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Terms for subject Microsoft (3302 entries)
Elasty Süýşürme Panning Hand
ele alma gripper
ele alma enjamy capture device
ele paýlanylýan handout
elektrik datçigi electrical sensor
elektron poçta electronic mail
elektron poçta hyzmaty e-mail server
elektron poçtanyň hasaby e-mail account
elektron salgy, e-poçta salgysy e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by the
elektron tablisa spreadsheet
elektron tablisasy bölegi Spreadsheet Component
elektron tanatgyç karta vCard
Elektron Wizit Kartoçka Electronic Business Card
element item
elipbiý boýunça ýerleşdirilen alphabetical
eljagaz handle
elläp saýlama tutawajy touch selection handle
Elmydam Iberilýän galereýa Always Move gallery
elýeterli available
elýeterli däl unavailable