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Terms for subject Environment (24838 entries)
Cellulose cellulose (The main polysaccharide in living plants, forming the skeletal structure of the plant cell wall; a polymer of beta-D-glucose linked together with the elimination of water to form chains of 2000-4000 units)
cellulosehaltige Biomasse cellulosic biomass
cellulosehaltige Biomasse ligno-cellulosic biomass
Cetacea cetacean (Aquatic mammals, including the whales, dolphins, and porpoises)
Cetacea cetacean
CF 3 Br CBrF3
CF 3 Br bromotrifluoromethane
CF 3 Br fluorocarbon-13B1
CH 3 CHC l 2 CH3CHCl2
CH 3 CHC l 2 ethylidene chloride
CH 3 CHC l 2 l,l-dichloroethane
CH 3-CClF 2 1,1,1-chlorodifluoroethane
CH 3-CClF 2 1,1,1-difluorochloroethane
CH 3-CClF 2 difluoromonochloroethane
CH 3-CClF 2 fluorocarbon-142b
Chaco-Pekari Chacoan peccary
Chamaephyt chamaephyte
Chamäleon chameleons
Charta chart (A formal written record of transactions, proceedings, etc., as of a society, committee, or legislative body; act)
Charta der Europäischen Städte und Gemeinden auf dem Weg zur Zukunftsbeständigkeit Aalborg Charter