstoff radioactive pollutant (A substance undergoing spontaneous decay or disintegration of atomic nuclei and giving off radiant energy in the form of particles or waves, often associated with an explosion of a nuclear weapon or an accidental release from a nuclear power plant, holding facility or transporting container)